• js Tab切换效果

     1 var tabs=function(){
     2     function tag(name,elem){
     3         return (elem||document).getElementsByTagName(name);
     4     }
     5     //获得相应ID的元素
     6     function id(id){
     7         return document.getElementById(id);
     8     }
     9     function first(elem){
    10         elem=elem.firstChild;
    11         return elem&&elem.nodeType==1? elem:next(elem);
    12     }
    13     function next(elem){
    14         do{
    15             elem=elem.nextSibling;  
    16         }while(
    17             elem&&elem.nodeType!=1  
    18         )
    19         return elem;
    20     }
    21     return {
    22         set:function(elemId,tabId){
    23             var elem=tag("li",id(elemId));
    24             var tabs=tag("div",id(tabId));
    25             var listNum=elem.length;
    26             var tabNum=tabs.length;
    27             for(var i=0;i<listNum;i++){
    28                     elem[i].onclick=(function(i){
    29                         return function(){
    30                             for(var j=0;j<tabNum;j++){
    31                                 if(i==j){
    32                                     tabs[j].style.display="block";
    33                                     //alert(elem[j].firstChild);
    34                                     elem[j].firstChild.className="selected";
    35                                 }
    36                                 else{
    37                                     tabs[j].style.display="none";
    38                                     elem[j].firstChild.className="";
    39                                 }
    40                             }
    41                         }
    42                     })(i)
    43             }
    44         }
    45     }
    46 }();
    47 tabs.set("nav","menu");//执行
      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head>
      4 <meta charset="utf-8">
      5 <title>网站首页</title>
      6 <style>
      7 * {
      8     margin: 0;
      9     padding: 0;
     10     border: 0;
     11 }
     12 .he {
     13      700px;
     14     height: 200px;
     15     margin: 20px auto;
     16     border: 1px solid #E5E5E5;
     17     position: relative;
     18 }
     19 ul, ul li {
     20     list-style: none;
     21     float: left;
     22 }
     23 .top li {
     24      160px;
     25     height: 40px;
     26     line-height: 40px;
     27     text-align: center;
     28     border-right: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
     29     border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
     30     color: #777777;
     31     font-family: 微软雅黑;
     32     cursor:pointer;
     33 }
     34 .top li:hover{
     35     background-color:#fff;
     36     border-bottom:0;
     37     border-top:2px solid #F08F04;
     38 }
     39 .top:hover{
     40     border-bottom:0;
     42 }
     43 .top {
     44      700px;
     45     height: 40px;
     46     background-color: #FCFCFC;
     47     border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
     48 }
     49 span {
     50     color: #f60;
     51     position: absolute;
     52     right: 20px;
     53     margin-top: 15px;
     54     font-size: 13px;
     55 }
     57 </style>
     58 </head>
     59 <body>
     60 <div class="he">
     61   <ul class="top">
     62     <li>换乘查询</li>
     63     <li>线路查询</li>
     64     <li >站点查询</li>
     65   </ul>
     66   <span>切换城市</span> 
     67 <div id="menu">
     68         <div class="tag" style="display:block">
     69           aaaaaa
     70          </div> 
     71         <div class="tag" style="display:none">
     72             bbbbbb 
     73          </div> 
     74         <div class="tag"  style="display:none">
     75            ccccc
     76         </div> 
     77 </div>
     79 </div>
     80 </body>
     81 </html>
     82 <script>
     83 var tabs=function(){
     84     function tag(name,elem){
     85         return (elem||document).getElementsByTagName(name);
     86     }
     87     //获得相应ID的元素
     88     function id(id){
     89         return document.getElementById(id);
     90     }
     91     function first(elem){
     92         elem=elem.firstChild;
     93         return elem&&elem.nodeType==1? elem:next(elem);
     94     }
     95     function next(elem){
     96         do{
     97             elem=elem.nextSibling;  
     98         }while(
     99             elem&&elem.nodeType!=1  
    100         )
    101         return elem;
    102     }
    103     return {
    104         set:function(elemId,tabId){
    105             var elem=tag("li",id(elemId));
    106             var tabs=tag("div",id(tabId));
    107             var listNum=elem.length;
    108             var tabNum=tabs.length;
    109             for(var i=0;i<listNum;i++){
    110                     elem[i].onclick=(function(i){
    111                         return function(){
    112                             for(var j=0;j<tabNum;j++){
    113                                 if(i==j){
    114                                     tabs[j].style.display="block";
    115                                     //alert(elem[j].firstChild);
    116                                     elem[j].firstChild.className="selected";
    117                                 }
    118                                 else{
    119                                     tabs[j].style.display="none";
    120                                     elem[j].firstChild.className="";
    121                                 }
    122                             }
    123                         }
    124                     })(i)
    125             }
    126         }
    127     }
    128 }();
    129 tabs.set("nav","menu");//执行
    130 </script>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsr111/p/4455128.html
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