• 第二阶段冲刺(四)




    import android.content.Context
    import android.graphics.*
    import android.support.annotation.UiThread
    import android.util.AttributeSet
    import android.view.View
    import com.example.lijingwen.defineview.databean.PieChartBean
     * 自定义饼状图
     * 不要设置wrap_content
    class PieChartView @JvmOverloads constructor(
            context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
    ) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
        private val startX = 300f
        private val startY = 300f
        var startAngle = 0f
            set(value) {
                field = value
        private val colors = arrayOf(0xff8a2be2, 0xff4682b4, 0xff87ceeb, 0xff7cfc00, 0xffffe4b5, 0xff303F9F)
        var datas = ArrayList<PieChartBean>()
            set(value) {
                field = value       //更新数据时刷新界面
        private val radius = 200     //半径
        private lateinit var angles: Array<Float?>
         * 实现饼状图绘制
        override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
            angles = arrayOfNulls(datas.size)   //存已经画的角度
            canvas?.drawColor(0xff008080.toInt())   //背景绘制
            val itemCount = datas.size
            if (itemCount <= 0) {
            for (i in 0 until itemCount) {
                drawArc(canvas, i)
        private fun drawArc(canvas: Canvas?, i: Int) {
            var oneStartAngle = startAngle
            val paint = Paint()
            paint.isAntiAlias = true
            paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
            paint.color = colors[i % colors.size].toInt()
            val percent = datas[i].percent
            if (percent <= 0) {
            val sweepAngle = (360f * percent) / 100      //圆弧对应的角度
            angles[i] = sweepAngle
            val rectF = RectF(startX, startY, startX + 2 * radius, startY + 2 * radius)          //在该矩形内
            for (index in 0 until i) {
                oneStartAngle += angles[index]!!
            canvas?.drawArc(rectF, oneStartAngle, sweepAngle, true, paint)     //画扇形
            val halfAngle = oneStartAngle + sweepAngle * 0.5f      //圆心角的一半对应的角度
            val x = startX + radius + radius * Math.cos(halfAngle * 3.14 / 180f)       //角度对应的圆上的x坐标
            val y = startY + radius + radius * Math.sin(halfAngle * 3.14 / 180f)       //角度对应的圆上的y坐标
            val path = Path()
            path.moveTo(x.toFloat(), y.toFloat())
            if (x > startX + radius) {
                path.rLineTo(200f, 0f)
            } else {
                path.rLineTo(-200f, 0f)
            val linePaint = Paint()
            linePaint.color = Color.BLACK
            linePaint.isAntiAlias = true
            linePaint.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
            linePaint.strokeWidth = 3f
            canvas?.drawPath(path, linePaint)      //guideLine
            val textPaint = Paint()
            textPaint.textSize = 40f
            textPaint.color = Color.BLACK
            textPaint.isAntiAlias = true
            textPaint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
            if (x > startX + radius) {
                canvas?.drawText(datas[i].title, (x + 220f).toFloat(), y.toFloat() + 10f, textPaint)    //title部分
            } else {
                canvas?.drawText(datas[i].title, (x - 300f).toFloat(), y.toFloat() + 10f, textPaint)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lq13035130506/p/11003181.html
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