1.父组件 father.vue
<template> <div id="father"> <h2>父组件</h2> <p>数值:{{m}}</p> <son1 v-on:giveFather='giveFather'></son1> <son2></son2> </div> </template> <script> import son1 from './son1' import son2 from './son2' export default { data(){ return { m:'' } }, name:'father', components:{ son1, son2 }, methods:{ giveFather: function(childValue) { // childValue就是子组件传过来的值 this.m = childValue } } } </script>
2.子组件1 son1.vue
<template> <div id="son1"> <h2>子组件1</h2> <button @click='push'>向兄弟组件传值</button> <button @click='give'>向father组件传值</button> </div> </template> <script> import bus from '../../assets/eventBus' export default { methods:{ push(){ bus.$emit("userDefinedEvent","this message is from son1 to son2"); }, give(){ this.$emit('giveFather',"this message is from son1 to father") } } } </script>
3.子组件2 son2.vue
<template> <div id="son2"> <h2>子组件2</h2> <p>数值:{{msg}}</p> </div> </template> <script> import bus from '../../assets/eventBus' export default { data(){ return { msg:'' } }, mounted(){ var self = this; bus.$on("userDefinedEvent",function(msg){ self.msg=msg; }); } } </script>
同级组件传值时,需要添加中央数据总线 在src/assets/下创建一个eventBus.js,内容如下
import Vue from 'Vue' export default new Vue
子组件向父组件传值时,在响应该点击事件的函数中使用$emit来触发一个自定义事件,并传递一个参数。在父组件中的子标签中监听该自定义事件并添加一个响应该事件的处理方法 ;