• SQL*Net break/reset to client (%)等待事件

     某客户通过监控发现某一套Oracle DB在一个时间段内的,异常指标!需要进行分析

    使用如下SQL进行诊断,发现TOP EVENT 是SQL*Net break/reset to client
    instance_number,event,count(*) from dba_hist_active_sess_history
    where SAMPLE_TIME between to_date('2020-02-25 06','yyyy-mm-dd hh24') and
    to_date('2020-02-25 09','yyyy-mm-dd hh24') and
    having(count(*))>200 group by instance_number,event order by 2;
    SQL*Net break/reset to client (%) Description The server is sending a break or reset message to the client. The session running on the server is waiting for a reply
    from the client. These waits are caused by an application attempting to: Select from a closed cursor Select on a cursor after the last row has already been fetched and no data has been returned Select on a non-existent table Insert a duplicate row into a uniquely indexed table Issuing a query with invalid syntax If the value, v$session_wait.p2, for this parameter equals 0, it means a reset was sent to the client. A non-zero value
    means that the break was sent to the client.
    使用如下SQL 可以查询到执行SQL的用户ID=DBA_USER USER_ID=>USERNAME   以及SQL_id
    event,USER_ID,sql_id,count(*) from dba_hist_active_sess_history where SAMPLE_TIME
    between to_date('2020-02-25 06','yyyy-mm-dd hh24') and to_date('2020-02-25 09','yyyy-mm-dd hh24')
    and instance_number=1 and event='SQL*Net break/reset to client' group by USER_ID,event,sql_id order by 2;
    数据库并未找到SQL文本,但是该库存在监控,通过监控输入SQL_ID找到SQL_TEXT 发现是查询视图!

    SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1); SQL> begin execute immediate 'drop table non_existent'; exception when others then null; end; / SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1); null
    > begin execute immediate 'drop table non_existent'; end; / SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1); EVENT TOTAL_WAITS ------------------------------ ----------- SQL*Net break/reset to client 2

    SQL> select * from non_existent;
    select * from non_existent
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
    EVENT                          TOTAL_WAITS
    ------------------------------ -----------
    SQL*Net break/reset to client            4
    SQL> create table a as select * from employees;
    create table a as select * from employees
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
    EVENT                          TOTAL_WAITS
    ------------------------------ -----------
    SQL*Net break/reset to client            6
    SQL> create table a as select * from hr.employees;
    SQL> create view a_t as select EMPLOYEE_ID,FIRST_NAME from a;
    SQL> drop table a;
    SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
    EVENT                          TOTAL_WAITS
    ------------------------------ -----------
    SQL*Net break/reset to client            6
    SQL> select * from a_t;
    select * from a_t
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04063: view "SYS.A_T" has errors
    SQL> select event, total_waits from v$session_event where event like '%reset%' and sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
    EVENT                          TOTAL_WAITS
    ------------------------------ -----------
    SQL*Net break/reset to client            8
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lvcha001/p/12447053.html
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