• Gymlike CARLA强化学习环境封装——开源代码学习




    • random:无目标驾驶
    • roundabout (only for Town03):驶入环岛即停止的无目标驾驶

    [Action] =>  accel: -3.0~3.0, steer: -0.3~0.3 => throttle: 0.0~1.0, brake: 0.0~0.375, steer: -0.3~0.3

    def step(self, action):
        # Calculate acceleration and steering
        if self.discrete:
            acc = self.discrete_act[0][action // self.n_steer]
            steer = self.discrete_act[1][action % self.n_steer]
            acc = action[0]
            steer = action[1]
        # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake
        if acc > 0:
            throttle = np.clip(acc / 3, 0, 1)
            brake = 0
            throttle = 0
            brake = np.clip(-acc / 8, 0, 1)
        # Apply control
        act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(-steer), brake=float(brake))


    observation_space_dict = {
        'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
        'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
        'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
    # 'state': [当前车辆位置相对路径点在路径方向的横向距离,当前车辆方向与路径方向的夹角,当前车辆速度,表示在当前车辆前方的一定距离内是否存在车辆的逻辑项]
    'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict)


    def _get_reward(self):
        """Calculate the step reward."""
        # Reward for speed tracking
        v = self.ego.get_velocity()
        speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2)
        r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed)
        # Reward for collision
        r_collision = 0
        if len(self.collision_hist) > 0:
            r_collision = -1
        # Reward for steering:
        r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2
        # Reward for out of lane
        ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego)
        dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y)
        r_out = 0
        if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres:
            r_out = -1
        # Longitudinal speed
        lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y])
        lspeed_lon = np.dot(lspeed, w)
        # Cost for too fast
        r_fast = 0
        if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed:
            r_fast = -1
        # Cost for lateral acceleration
        r_lat = - abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2
        r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 1 * r_out + 5 * r_steer + 0.2 * r_lat - 0.1
        return r


    def _terminal(self):
        """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode."""
        # Get ego state
        ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego)
        # If collides
        if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: 
            return True
        # If reach maximum timestep
        if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode:
            return True
        # If at destination
        if self.dests is not None: # If at destination
            for dest in self.dests:
                if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0]) ** 2 + (ego_y - dest[1]) ** 2) < 4:
                    return True
        # If out of lane
        dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y)
        if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres:
            return True
        return False


    [Task] 随机目标的导航


    # action space
    self.discrete_controls = discrete_control
    self.action_space_size = 3
    self.action_space_high = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    self.action_space_low = np.array([-1, -1, -1])
    self.action_space_abs_range = np.maximum(np.abs(self.action_space_low), np.abs(self.action_space_high))
    self.steering_strength = 0.35
    self.gas_strength = 1.0
    self.brake_strength = 0.6
    self.actions = {0: [0., 0.],
                    1: [0., -self.steering_strength],
                    2: [0., self.steering_strength],
                    3: [self.gas_strength - 0.15, 0.],
                    4: [-self.brake_strength, 0],
                    5: [self.gas_strength - 0.3, -self.steering_strength],
                    6: [self.gas_strength - 0.3, self.steering_strength],
                    7: [-self.brake_strength, -self.steering_strength],
                    8: [-self.brake_strength, self.steering_strength]}
    self.actions_description = ['NO-OP', 'TURN_LEFT', 'TURN_RIGHT', 'GAS', 'BRAKE',
                                'GAS_AND_TURN_LEFT', 'GAS_AND_TURN_RIGHT',
                                'BRAKE_AND_TURN_LEFT', 'BRAKE_AND_TURN_RIGHT']
    if discrete_control:
        self.action_space = Discrete(len(self.actions))
        self.action_space = Box(low=self.action_space_low, high=self.action_space_high)


    self.observation_space = Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=[88, 200, 3])
    self.observation = {
        "img": self.process_image(sensor_data['CameraRGB'].data),
        "speed": speed,
        "direction": direction


