/* 贪心+优先级队列
* 贪心:为了不讨论在路上花费的时间,可以枚举到过的湖:比如:totLake=j 表示 到过湖1、2、..、j 相应的, 花在路上的时间
* 就是 t[1]+t[2]+..+t[j-1] (显然每段路只会走一次) 于是算出leftTime,表示花在钓鱼上的时间
* 这样一来,就不同再考虑路上的时间了,可以认为John有瞬间移动,哪个湖鱼多,就到哪个湖钓(当然 湖的编号 满足 1 <= ~ <=totLake )
* 于是可以用一个优先级队列,每次到与最多的湖钓,
* 还要注意的是,如果某时刻有多个湖有同样多的鱼,则到湖编号最小的那个湖里钓!!(只要对优先级队列做相应的修改)
* 用二叉堆实现优先级队列
* 最后注意ans == 0的情况
* 看数据:
* 2
* 1
* 0 0
* 1 1
* 1
* 答案:
* 60 0
* 0
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int maxN = 25 + 2, inf = 100000;
int n, h, f[maxN], d[maxN], t[maxN]; //如题所述
int timeOnLake[maxN], totLake, ans, ansTimeOnLake[maxN];
int heap[maxN], key[maxN]; //heap【】:该节点的湖编号。。key【】:该节点当前的能钓到的鱼数
void ini(){
for(int i=1; i<=totLake; i++){
heap[i] = i; key[i] = f[i];
memset(timeOnLake, 0, sizeof(timeOnLake));
int inline left(int i){ return i*2; }
int inline right(int i){ return i*2+1; }
int inline p(int i){ return i/2; }
void inline swap(int x, int y){
int tmp;
tmp = heap[x]; heap[x] = heap[y]; heap[y] = tmp;
tmp = key[x]; key[x] = key[y]; key[y] = tmp;
void max_heapify(int i, int tot){
int imax = i;
int l = left(i);
int r = right(i);
if(l <= tot && (key[l] > key[imax] || (key[l]==key[imax] && heap[l] < heap[imax])))
imax = l;
if(r <= tot && (key[r] > key[imax] || (key[r]==key[imax] && heap[r] < heap[imax])))
imax = r;
if(imax != i){
swap(i, imax);
max_heapify(imax, tot);
void build_max_heap(){
for(int i=totLake/2; i>=1; i--){
max_heapify(i, totLake);
int heap_extract_max(int &lakeNum, int &tot){
lakeNum = heap[1];
int maxKey = key[1];
swap(1, tot);
max_heapify(1, tot);
return maxKey;
void heap_increase_key(int i, int newKey){
key[i] = newKey;
while(i>1 && (key[p(i)]<key[i] || (key[p(i)]==key[i] && heap[p(i)]>heap[i]))){
swap(i, p(i));
i = p(i);
void max_heap_insert(int newNode, int &tot){
key[tot] = -inf;
heap_increase_key(tot, newNode);
void fish(int timeLeft){
int tmp_ans = 0;
int lakeNum, tot = totLake;
int maxFish = heap_extract_max(lakeNum, tot);
if(maxFish == 0){ //没鱼可钓了,直接在1号湖加上timeLeft
timeOnLake[1] += timeLeft; break;
tmp_ans += maxFish;
int newfish = (maxFish-d[lakeNum]<0 ? 0 : maxFish-d[lakeNum]);
max_heap_insert(newfish, tot);
if(tmp_ans > ans){
ans = tmp_ans;
memcpy(ansTimeOnLake, timeOnLake, sizeof(ansTimeOnLake));
int main(){
while(scanf("%d", &n)){
if(n == 0)
return 0;
scanf("%d", &h);
h = h * 60 / 5; //改为以5分钟为单位
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
scanf("%d", &f[i]);
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
scanf("%d", &d[i]);
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d", &t[i]);
t[0] = 0;
ans = 0;
int timeOnRoad = 0;
for(totLake=1; totLake<=n; totLake++){
timeOnRoad += t[totLake-1];
if(timeOnRoad > h) break;
int timeLeft = h - timeOnRoad;
if(ans == 0){
printf("%d", h*5);
for(int i=2; i<=n; i++)
printf(", %d", 0);
printf("\nNumber of fish expected: %d\n\n", ans);
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
printf("%d, ", ansTimeOnLake[i]*5);
printf("%d\n", ansTimeOnLake[n]*5);
printf("Number of fish expected: %d\n\n", ans);
return 0;