#include <osgViewer/Viewer> #include <osgDB/fstream> #include <osgDB/ReadFile> #include <osgDB/WriteFile> #include <osgUtil/Optimizer> #include <osg/ImageStream> #include <osg/Geode> #include <osg/Notify> #include <osg/MatrixTransform> #include <osg/Switch> #include <osg/TexMat> #include <osg/Texture2D> #include <iostream> typedef std::vector<std::string> FileList; #include <osg/Program> #include <osg/Shader> osg::StateSet* createColorToGreyscaleStateSet() { osg::StateSet* stateset = new osg::StateSet; osg::Program* program = new osg::Program; stateset->setAttribute(program); const char* fragSource = { "uniform sampler2D baseTexture; " "uniform mat4 colorMatrix; " "void main(void) " "{ " " vec4 color = texture2D( baseTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st ); " " gl_FragColor = colorMatrix * color; " "} " }; program->addShader(new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, fragSource)); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("baseTexture", 0)); osg::Matrixf colorMatrix( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.59f, 0.59f, 0.59f, 0.0f, 0.11f, 0.11f, 0.11f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("colorMatrix", colorMatrix)); return stateset; } osg::Geode* createSectorForImage(osg::Image* image, osg::TexMat* texmat, float s, float t, float radius, float height, float length) { bool flip = image->getOrigin() == osg::Image::TOP_LEFT; int numSegments = 20; float Theta = length / radius; float dTheta = Theta / (float)(numSegments - 1); float ThetaZero = height*s / (t*radius); // set up the texture. osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D; texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR); texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR); texture->setWrap(osg::Texture2D::WRAP_S, osg::Texture2D::CLAMP_TO_BORDER); texture->setWrap(osg::Texture2D::WRAP_T, osg::Texture2D::CLAMP_TO_BORDER); texture->setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint(false); texture->setImage(image); // set up the drawstate. osg::StateSet* dstate = new osg::StateSet; dstate->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); dstate->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); dstate->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON); dstate->setTextureAttribute(0, texmat); // set up the geoset. osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry; geom->setStateSet(dstate); osg::Vec3Array* coords = new osg::Vec3Array(); osg::Vec2Array* tcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(); int i; float angle = -Theta / 2.0f; for (i = 0; i<numSegments; ++i, angle += dTheta) { coords->push_back(osg::Vec3(sinf(angle)*radius, cosf(angle)*radius, height*0.5f)); // top coords->push_back(osg::Vec3(sinf(angle)*radius, cosf(angle)*radius, -height*0.5f)); // bottom. tcoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(angle / ThetaZero + 0.5f, flip ? 0.0f : 1.0f)); // top tcoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(angle / ThetaZero + 0.5f, flip ? 1.0f : 0.0f)); // bottom. } osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(); colors->push_back(osg::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); osg::DrawArrays* elements = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUAD_STRIP, 0, coords->size()); geom->setVertexArray(coords); geom->setTexCoordArray(0, tcoords); geom->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL); geom->addPrimitiveSet(elements); // set up the geode. osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode; geode->addDrawable(geom); return geode; } osg::Group * loadImages(std::string image1, std::string image2, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float radius, float height, float length) { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> imageLeft = osgDB::readRefImageFile(image1); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> imageRight = osgDB::readRefImageFile(image2); if (imageLeft.valid() && imageRight.valid()) { osg::ImageStream* streamLeft = dynamic_cast<osg::ImageStream*>(imageLeft.get()); if (streamLeft) streamLeft->play(); osg::ImageStream* streamRight = dynamic_cast<osg::ImageStream*>(imageRight.get()); if (streamRight) streamRight->play(); float average_s = (imageLeft->s() + imageRight->s())*0.5f; float average_t = (imageLeft->t() + imageRight->t())*0.5f; osg::Geode* geodeLeft = createSectorForImage(imageLeft.get(), texmatLeft, average_s, average_t, radius, height, length); geodeLeft->setNodeMask(0x01); osg::Geode* geodeRight = createSectorForImage(imageRight.get(), texmatRight, average_s, average_t, radius, height, length); geodeRight->setNodeMask(0x02); osg::Group * imageGroup = new osg::Group; imageGroup->addChild(geodeLeft); imageGroup->addChild(geodeRight); return imageGroup; } else { std::cout << "Warning: Unable to load both image files, '" << image1 << "' & '" << image2 << "', required for stereo imaging." << std::endl; return 0; } } // create a switch containing a set of child each containing a // stereo image pair. osg::Switch* createScene(FileList fileList, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float radius, float height, float length) { osg::Switch* sw = new osg::Switch; // load the images. for (unsigned int i = 0; i + 1<fileList.size(); i += 2) { osg::Group * imageGroup = loadImages(fileList[i], fileList[i + 1], texmatLeft, texmatRight, radius, height, length); if (imageGroup) sw->addChild(imageGroup); } if (sw->getNumChildren()>0) { // select first child. sw->setSingleChildOn(0); } return sw; } class SlideEventHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler { public: SlideEventHandler(); META_Object(osgStereImageApp, SlideEventHandler); void set(osg::Switch* sw, float offsetX, float offsetY, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float timePerSlide, bool autoSteppingActive); void set(FileList fileList, osg::Switch* sw, float offsetX, float offsetY, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float radius, float height, float length, float timePerSlide, bool autoSteppingActive); virtual bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&); virtual void getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const; virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv); void nextSlide(); void previousSlide(); void scaleImage(float s); void offsetImage(float ds, float dt); void rotateImage(float rx, float ry); void initTexMatrices(); protected: ~SlideEventHandler() {} SlideEventHandler(const SlideEventHandler&, const osg::CopyOp&) {} osg::ref_ptr<osg::Switch> _switch; osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexMat> _texmatLeft; osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexMat> _texmatRight; float _radius; float _height; float _length; bool _firstTraversal; unsigned int _activeSlide; double _previousTime; double _timePerSlide; bool _autoSteppingActive; float _initSeperationX; float _currentSeperationX; float _initSeperationY; float _currentSeperationY; FileList _fileList; }; SlideEventHandler::SlideEventHandler() : _switch(0), _texmatLeft(0), _texmatRight(0), _firstTraversal(true), _activeSlide(0), _previousTime(-1.0f), _timePerSlide(5.0), _autoSteppingActive(false) { } void SlideEventHandler::set(osg::Switch* sw, float offsetX, float offsetY, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float timePerSlide, bool autoSteppingActive) { _switch = sw; _switch->setUpdateCallback(this); _texmatLeft = texmatLeft; _texmatRight = texmatRight; _timePerSlide = timePerSlide; _autoSteppingActive = autoSteppingActive; _initSeperationX = offsetX; _currentSeperationX = _initSeperationX; _initSeperationY = offsetY; _currentSeperationY = _initSeperationY; initTexMatrices(); } void SlideEventHandler::set(FileList fileList, osg::Switch* sw, float offsetX, float offsetY, osg::TexMat* texmatLeft, osg::TexMat* texmatRight, float radius, float height, float length, float timePerSlide, bool autoSteppingActive) { _switch = sw; _switch->setUpdateCallback(this); _fileList = FileList(fileList); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> imageGroup = loadImages(fileList[0], fileList[1], texmatLeft, texmatRight, radius, height, length); if (imageGroup.get())_switch->addChild(imageGroup.get()); _texmatLeft = texmatLeft; _texmatRight = texmatRight; _radius = radius; _height = height; _length = length; _timePerSlide = timePerSlide; _autoSteppingActive = autoSteppingActive; _initSeperationX = offsetX; _currentSeperationX = _initSeperationX; _initSeperationY = offsetY; _currentSeperationY = _initSeperationY; initTexMatrices(); } bool SlideEventHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&) { switch (ea.getEventType()) { case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN): { if (ea.getKey() == 'a') { _autoSteppingActive = !