There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["startvm", "d6456bcd-c40c-41a7-9c13-2fb1b80bba21", "--type", "headless"]
Stderr: VBoxManage.exe: error: The virtual machine 'homestead-7' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in 'C:UsersAdministratorVirtualBox VMshomestead-7LogsVBoxHardening.log'
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component MachineWrap, interface Imachine
If you're running on windows try the following, from VirtualBox forum post
Go to C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBoxdriversvboxdrv directory, right click on VBoxDrv.inf and select Install.
Go to console and enter 'sc start vboxdrv'.
Then try 'vagrant up'. Worked for my issue.
Had the same issue with vagrant 2.0.1 and VirtualBox 5.2.4 on Windows 10. Issue occured when I updated VirtualBox from 5.2.2 to 5.2.4. A complete reinstall of VirtualBox as suggested in previous comment fixed the issue.
Guest-specific operations were attempted on a machine that is not
ready for guest communication. This should not happen and a bug
should be reported.
==> homestead-7: Machine booted and ready!
==> homestead-7: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> homestead-7: Setting hostname...
==> homestead-7: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> homestead-7: Mounting shared folders...
homestead-7: /vagrant => C:/Users/Administrator/Homestead
homestead-7: /home/vagrant/myCode => C:/Users/Administrator/myCode
==> homestead-7: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> homestead-7: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it
to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the
'unknown' state. Please verify everything is configured
properly and try again.
If the provider you're using has a GUI that comes with it,
it is often helpful to open that and watch the machine, since the
GUI often has more helpful error messages than Vagrant can retrieve.
For example, if you're using VirtualBox, run `vagrant up` while the
VirtualBox GUI is open.
The primary issue for this error is that the provider you're using
is not properly configured. This is very rarely a Vagrant issue.
Try vagrant plugin repair followed by vagrant plugin update
@yeongsheng-tan : thanks for your answer, just did what you suggested but the problem still persists
EDIT: wait! I did vagrant reload --provision and seems that problem went away! I try a couple of times and let you know if there's still any issue! Thanks :-)
Guest communication could not be established! This is usually because
homestead-7: SSH is not running, the authentication information was changed,
homestead-7: or some other networking issue. Vagrant will force halt,
homestead-7: SSH address:
homestead-7: SSH username: vagrant
homestead-7: SSH auth method: private key
homestead-7: Warning: Connection reset. Retrying...
homestead-7: Warning: Connection aborted. Retrying..
homestead-7: Warning: Connection aborted. Retrying...
homestead-7: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
homestead-7: Warning: Connection reset. Retrying...
homestead-7: Warning: Connection aborted. Retrying...
把 Vagrant 升级到2.1.12就解决了
如果一直homestead-7: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
3.再回去看你运行的vagrant up命令行界面,是不是已经从warring转到running了,快试试vagrant ssh吧!