• nyoj592 spiral grid


    spiral grid

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    Xiaod has recently discovered the grid named "spiral grid".
    Construct the grid like the following figure. (The grid is actually infinite. The figure is only a small part of it.)

    Considering traveling in it, you are free to any cell containing a composite number or 1, but traveling to any cell containing a prime number is disallowed. In addition, traveling from a prime number is disallowed, either. You can travel up, down, left or right, but not diagonally. Write a program to find the length of the shortest path between pairs of nonprime numbers, or report it's impossible.
    Each test case is described by a line of input containing two nonprime integer 1 <=x, y<=10,000.
    For each test case, display its case number followed by the length of the shortest path or "impossible" (without quotes) in one line.
    1 4
    9 32
    10 12
    Case 1: 1
    Case 2: 7
    Case 3: impossible
    错误原因:当被找的是素数是,则不能找到,素数孔,能出不能进,也就是说,输入100 3 输出impossible,而输入3 100,则不是如此;
      1 #include<algorithm>
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 #include<cstdio>
      4 #include<cstring>
      5 #include<queue>
      6 using namespace std;
      7 int a[10010];
      8 int dir[4][2]={0,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,0};
      9 const int maxn=105;
     10 int vst[maxn][maxn];//访问标记
     11 int map[105][105],map1[105][105];
     12 struct state
     13 {
     14     int x,y;//坐标位置;
     15     int step;//搜索统计
     16 };
     17 state mm[maxn];
     18 bool check(state s,int bb)//判断该点是否满足条件
     19 {
     20     //cout<<"**"<<endl;
     21     if( (map1[s.x][s.y]==bb)||(!vst[s.x][s.y] && map[s.x][s.y]!=0 && s.x>=0 && s.x<100 && s.y>=0 && s.y<100) )
     22     return 1;
     23     else return 0;
     24 }
     25 int  bfs(int aa,int bb)
     26 {int i,j;
     27 memset(vst,0,sizeof(vst));
     28     for(i=0;i<=100;i++)
     29      for(j=0;j<=100;j++)
     30        if(map1[i][j]==aa)
     31            {
     32               goto end;
     33            }
     34         end :
     35        // cout<<i<<j<<endl;
     36         queue<state>q;
     37         state now,next,st;
     38         st.x=i;st.y=j;
     39         st.step=0;
     40         q.push(st);
     41         vst[st.x][st.y]=1;
     42         while(!q.empty())
     43         {
     44             now=q.front();
     45             q.pop();
     46             if(map1[now.x][now.y]==bb)
     47             {
     48                 return now.step;
     49             }
     50             for(i=0;i<4;i++)
     51             {
     52                 next.x=now.x+dir[i][0];
     53                 next.y=now.y+dir[i][1];
     54             next.step=now.step+1;
     55             if(check(next,bb))//满足条件;
     56             {
     57                 //cout<<next.x<<"***"<<next.y<<endl;
     58                 q.push(next);
     59                 vst[next.x][next.y]=1;
     60             }
     61             }
     62         }
     63         return 0;
     64 }
     65 void fun( )//判断是否是素数
     66 {
     67     int i,j,k;
     68     memset(a,0,sizeof(a));
     69        a[1]=1;
     70        for(i=2;i<=10010;i++)
     71          for(j=2;i*j<=10010;j++)
     72            a[i*j]=1;
     73 }
     74 void fuu()//蛇形填数
     75 {
     76     int tot,x=0,y=0,n=100;
     77  memset(map,0,sizeof(map));
     78  memset(map1,0,sizeof(map1));
     79     tot=map1[0][0]=10000;
     80     map[0][0]=1;
     81     while(tot>1)
     82     {
     83         while(y+1<n  && !map1[x][y+1])
     84         {
     85               --tot;
     86             if(a[tot]!=0)
     87             {
     88              map[x][y+1]=1;//如果此位置不是素数则能走,能走的为1,否则为零;
     89             }
     90             map1[x][++y]=tot;//初始化二位数组,填数
     91         }
     92         while( x+1<n && !map1[x+1][y])
     93         {
     94             --tot;
     95             if(a[tot]!=0)
     96             {map[x+1][y]=1;}
     97             map1[++x][y]=tot;
     98         }
     99         while(y-1>=0 && !map1[x][y-1])
    100         {    --tot;
    101             if(a[tot]!=0)
    102                {map[x][y-1]=1;}
    103             map1[x][--y]=tot;
    104         }
    105         while(x>0  && !map1[x-1][y])
    106         {
    107             --tot;
    108             if(a[tot]!=0)
    109             {map[x-1][y]=1;}
    110             map1[--x][y]=tot;
    111         }
    112     }
    113 }
    114 int main()
    115 {
    116     int m,n,nn=1,k;
    117     fun();fuu();
    118     while(cin>>m>>n)
    119     {
    120         if(m==n)
    121        {
    122            printf("Case %d: 0
    123        }
    124        else if(a[n]==0)//如果第二个是素数则输出impossible
    125        {printf("Case %d: impossible
    126                   k=bfs(m,n);
    127        if(k==0)
    128        printf("Case %d: impossible
    129        else printf("Case %d: %d
    130     }
    131     return 0;
    132 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lovychen/p/3402587.html
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