_autoSteppingActive; _previousTime = ea.getTime(); return true; } else if ((ea.getKey() == 'n') || (ea.getKey() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Right)) { nextSlide(); return true; } else if ((ea.getKey() == 'p') || (ea.getKey() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Left)) { previousSlide(); return true; } else if ((ea.getKey() == 'w') || (ea.getKey() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_Add)) { scaleImage(0.99f); return true; } else if ((ea.getKey() == 's') || (ea.getKey() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_Subtract)) { scaleImage(1.01f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey() == 'j') { offsetImage(-0.001f, 0.0f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey() == 'k') { offsetImage(0.001f, 0.0f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey() == 'i') { offsetImage(0.0f, -0.001f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey() == 'm') { offsetImage(0.0f, 0.001f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey() == ' ') { initTexMatrices(); return true; } return false; } case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG): case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE): { static float px = ea.getXnormalized(); static float py = ea.getYnormalized(); float dx = ea.getXnormalized() - px; float dy = ea.getYnormalized() - py; px = ea.getXnormalized(); py = ea.getYnormalized(); rotateImage(dx, dy); return true; } default: return false; } } void SlideEventHandler::getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const { usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Space", "Reset the image position to center"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("a", "Toggle on/off the automatic advancement for image to image"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("n", "Advance to next image"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("p", "Move to previous image"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("q", "Zoom into the image"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("a", "Zoom out of the image"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("j", "Reduce horizontal offset"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("k", "Increase horizontal offset"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("m", "Reduce vertical offset"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("i", "Increase vertical offset"); } void SlideEventHandler::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { if (_autoSteppingActive && nv->getFrameStamp()) { double time = nv->getFrameStamp()->getSimulationTime(); if (_firstTraversal) { _firstTraversal = false; _previousTime = time; } else if (time - _previousTime>_timePerSlide) { _previousTime = time; nextSlide(); } } traverse(node, nv); } void SlideEventHandler::nextSlide() { if (_switch->getNumChildren() == 0) return; ++_activeSlide; if (_fileList.size()>0) { if (_activeSlide >= _fileList.size() / 2) _activeSlide = 0; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> images = loadImages(_fileList[2 * _activeSlide], _fileList[2 * _activeSlide + 1], _texmatLeft.get(), _texmatRight.get(), _radius, _height, _length); if (images.valid()) _switch->replaceChild(_switch->getChild(0), images.get()); } else { if (_activeSlide >= _switch->getNumChildren()) _activeSlide = 0; _switch->setSingleChildOn(_activeSlide); } } void SlideEventHandler::previousSlide() { if (_switch->getNumChildren() == 0) return; if (_fileList.size()>0) { if (_activeSlide == 0) _activeSlide = _fileList.size() / 2 - 1; else --_activeSlide; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> images = loadImages(_fileList[2 * _activeSlide], _fileList[2 * _activeSlide + 1], _texmatLeft.get(), _texmatRight.get(), _radius, _height, _length); if (images.valid()) _switch->replaceChild(_switch->getChild(0), images.get()); } else { if (_activeSlide == 0) _activeSlide = _switch->getNumChildren() - 1; else --_activeSlide; _switch->setSingleChildOn(_activeSlide); } } void SlideEventHandler::scaleImage(float s) { _texmatLeft->setMatrix(_texmatLeft->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)*osg::Matrix::scale(s, s, 1.0f)*osg::Matrix::translate(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); _texmatRight->setMatrix(_texmatRight->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)*osg::Matrix::scale(s, s, 1.0f)*osg::Matrix::translate(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); } void SlideEventHandler::offsetImage(float ds, float dt) { _currentSeperationX += ds; _currentSeperationY += dt; osg::notify(osg::NOTICE) << "image offset x = " << _currentSeperationX << " y =" << _currentSeperationY << std::endl; _texmatLeft->setMatrix(_texmatLeft->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(ds, dt, 0.0f)); _texmatRight->setMatrix(_texmatRight->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(-ds, -dt, 0.0f)); } void SlideEventHandler::rotateImage(float rx, float ry) { const float scale = 0.5f; _texmatLeft->setMatrix(_texmatLeft->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(-rx*scale, -ry*scale, 0.0f)); _texmatRight->setMatrix(_texmatRight->getMatrix()*osg::Matrix::translate(-rx*scale, -ry*scale, 0.0f)); } void SlideEventHandler::initTexMatrices() { _texmatLeft->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::translate(_initSeperationX, _initSeperationY, 0.0f)); _texmatRight->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::translate(-_initSeperationX, -_initSeperationY, 0.0f)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc, argv); // set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName() + " is the example which demonstrates use node masks to create stereo images."