v_rowcount integer;
v_rowcount1 integer;
v_rowcount2 integer;
select count(*) into v_rowcount from dual where exists(
select * from col
where tname = upper('bailcalcinfo')
and cname = upper('operator_no') );
if v_rowcount = 0 then
execute immediate 'alter table bailcalcinfo add (operator_no varchar2(18) default '' '' NOT NULL)';
end if;
select count(*) into v_rowcount1 from user_indexes where index_name ='IDX_BAILCALCINFO';
if v_rowcount1 > 0 then
select count(*) into v_rowcount2 from dual
where exists(select 1 from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'IDX_BAILCALCINFO' and column_name = 'FUTU_EXCH_TYPE' and column_position = 1)
and exists(select 1 from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'IDX_BAILCALCINFO' and column_name = 'CONTRACT_CODE' and column_position = 2)
and exists(select 1 from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'IDX_BAILCALCINFO' and column_name = 'ENTRUST_BS' and column_position = 3)
and exists(select 1 from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'IDX_BAILCALCINFO' and column_name = 'HEDGE_TYPE' and column_position = 4)
and exists(select 1 from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'IDX_BAILCALCINFO' and column_name = 'OPERATOR_NO' and column_position = 5);
-- 存在但是不正确,则删除索引
if v_rowcount2 = 0 then
execute immediate 'drop index hs_futures.IDX_BAILCALCINFO';
end if;
end if;
-- 未存在 OR 存在但是不正确,都要重建索引
if v_rowcount1 = 0 or v_rowcount2 = 0 then
execute immediate 'CREATE INDEX hs_futures.IDX_BAILCALCINFO ON hs_futures.bailcalcinfo(futu_exch_type,contract_code,entrust_bs,hedge_type,operator_no)tablespace HS_FUTURES_IDX';
end if;