• mysql之数据操作



    select distinct 字段1,字段2,字段3 from 库.表
        where 条件
        group by 分组条件
        having 过滤
        order by 排序字段
        limit n; 限制条数


    create table employee(
        id int primary key unique auto_increment,
        name varchar(20) not null,
        sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
        age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
        hire_date date not null,
        post varchar(50),
        post_comment varchar(100),
        salary double(15,2),
        office int,
        depart_id int
    insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values


    # 去重
    select distinct post from employee;
    # 支持四则运算(查年薪)
    select name,salary * 12 as annual_salary from employee;  # 不加as也可以,加了as更易读
    # 拼接字符串
    select concat('姓名:',name,'性别:',sex) as info,concat('年薪:',salary * 12) as annual_salary from employee;
    select concat('<名字:',name,'>') as 名字,concat('<薪资:',salary,'>') as 薪资 from employee;
    # concat_ws
    select concat(name,'',sex,'',age) from employee;
    select concat_ws('',name,sex,age) from employee;


    select id,name,age from employee where id > 7;
    # and的用法 找到薪资大于8000的老师
    select name,salary from employee where salary>8000 and post='teacher';
    # between and 的用法  找薪资大于等于20000并且小于等于30000  
    select name,salary from employee where salary between 20000 and 30000;
    #  薪资小于20000或大于30000
    select name,salary from employee where salary not between 20000 and 30000;
    # in 找年龄等于28、73和81的
    select name,age from employee where age in(28,73,81);
    # 查找空要用is null 而不是 = ''
    select * from employee where post_comment is null;
    # like(模糊匹配),匹配名字是jin开头的
    select * from employee where name like 'jin%';  # %代表任意多个字符
    select * from employee where name like 'jin_';  # _代表任意一个字符
    select * from employee where name like 'jin___';

    5、group by


    如果有where,where一定要在group by之前,没有也可以。

    set global sql_mode='ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'; # 把sql设置成一个严格的分组模式,只能取分组的字段
    select * from employee group by post;  报错
    select post from employee group by post;  # 这么取,分完组之后只能取分组字段的值
    # 聚合函数,从一个组当中,聚合出你想要的结果
    # 每个职位有多少个员工
    select post ,count(id) as emp_count from employee group by post ;
    # 每个部门的最大、最小、平均工资
    select post ,max(salary) as max_salary from employee group by post ;
    select post ,min(salary) as min_salary from employee group by post ;
    select post ,avg(salary) as avg_salary from employee group by post ;
    # 年龄总和
    select post ,sum(age) as emp_count from employee group by post ;
    # 分组之后,只能取分组的字段以及聚合函数的结果。
    # 没有group by则默认整体算做一组
    select max(salary) from employee;
    # group_concat
    select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post;  # 把以职务分组的姓名都列出来



    # 1 查询各岗位内包含的员工个数小于2的岗位名、岗位内包含员工名字、个数
    select post,group_concat(name),count(id) from employee group by post having count(id) < 2;
    # 2 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;
    # 3 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000且小于20000的岗位名、平均工资
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) between 10000 and 20000;

    7、order by


    # 升序
    select * from employee order by age asc;   
    select * from employee order by age; 
    # 降序
    select * from employee order by age desc; 
    # 先按照年龄升序排,如果年龄相同的话,就按照id降序排
    select * from employee order by age, id desc;


    # 找到工资最高的那个人的信息
    select * from employee order by salary desc limit 1;
    # 每次从数据库取5条数据(网页),真正开发的时候会用的缓存机制,因为下面这样取不是直接跳到你要取得那5条,而是从第1条开始数的,效率低。
    select * from employee limit 0,5;
    select * from employee limit 5,5;
    select * from employee limit 10,5;
    select * from employee limit 15,5;



    select post,count(id) as emp_number from employee
    where salary > 1000
    group by post
    having count(id) > 1
    order by emp_number desc


    from --> where --> group by --> having --> select --> distinct --> order by --> limit


    select * from employee where name regexp '^jin.*(g|n)$';



    create table department(
    id int,
    name varchar(20) 
    create table employee(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20),
    sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
    age int,
    dep_id int
    insert department values
    insert employee(name,sex,age,dep_id) values
    #0 两个表先做笛卡尔积,在筛选。
    # 1 内连接:只连接匹配的
    select * from employee inner join department on employee.dep_id = department.id;
    # 2 左、右连接
    # 左连接:在内连接的基础行,保留左表
    select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = department.id; # 左表没有对应的也会出来
    # 右链接:和左连接相反
    select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id = department.id;
    # 3 全外连接:在内连接的基础上保留匹配不上的记录
    select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = department.id
    select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id = department.id;
    # 实现原理:左右连接加起来后去重


    # 查询平均年龄大于30岁的部门名
    select department.name,avg(age) as 'average age' from employee inner join department on employee.dep_id = department.id 
    group by department.name 
    having avg(age) > 30;
    # 执行顺序
    # from --> on --> join --> where --> group by --> having --> select --> distinct --> order by --> limit


    # 查询平均年龄25岁以上的部门名
    select name from department where id in 
    (select dep_id from employee
        group by dep_id
        having avg(age) > 25)
    # 查看技术部的员工姓名
    select name from employee where dep_id =            
    (select id from department
        where name = '技术')
    # 查看不足1人的部门名
    select name from department where id not in
    (select distinct dep_id from employee)
    select name,age from employee where age >
    (select avg(age) from employee)
    select * from employee
    where exists
    (select id from department where name='技术');
    # 如果存在,where exists返回True,select就按照查询语句显示;不存在,where exists返回Flase,查询结果为empty。
    # 每个职位最新入职的员工
    select * from employee as t1
        inner join
    (select post,max(hire_date) as max_hire_date from employee
        group by post) as t2
        on t1.post = t2.post where t1.hire_date = t2.max_hire_date;


  • 相关阅读:
    雷林鹏分享:Mysql 连接的使用
    雷林鹏分享:MySQL GROUP BY 语句
    雷林鹏分享:MySQL 排序
    雷林鹏分享:MySQL UNION 操作符
    雷林鹏分享:MySQL LIKE 子句
    雷林鹏分享:MySQL DELETE 语句
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lshedward/p/10254672.html
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