• oracle VS postgresql系列-行列转换

     id  |  name   
     1001 | lottu
     1001 | xuan
     1001 | rax
     1002 | ak
     1002 | vincent
      id  |     names      
     1001 | lottu|xuan|rax
     1002 | ak|vincent
    select id, vm_concat(name,'|')as names from lottu01 group by id;
    select id, listagg(name,'|') within group(order by null) as names from lottu01 group by id;
    mydb=> select id,string_agg(name,'|') from lottu01 group by id;
      id  |   string_agg   
     1002 | ak|vincent
     1001 | lottu|xuan|rax
    当然我们可以用其他函数来替代 正则函数 regexp_substr
    select id,regexp_substr(names,'[^|]+',1,level) as name from lottu02
    connect by id = prior id
    and prior dbms_random.value is not null
    and level <= length(regexp_replace(names, '[^|]'))+1;
    select id,regexp_substr(names,'[^|]+',1,level) as name from lottu02
    connect by id = prior id
    and prior dbms_random.value is not null
    and level <= regexp_count(names, '|')+1;
     postgresql里面有分割函数--split_part;还是不能按照上面的写法来改;因为目前的postgresql不支持 connect by语法;
    另外 postgresql针对这个有个正则函数--regexp_split_to_table;可以直接实现。
    --借用with recursive的语法来替换 connect by的写法。
    mydb=> with recursive t(id,lv) as(
    mydb(> select id,1 lv from lottu02
    mydb(> union all
    mydb(> select ts.id, t.lv+1 from t, lottu02 ts where t.id = ts.id and t.lv < length(ts.names)-length(replace(ts.names,'|','')) + 1
    mydb(> )
    mydb-> select t1.id,split_part(t1.names,'|',t2.lv) from lottu02 t1,t t2
    mydb-> where t1.id = t2.id; 
      id  | split_part 
     1001 | lottu
     1001 | xuan
     1001 | rax
     1002 | ak
     1002 | vincent
    -- 借用regexp_split_to_table轻松实现。
    mydb=> select id,regexp_split_to_table(names,'|') from lottu02;
      id  | regexp_split_to_table 
     1001 | lottu
     1001 | xuan
     1001 | rax
     1002 | ak
     1002 | vincen
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lottu/p/5666706.html
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