#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 province_list={ '福建省':{ '长乐市':{ '文武砂':['壶东村','壶井村'], '漳港镇':['南澳','北澳'] }, '福州市':('金山区','晋安区','鼓楼区','台江区')}, '广东省':{ '深圳市':{ '南山区':['科苑','高新园'], '福田区':['岗厦','会展中心'] }, '广州市':('越秀区','荔湾区','海珠区','天河区')} } #print(province_list['福建省']['福州市']) while True: for i in province_list: print(i) choice = input("Please choise the province>>>:") if choice in province_list: while True: for i in province_list[choice]: print (' ',i) choice2 = input("Please choise the city>>>:") if choice2 in province_list[choice]: while True: for i in province_list[choice][choice2]: print(' ',i) choice3 = input("Please choise the country>>>:") if choice3 in province_list[choice][choice2]: while True: for i in province_list[choice][choice2][choice3]: print(' ',i) choice4 = input("Input 'q' to return >>>:") if choice4 == 'q': break else: break else: break else: break