• python 批量做线性拟合

    1. 知识点

    1.1 最小二乘法:scipy.optimize.leastsq

    定义好误差函数 residual, 初始点 [1.0, 0.0],然后给参数 np.array(y), np.array(x),调用 leastsq

                    plsq = leastsq(residual, [1.0 , 0.0], args=(np.array(y),np.array(x)) )

    返还值中,plsq[0]中包括拟合结果,即对应初值[1.0,0.0] 的最佳[k,b]值。

    1.2 文件写入

        fout = open(fileresult, 'w')

    上面这行以写入模式打开 fileresult,返还文件输出流对象fout

                    print(plsq[0][0], "    ", plsq[0][1], file=fout)

    上面这行中 file=fout 表示输出至 fout,而不是默认的sys.stdout

    1.3 文件读取

    with open( filedata ) as file:# read data from txt file

    上面这行表示以默认的读取模式,打开 filedata,并返回文件输入流对象 file

                line = file.readline(); words = line.split();

    上面这行表示从文件输入流对象 file 读入一行,然后将这一行内容打碎为(空格分开的)字符串列表。

    2. 代码

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.optimize import leastsq
    def func(x, p): # 函数形式
        k,b = p
        return k*x + b
    def residual(p,y,x): # 误差函数
        return y - func(x,p)
    # This does not allow blank lines in the data file, unless in the end
    # This assumes in each line, data is arranged as X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ..., separated by spaces
    def linearfit( filedata, fileresult ):
        results = []
        #help(fout.write); exit(1)
        count = 0
        fout = open(fileresult, 'w')
        with open( filedata ) as file:# read data from txt file
            words = [111]
            while( len(words)>0 ):
                line = file.readline(); words = line.split(); count = count+1
                if( len(words)>0 ):
                    x = []; y = []
                    for i in range( (int)(len(words)/2) ):
                        x.append( float(words[2*i]) ); y.append( float(words[2*i+1]) )
                    x = np.array(x); y = np.array(y)
                    plsq = leastsq(residual, [1.0 , 0.0], args=(np.array(y),np.array(x)) )
                    print(plsq[0][0], "    ", plsq[0][1], file=fout)
                if count == 200:
                    plt.plot(x, y, 'o', x, func(x, plsq[0]), '--');
                    plt.title(" k = %f, b = %f" % (plsq[0][0], plsq[0][1]))
    linearfit( "CV-3.txt", "result-CV-3.txt")
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    [Python] 糗事百科文本数据的抓取
    [Python] 文件扫描
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luyi07/p/16507982.html
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