• messageHelper 统一管理项目的中message

    场景: 项目中常常会有一些message , 如邮件, 短信,  UI的提示信息, 多数情况,写在代码中,或者配置文件xxx.properties, @value 或者读取xxx.properties ,这两种方案都...


    2.动态管理,如配置了appolo ,  配置中心

     3. 配置国际化, 如中文 ,英文





     默认名字为 messages.properties

    内容 :eg

         //event.validation.content= Notification 
    {0} exception was detected, caused by :
    Sincerely XXX Team
         //event.validation.subject=ERROR: Validation error found for booking <{0}>



    import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    import java.util.Locale;
    public class MesgHelper {
        private static MessageSource messageSource;
        public static MessageSource getMessageSource() {
            return messageSource;
        public void setMessageSource(MessageSource msgSource) {
            MesgHelper.messageSource = msgSource;
         * Convert single message according to locale.
         * @param mesgKey
         * @param values
         * @param locale
         * @return
        public static String getMessage(String mesgKey,Object[] values,Locale locale)    {
            Locale locale1 = locale!=null?locale:Locale.US;
            String mesgText = null;
            if(mesgKey != null && locale1 != null)    {
                mesgText = messageSource.getMessage(mesgKey, values, locale1);
            return mesgText;


          MesgHelper mesgHelper
        private static Runnable validationNotify(String bookingNo,String mesgKeys,String body) {
            return ()->{
                log.debug("Current thread is {}",Thread.currentThread());
                log.info("@@!!@@ NOT pass the null validation checking , below data not allow null: {}", mesgKeys);
                LinkedHashMap msgBody = JSONObject.parseObject(body,new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>>(){}
                String mailBody = JSONObject.toJSONString(msgBody,
            //参数变量 用{0}  {2} 表示
         //event.validation.content= Notification 
    {0} exception was detected, caused by :
    Sincerely XXX Team
         //event.validation.subject=ERROR: Validation error found for booking <{0}>
                Object[] paras = {bookingNo};
                String subject = mesgHelper.getMessage("event.validation.subject", paras, null);
                Object[] params = { mesgKeys, mailBody};
                String content = mesgHelper.getMessage("event.validation.content", params, null);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lshan/p/11271665.html
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