• oracle如何去除字符串中的重复字符

     1 create or replace function remove_rame_string(oldStr varchar2, sign varchar2)  
     2   return varchar2 is  
     4   /****************************************************  
     5   ** Oracle去掉重复字符串  
     6   ** 函数名称:RemoveSameStr  
     7   ** 参    数:【名称】         【类型 】      【说明】  
     8   **           oldStr           varchar2       要处理的字符串  
     9   **           sign             varchar2       字符串分隔符  
    10   ** 返 回 值:Result           varchar2       不包含重复子串的记录  
    11   ****************************************************/  
    12   str          varchar2(2000);  
    13   currentIndex number;  
    14   startIndex   number;  
    15   endIndex     number;  
    17   type str_type is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer;  
    18   arr str_type;  
    19   Result varchar2(1000);  
    20 begin  
    21   -- 空字符串  
    22   if oldStr is null then  
    23     return('');  
    24   end if;  
    26   --字符串太长  
    27   if length(oldStr) > 2000 then  
    28     return(oldStr);  
    29   end if;  
    30   str := oldStr;  
    32   currentIndex := 0;  
    33   startIndex   := 0;  
    35   loop  
    36     currentIndex := currentIndex + 1;  
    37     endIndex     := instr(str, sign, 1, currentIndex);  
    38     if (endIndex <= 0) then  
    39       exit;  
    40     end if;  
    42     arr(currentIndex) := trim(substr(str,  
    43                                      startIndex + 1,  
    44                                      endIndex - startIndex - 1));  
    45     startIndex := endIndex;  
    46   end loop;  
    48   --取最后一个字符串:  
    49   arr(currentIndex) := substr(str, startIndex + 1, length(str));  
    51   --去掉重复出现的字符串:  
    52   for i in 1 .. currentIndex - 1 loop  
    53     for j in i + 1 .. currentIndex loop  
    54       if arr(i) = arr(j) then  
    55         arr(j) := '';  
    56       end if;  
    57     end loop;  
    58   end loop;  
    60   str := '';  
    61   for i in 1 .. currentIndex loop  
    62     if arr(i) is not null then  
    63       str := str || sign || arr(i);  
    64       --数组置空:  
    65       arr(i) := '';  
    66     end if;  
    67   end loop;  
    69   --去掉前面的标识符:  
    70   Result := substr(str, 2, length(str));  
    72   return(Result);  
    73 end remove_rame_string;
    create or replace function remove_rame_string(oldStr varchar2, sign varchar2, newStr varchar2)
      return varchar2 is
      ** Oracle去掉重复字符串
      ** 函数名称:RemoveSameStr
      ** 参    数:【名称】         【类型 】      【说明】
      **           oldStr           varchar2       要处理的字符串
      **           sign             varchar2       字符串分隔符
      **           newStr           varchar2       新添加的字符串,以逗号隔开
      ** 返 回 值:Result           varchar2       不包含重复子串的记录
      str         varchar2(2000);
      currentIndex number;
      startIndex   number;
      endIndex     number;
      type str_type is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer;
      arr str_type;
      Result varchar2(1000);
      -- 空字符串
      if oldStr is null then
        return('[' || newStr || ']');
      end if;
      if length(oldStr) > 2000 then
      end if;
      str := oldStr;
      str := substr(str, 0, instr(str, ']')-1) || ','||newStr;
      str := substr(str, instr(str, '[')+1, length(str));
      currentIndex := 0;
      startIndex   := 0;
        currentIndex := currentIndex + 1;
        endIndex     := instr(str, sign, 1, currentIndex);
        if (endIndex <= 0) then
        end if;
        arr(currentIndex) := trim(substr(str,
                                         startIndex + 1,
                                         endIndex - startIndex - 1));
        startIndex := endIndex;
      end loop;
      arr(currentIndex) := substr(str, startIndex + 1, length(str));
      for i in 1 .. currentIndex - 1 loop
        for j in i + 1 .. currentIndex loop
          if arr(i) = arr(j) then
            arr(j) := '';
          end if;
        end loop;
      end loop;
      str := '';
      for i in 1 .. currentIndex loop
        if arr(i) is not null then
          str := str || sign || arr(i);
          arr(i) := '';
        end if;
      end loop;
      Result := substr(str, 2, length(str));
      return('[' || Result || ']');
    end remove_rame_string;
    UPDATE TEST_CLOB set "STR" = remove_rame_string(STR, ',', '"str1","str2", "str2", "str3"') WHERE ID='1';


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lpxblog/p/8268254.html
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