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName() + " [options] image_file_left_eye image_file_right_eye"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-d <float>", "Time delay in seconds between the display of successive image pairs when in auto advance mode."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-a", "Enter auto advance of image pairs on start up."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-x <float>", "Horizontal offset of left and right images."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-y <float>", "Vertical offset of left and right images."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--disk", "Keep images on disk"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-files <filename>", "Load filenames from a file"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help", "Display this information"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--SingleThreaded", "Select SingleThreaded threading model for viewer."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--CullDrawThreadPerContext", "Select CullDrawThreadPerContext threading model for viewer."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--DrawThreadPerContext", "Select DrawThreadPerContext threading model for viewer."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext", "Select CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext threading model for viewer."); // construct the viewer. osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments); // register the handler to add keyboard and mouse handling. SlideEventHandler* seh = new SlideEventHandler(); viewer.addEventHandler(seh); // read any time delay argument. float timeDelayBetweenSlides = 5.0f; while (arguments.read("-d", timeDelayBetweenSlides)) {} bool autoSteppingActive = false; while (arguments.read("-a")) autoSteppingActive = true; float offsetX = 0.1f; while (arguments.read("-x", offsetX)) {} float offsetY = 0.0f; while (arguments.read("-y", offsetY)) {} bool onDisk = false; while (arguments.read("--disk")) { onDisk = true; } std::string filename = ""; FileList fileList; // extract the filenames from the a file, one filename per line. while (arguments.read("-files", filename)) { osgDB::ifstream is(filename.c_str()); if (is) { std::string line; while (std::getline(is, line, ' ')) fileList.push_back(line); is.close(); } } // if user request help write it out to cout. if (arguments.read("-h") || arguments.read("--help")) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout); return 1; } osgViewer::Viewer::ThreadingModel threading = osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded; while (arguments.read("--SingleThreaded")) threading = osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded; while (arguments.read("--CullDrawThreadPerContext")) threading = osgViewer::Viewer::CullDrawThreadPerContext; while (arguments.read("--DrawThreadPerContext")) threading = osgViewer::Viewer::DrawThreadPerContext; while (arguments.read("--CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext")) threading = osgViewer::Viewer::CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext; viewer.setThreadingModel(threading); // any option left unread are converted into errors to write out later. arguments.reportRemainingOptionsAsUnrecognized(); // report any errors if they have occurred when parsing the program arguments. if (arguments.errors()) { arguments.writeErrorMessages(std::cout); return 1; } // extract the filenames from the arguments list. for (int pos = 1; pos<arguments.argc(); ++pos) { if (arguments.isString(pos)) fileList.push_back(arguments[pos]); } if (fileList.empty()) { fileList.push_back("E:/temp/1.jpg"); fileList.push_back("E:/temp/2.jpg"); //fileList.push_back("E:/temp/left.png"); //fileList.push_back("E:/temp/right.png"); } else if (fileList.size()<2) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout, osg::ApplicationUsage::COMMAND_LINE_OPTION); return 1; } osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits; traits->x = 0; traits->y = 0; traits->width = 1920; traits->height = 1080; traits->windowDecoration = true; traits->doubleBuffer = true; traits->sharedContext = 0; osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> gc = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera = new osg::Camera; camera->setGraphicsContext(gc.get()); camera->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height)); GLenum buffer = traits->doubleBuffer ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT; camera->setDrawBuffer(buffer); camera->setReadBuffer(buffer); viewer.addSlave(camera); // now the windows have been realized we switch off the cursor to prevent it // distracting the people seeing the stereo images. double fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar; viewer.getCamera()->getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar); float radius = 1.0f; float height = 2 * radius*tan(osg::DegreesToRadians(fovy)*0.5f); float length = osg::PI*radius; // half a cylinder. // use a texture matrix to control the placement of the image. osg::TexMat* texmatLeft = new osg::TexMat; osg::TexMat* texmatRight = new osg::TexMat; // create the scene from the file list. osg::ref_ptr<osg::Switch> rootNode; if (!onDisk) rootNode = createScene(fileList, texmatLeft, texmatRight, radius, height, length); else rootNode = new osg::Switch(); //osgDB::writeNodeFile(*rootNode,"test.osgt"); viewer.getCamera()->setCullMask(0xffffffff); viewer.getCamera()->setCullMaskLeft(0x00000001); viewer.getCamera()->setCullMaskRight(0x00000002); // set up the use of stereo by default. osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereo(true); //osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereoMode(osg::DisplaySettings::HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); if (osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->getStereoMode() == osg::DisplaySettings::ANAGLYPHIC) { rootNode->setStateSet(createColorToGreyscaleStateSet()); } //osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereo(true); //osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereoMode(osg::DisplaySettings::HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); // set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootNode.get()); // create the windows and run the threads. viewer.realize(); // switch off the cursor osgViewer::Viewer::Windows windows; viewer.getWindows(windows); for (osgViewer::Viewer::Windows::iterator itr = windows.begin(); itr != windows.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->useCursor(false); } viewer.setFusionDistance(osgUtil::SceneView::USE_FUSION_DISTANCE_VALUE, radius); // set up the SlideEventHandler. if (onDisk) seh->set(fileList, rootNode.get(), offsetX, offsetY, texmatLeft, texmatRight, radius, height, length, timeDelayBetweenSlides, autoSteppingActive); else seh->set(rootNode.get(), offsetX, offsetY, texmatLeft, texmatRight, timeDelayBetweenSlides, autoSteppingActive); osg::Matrix homePosition; homePosition.makeLookAt(osg::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), osg::Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), osg::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); ////设置图形环境特性 //osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits(); //traits->x = 0; //traits->y = 0; //traits->width = 1000; //traits->height = 800; //traits->windowDecoration = true; //traits->doubleBuffer = true; //traits->sharedContext = 0; ////创建图形环境特性 //osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> gc = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get()); //if (gc.valid()) //{ // osg::notify(osg::INFO) << " GraphicsWindow has been created successfully." << std::endl; // //清除窗口颜色及清除颜色和深度缓冲 // gc->setClearColor(osg::Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 1.0f)); // gc->setClearMask(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //} //else //{ // osg::notify(osg::NOTICE) << " GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully." << std::endl; //} ////根据分辨率来确定合适的投影来保证显示的图形不变形 //double fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar; //viewer.getCamera()->getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar); //double newAspectRatio = double(traits->width) / double(traits->height); //double aspectRatioChange = newAspectRatio / aspectRatio; //if (aspectRatioChange != 1.0) //{ // //设置投影矩阵 // viewer.getCamera()->getProjectionMatrix() *= osg::Matrix::scale(1.0 / aspectRatioChange, 1.0, 1.0); //} ////设置视口 //viewer.getCamera()->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height)); ////设置图形环境 //viewer.getCamera()->setGraphicsContext(gc.get()); while (!viewer.done()) { viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrix(homePosition); // fire off the cull and draw traversals of the scene. viewer.frame(); } return 0; }