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    NHibernate 2.1.1.GA发布

    Fabio Maulo 大牛通过几个月的fix,修复了大量的BUG,今天编译并发布了NHibernate 2.1.1.GA版本,这次Fabio Maulo 好像很低调,没有在官方宣布,不过在twitter上记录了整个过程,这暗示这为打造下个全新的版本NHibernate3.0.0.Alpha1努力。

    你可以到这里下载NHibernate 2.1.1.GA,其版本号为2.1.1.4000,这个版本官方说法是Final 2.1.1GA (probably last for .NET 2.0)

    • NHibernate API文档:NHibernateAPI.chm
    • NHibernate 源码:NHibernate-2.1.1.GA-src.zip
    • NHibernate参考文档:NHibernate-2.1.1.GA-reference.zip
    • NHibernate二进制文件:NHibernate-2.1.1.GA-bin.zip


    ** Sub-task
    * [NH-1368] - Check same behavior for other persistent collection.

    ** Bug
    * [NH-1255] - key-many-to-one && not-found
    * [NH-1476] - filtering by key-many-to-one causes invalid sql
    * [NH-1760] - Missing table join when use a criteria on key-many-to-one part of a Composite Id
    * [NH-1785] - Invalid SQL generated for join on composite id using Criteria API
    * [NH-1858] - Problem with MsSql2000 and 2005 Dialects GetLimitString when using use_sql_comments=true
    * [NH-1895] - delete-orphan mapping, NullReferenceException in DefaultDeleteEventListener.DeleteTransientEntity
    * [NH-1898] - HQL query parser can't determine parameter type when using native sql function in hql query.
    * [NH-1899] - SaveOrUpdateCopy throws InvalidCastException
    * [NH-1902] - QBE don't set the '%' wildcards when using an other matchmode than Matchmode.Exact
    * [NH-1904] - Protected properties and public properties cannot have the same name with different case
    * [NH-1905] - Join used together with subquery generates wrong SQL
    * [NH-1907] - IQuery.SetParameter<T> should use DetermineType
    * [NH-1908] - Mishandling of filter parameters causes System.InvalidCastException
    * [NH-1911] - Aggregate parameters in projection are not substituted
    * [NH-1913] - AdoNet batcher not using CommandTimeout
    * [NH-1914] - Collections with out native ID generation is not working
    * [NH-1915] - CLONE -HQL AST-Parser: Null-Pointer Exception on Non-Exsistant Entity on Joins
    * [NH-1917] - Not retrieving AUTO_INCREMENT identifier on MySQL because of connection closing
    * [NH-1920] - Session Filters + collection + parametrized query = bug
    * [NH-1926] - Oracle: Schema update crashes
    * [NH-1931] - NativeSQLQuerySpecification.Equals compares collections by reference
    * [NH-1938] - No 'lower' call in sql-query in LikeExpression with 'ignorecae' = true
    * [NH-1939] - Missing <param> element in NHibernate mapping schema.
    * [NH-1941] - Custom Enum-String mapping is not written to SQL statement
    * [NH-1948] - Hibernate mapping file does not allow a value of 0 for the "scale" attribute of the "property" element
    * [NH-1959] - Adding/Removing items to idbag in one transaction causes KeyNotFoundException
    * [NH-1963] - System.InvalidCastException on cacheable query with byte array query parameter
    * [NH-1964] - Byte array truncation to a length of 8000
    * [NH-1969] - Criteria API does not handle property of type "System.Type" correctly
    * [NH-1973] - DateTime sent to dataase is not accurate to millisecond
    * [NH-1979] - cast and parameter combination in HQL fails to parse
    * [NH-1983] - Blobs and Clobs with Sql Server CE
    * [NH-1985] - NHibernate is allowing deletion of immutable objects
    * [NH-1987] - MultiQuery does not update statistics
    * [NH-1990] - Subquery filter parameters are not set as variables in SQL
    * [NH-1992] - BasicFormatter throws exceptions for certain types of data
    * [NH-1997] - Original exception information lost when error occurs NHibernate.Engine.TransactionHelper.Work.DoWork
    * [NH-2000] - Problem when calling ISession.GetEnableFIilter with a not enabled filter name
    * [NH-2003] - IsNullable property is not set properly in ClassIdBinder.cs

    ** Improvement
    * [NH-847] - Oracle stored procedure with Ref Cursor out
    * [NH-1525] - IResultTransformer should override Equals and GetHashCode
    * [NH-1912] - Add decimal types to MySQL dialect.
    * [NH-1943] - Fix introduction in docs so it won't mention VS 2003
    * [NH-1980] - Ignore exception when trying to set the same type of CollectionTypeFactory

    ** New Feature
    * [NH-1922] - Allow DetachedCriteria To Work with IStatelessSession
    * [NH-1936] - Introduce new Interface IPostEvent in NHibernate.Event
    * [NH-1998] - Possibility to turn off many-to-one filters

    ** Patch
    * [NH-1903] - GetEnumerator().Current inconsistent for generic
    * [NH-1970] - SQLite dialect - Fix to substring function
    * [NH-1993] - Patch for a bug in MySQLMetaData.cs






    NHibernate FAQ:http://blogs.hibernatingrhinos.com/nhibernate/Default.aspx




    Richie 博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/RicCC/category/82441.html


    1 作者 http://community.jboss.org/wiki/NHibernateforNET

    2 下载地址 http://nhforge.org/Default.aspx 

    3 更多下载 http://sourceforge.net/projects/nhibernate/files/NHibernate/



  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luluping/p/1758459.html
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