    # get measurements and observations
    measurements = []
    while type(measurements) == list:
            measurements, sensor_data = self.game.read_data()
            print("Connection to server lost while reading state. Reconnecting...........")
            # self.game.disconnect()
            # self.setup_client_and_server(reconnect_client_only=True)
            import psutil
            info = psutil.virtual_memory()
            print("memory used", str(info.percent))
            scene = self.game.load_settings(self.cur_experiment.conditions)
            self.positions = scene.player_start_spots
            self.start_point = self.positions[self.pose[0]]
            self.end_point = self.positions[self.pose[1]]
            self.done = True
    current_point = measurements.player_measurements.transform
    direction = self._get_directions(current_point, self.end_point)
    speed = measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed
    self.reward = 0
    dist = sldist([current_point.location.x, current_point.location.y], [self.end_point.location.x, self.end_point.location.y])
    if direction == 5:               # go straight
        if abs(self.control.steer) > 0.2:
            self.reward -= 20
        self.reward += min(35, speed * 3.6)
    elif direction == 2:             # follow lane
        self.reward += min(35, speed * 3.6)
    elif direction == 3:             # turn left, steer negative
        if self.control.steer > 0:
            self.reward -= 15
        if speed * 3.6 <= 20:
            self.reward += speed * 3.6
            self.reward += 40 - speed * 3.6
    elif direction == 4:             # turn right
        if self.control.steer < 0:
            self.reward -= 15
        if speed * 3.6 <= 20:
            self.reward += speed * 3.6
            self.reward += 40 - speed * 3.6
    elif direction == 0:
        self.done = True
        self.reward += 100
        direction = 2
        print("success", dist)
        print("error direction")
        direction = 5
    direction -= 2
    direction = int(direction)
    intersection_offroad = measurements.player_measurements.intersection_offroad
    intersection_otherlane = measurements.player_measurements.intersection_otherlane
    collision_veh = measurements.player_measurements.collision_vehicles
    collision_ped = measurements.player_measurements.collision_pedestrians
    collision_other = measurements.player_measurements.collision_other
    if intersection_otherlane > 0 or intersection_offroad > 0 or collision_ped > 0 or collision_veh > 0:
        self.reward -= 100
    elif collision_other > 0:
        self.reward -= 50
    if collision_other > 0 or collision_veh > 0 or collision_ped > 0:
        self.done = True
    if intersection_offroad > 0.2 or intersection_otherlane > 0.2:
        self.done = True
    if speed * 3.6 <= 1:
        self.nospeed_time += 1
        if self.nospeed_time > 100:
            self.done = True
        self.reward -= 1
        self.nospeed_time = 0



    • lab:随机起始点的绕圈
    • route:随机起始点与终止点的导航


    self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([1, 1]), dtype=np.float32) # steer, throttle
    # Take action
    if action is not None:
    steer, throttle = [float(a) for a in action]
    # steer, throttle, brake = [float(a) for a in action]
    self.vehicle.control.steer = self.vehicle.control.steer * self.action_smoothing + steer * (1.0 - self.action_smoothing)
    self.vehicle.control.throttle = self.vehicle.control.throttle * self.action_smoothing + throttle * (1.0 - self.action_smoothing)
    # self.vehicle.control.brake = self.vehicle.control.brake * self.action_smoothing + brake * (1.0 - self.action_smoothing)


    obs_res = (1280, 720)
    self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(*obs_res, 3), dtype=np.float32)


    # Terminal on max distance
    if self.distance_traveled >= self.max_distance:
        self.terminal_state = True
    # Call external reward fn
    self.last_reward = self.reward_fn(self)
    self.total_reward += self.last_reward
    self.step_count += 1
    # Check for ESC press
    if pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_ESCAPE]:
        self.terminal_state = True
    def reward_fn(env):
        early_termination = False
        if early_termination:
            # If speed is less than 1.0 km/h after 5s, stop
            if time.time() - env.start_t > 5.0 and env.vehicle.get_speed() < 1.0 / 3.6:
                env.terminal_state = True
            # If distance from center > 3, stop
            if env.distance_from_center > 3.0:
                env.terminal_state = True
        fwd    = vector(env.vehicle.get_velocity())
        wp_fwd = vector(env.current_waypoint.transform.rotation.get_forward_vector())
        if np.dot(fwd[:2], wp_fwd[:2]) > 0:
            return env.vehicle.get_speed()
        return 0
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