• elementUI分页组件封装




     1 <template>
     2   <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" background @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page="currentPage" :page-sizes="pageSizes" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" :layout="layout">
     3     <slot>
     4       <ul class="el-pager">
     5         <li class="number active">{{currentPage}}</li>
     6         <li class="number" @click="handlePage(item)" v-for="item in pager">{{item}}</li>
     7       </ul>
     8     </slot>
     9   </el-pagination>
    10 </template>
    11 <script>
    12 export default {
    13   props: {
    14     currentPage: {
    15       type: [String, Number],
    16       default: 1
    17     },
    18     total: {
    19       type: [String, Number],
    20       default: 0
    21     },
    22     pageSizes: {
    23       type: Array,
    24       default:function(){
    25         return  [10,20,50,100,200,300,400]
    26       }
    27     },
    28     pageSize: {
    29       type: [String, Number],
    30       default: 10
    31     },
    32     layout: {
    33       type: String,
    34       default: 'total,prev,slot,next,sizes'
    35     }
    36   },
    37   data() {
    38     return {
    39     }
    40   },
    41   computed:{
    42     pager:function(){
    43       let pager=this.total/this.pageSize
    44       pager=Math.ceil(pager)//总页数
    45       if(pager<this.currentPage){
    46         return []
    47       }
    48       let flag=this.currentPage+4
    49       if(flag>pager){//大于总页数
    50         let arr=[]
    51         let total=pager-this.currentPage
    52         for(let i=1;i<=total;i++){
    53           arr.push(this.currentPage+i)
    54         }
    55         return arr
    56       }else if(flag<=pager){
    57         return [this.currentPage+1,this.currentPage+2,this.currentPage+3,this.currentPage+4]
    58       }
    59     }
    60   },
    61   methods: {
    62     handlePage(page){
    63       this.handleCurrentChange(page)
    64     },
    65     handleSizeChange(val) {
    66       this.$emit('size-change', val)
    67     },
    68     handleCurrentChange(val) {
    69       this.$emit('current-change', val)
    70     }
    71   }
    72 }
    74 </script>
    75 <style lang="scss" scoped>
    76 .page {
    77   text-align: center;
    78   color: #409EFF;
    79 }
    81 </style>



    // 全局注册分页组件
    import newPagination from '@/components/newPagination'
    Vue.component('newPagination', newPagination)


     <new-pagination @current-change="handleCurrentChangeExp" :page-size=listQryExp.limit layout="total, prev, pager, next" :total=totalExp></new-pagination>
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