package com.icil.swift.milestone.common.utils; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * ************************************************************************* * <PRE> * @ClassName: : BeanUtils * * @Description: : * * @Creation Date : Jul 7, 2020 5:43:51 PM * * @Author : Sea * * * </PRE> ************************************************************************** */ public abstract class BeanUtils extends org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils { public static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target) throws BeansException { Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null"); Assert.notNull(target, "Target must not be null"); Class<?> actualEditable = target.getClass(); PropertyDescriptor[] targetPds = getPropertyDescriptors(actualEditable); for (PropertyDescriptor targetPd : targetPds) { if (targetPd.getWriteMethod() != null) { PropertyDescriptor sourcePd = getPropertyDescriptor(source.getClass(), targetPd.getName()); if (sourcePd != null && sourcePd.getReadMethod() != null) { try { Method readMethod = sourcePd.getReadMethod(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(readMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { readMethod.setAccessible(true); } Object value = readMethod.invoke(source); // 这里判断以下value是否为空 当然这里也能进行一些特殊要求的处理 例如绑定时格式转换等等 if (value != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value+"")) { Method writeMethod = targetPd.getWriteMethod(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { writeMethod.setAccessible(true); } writeMethod.invoke(target, value); } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new FatalBeanException("Could not copy properties from source to target", ex); } } } } } /** * distinct by key for list, * @param keyExtractor distinct condition * @param <T> bean */ public static <T> Predicate<T> distinctByKey(Function<? super T, Object> keyExtractor) { Map<Object, Boolean> seen = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); return object -> seen.putIfAbsent(keyExtractor.apply(object), Boolean.TRUE) == null; } /** * compare the bean fields value if different * @param source obj * @param target obj * @return true/false * @throws Exception */ public static boolean diffBean(Object source, Object target) throws Exception { boolean flag =true; Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null"); Assert.notNull(target, "Target must not be null"); Class<?> compareObj = target.getClass(); Field[] fields = compareObj.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), compareObj); Method getMethod = pd.getReadMethod(); Object o1 = getMethod.invoke(source); Object o2 = getMethod.invoke(target); String s1 = o1 == null ? "" : o1.toString(); String s2 = o2 == null ? "" : o2.toString(); if (!s1.equals(s2)) flag = false; } return flag; } }
package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.icil.fw.logging.ICILLogger; import com.icil.fw.logging.ICILLoggerFactory; import net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier; import net.sf.cglib.core.Converter; public class CglibBeanCopierUtils { private static final ICILLogger logger = ICILLoggerFactory .getInstance(CglibBeanCopierUtils.class); public static Map<String, BeanCopier> beanCopierMap = new HashMap<String, BeanCopier>(); /** * @Title: copyProperties * @Description: TODO(bean属性转换) * @param source * 资源类 * @param target * 目标类 * @author yushaojian * @date 2015年11月25日下午4:56:44 */ public static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target) { String beanKey = generateKey(source.getClass(), target.getClass()); BeanCopier copier = null; if (!beanCopierMap.containsKey(beanKey)) { copier = BeanCopier.create(source.getClass(), target.getClass(), true); beanCopierMap.put(beanKey, copier); } else { copier = beanCopierMap.get(beanKey); } copier.copy(source, target, new Converter() { private final Map<String, BeanCopier> bcMap = new HashMap<String, BeanCopier>(); @Override public Object convert(Object sourcePropVal, Class targetPropClazz, Object targetSetMethodName) { /*logger.debug("======>>>>> sourcePropVal " + sourcePropVal + "======>>>>>targetPropClazz " + targetPropClazz + "======>>>>>targetSetMethodName " + targetSetMethodName);*/ /*if (BigDecimal.class.equals(targetPropClazz)) { BigDecimal bd = null; if (sourcePropVal != null && !"".equals(sourcePropVal)) { bd = new BigDecimal(sourcePropVal.toString()); bd=bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); } return bd; } else if (Integer.class.equals(targetPropClazz)) { Integer value = null; if (sourcePropVal != null && !"".equals(sourcePropVal)) { value = Integer.parseInt(sourcePropVal.toString()); } return value; } else if (Date.class.equals(targetPropClazz)) { Date date = null; if(sourcePropVal!=null && !"".equals(sourcePropVal)){ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ); try { date = sdf.parse((String)sourcePropVal); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return date; }else if (int.class.equals(targetPropClazz)){ int value =0 ; if (sourcePropVal != null && !"".equals(sourcePropVal)) { value = Integer.parseInt(sourcePropVal.toString()); } return value; }*/ return sourcePropVal; } }); } protected static Object convertListGenericType(Object sourcePropVal) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } private static String generateKey(Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2) { return class1.toString() + class2.toString(); } }