• SpringMVC-时间类型转换



    package com.zk.domain;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class User {
    	private Integer id;
    	private String name;
    	private String age;
    	private Date birthday;
    	public Integer getId() {
    		return id;
    	public void setId(Integer id) {
    		this.id = id;
    	public String getName() {
    		return name;
    	public void setName(String name) {
    		this.name = name;
    	public String getAge() {
    		return age;
    	public void setAge(String age) {
    		this.age = age;
    	public Date getBirthday() {
    		return birthday;
    	public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
    		this.birthday = birthday;


    package com.zk.UserController;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomDateEditor;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController;
    import com.zk.domain.User;
    public class CommandController extends AbstractCommandController{
    	public CommandController(){
    	protected ModelAndView handle(HttpServletRequest request,
    			HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
    			throws Exception {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		User user=(User) command;
    		ModelAndView mv=new ModelAndView();
    		return mv;
    	protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request,
    			ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		String birthday=request.getParameter("birthday");
    		binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"),true));
    		binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"),true));


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/longlyseul/p/11409832.html
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