然后就就通过命令提示符去登陆Oracle,去查看怎么回事,然后问题进一步出现,错误“ORA-03113:通信通道的文件结尾 进程 ID:6320 回话 ID :191 序列号:3”。
Oracle出现错误,于是去错误日志里去找问题根源:在 e:appkangdiag dbmsoracleoracle race文件夹下找到oracle_ora_6320.trc文件,打开显示错误日志:
- Trace filee:appkangdiag dbmsoracleoracle raceoracle_ora_6320.trc
- Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
- With thePartitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
- Windows NT VersionV6.1 Service Pack 1
- CPU : 4 - type 8664, 2 PhysicalCores
- Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000
- Memory (Avail/Total):Ph:2805M/6087M, Ph+PgF:6761M/12173M
- Instance name: oracle
- Redo thread mountedby this instance: 1
- Oracle processnumber: 19
- Windows thread id:6320, image: ORACLE.EXE (SHAD)
- *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.461
- *** SESSIONID:(191.3) 2014-08-16 08:18:55.461
- *** CLIENT ID:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461
- *** SERVICE NAME:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461
- *** MODULENAME:(sqlplus.exe) 2014-08-16 08:18:55.461
- *** ACTION NAME:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461
- ORA-19815: 警告:db_recovery_file_dest_size 字节 (共 4102029312 字节) 已使用 100.00%, 尚有 0 字节可用。
- ************************************************************************
- You have followingchoices to free up space from recovery area:
- 1. Consider changingRMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard,
- then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOGDELETION POLICY.
- 2. Back up files totertiary device such as tape using RMAN
- 3. Add disk space andincrease db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to
- reflect the new space.
- 4. Delete unnecessaryfiles using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating
- system command was used to delete files,then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and
- DELETE EXPIRED commands.
- ************************************************************************
- ORA-19809:超出了恢复文件数的限制
- ORA-19804: 无法回收33961984 字节磁盘空间 (从 4102029312 限制中)
- *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.502 4132 krsh.c
- ARCH: Error 19809Creating archive log file to'E:APPKANGFLASH_RECOVERY_AREAORACLEARCHIVELOG2014_08_16O1_MF_1_159_%U_.ARC'
- *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.502 2747 krsi.c
- krsi_dst_fail: dest:1err:19809 force:0 blast:1
- DDE: Problem Key 'ORA312' was flood controlled (0x1) (no incident)
- ORA-16038: 日志 3sequence# 159 无法归档
- ORA-19809:超出了恢复文件数的限制
- *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.565
- USER (ospid: 6320):terminating the instance due to error 16038
Trace filee:appkangdiag dbmsoracleoracle raceoracle_ora_6320.trc Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With thePartitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Windows NT VersionV6.1 Service Pack 1 CPU : 4 - type 8664, 2 PhysicalCores Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000 Memory (Avail/Total):Ph:2805M/6087M, Ph+PgF:6761M/12173M Instance name: oracle Redo thread mountedby this instance: 1 Oracle processnumber: 19 Windows thread id:6320, image: ORACLE.EXE (SHAD) *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.461 *** SESSIONID:(191.3) 2014-08-16 08:18:55.461 *** CLIENT ID:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461 *** SERVICE NAME:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461 *** MODULENAME:(sqlplus.exe) 2014-08-16 08:18:55.461 *** ACTION NAME:()2014-08-16 08:18:55.461 ORA-19815: 警告:db_recovery_file_dest_size 字节 (共 4102029312 字节) 已使用 100.00%, 尚有 0 字节可用。 ************************************************************************ You have followingchoices to free up space from recovery area: 1. Consider changingRMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard, then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOGDELETION POLICY. 2. Back up files totertiary device such as tape using RMAN BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command. 3. Add disk space andincrease db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to reflect the new space. 4. Delete unnecessaryfiles using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating system command was used to delete files,then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and DELETE EXPIRED commands. ************************************************************************ ORA-19809:超出了恢复文件数的限制 ORA-19804: 无法回收33961984 字节磁盘空间 (从 4102029312 限制中) *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.502 4132 krsh.c ARCH: Error 19809Creating archive log file to'E:APPKANGFLASH_RECOVERY_AREAORACLEARCHIVELOG2014_08_16O1_MF_1_159_%U_.ARC' *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.502 2747 krsi.c krsi_dst_fail: dest:1err:19809 force:0 blast:1 DDE: Problem Key 'ORA312' was flood controlled (0x1) (no incident) ORA-00312: 联机日志 3 线程1: 'E:APPKANGORADATAORACLEREDO03.LOG' ORA-16038: 日志 3sequence# 159 无法归档 ORA-19809:超出了恢复文件数的限制 ORA-00312: 联机日志 3 线程1: 'E:APPKANGORADATAORACLEREDO03.LOG' *** 2014-08-1608:18:55.565 USER (ospid: 6320):terminating the instance due to error 16038
ORA-19815: 警告: db_recovery_file_dest_size 字节 (共 4102029312 字节) 已使用100.00%, 尚有 0 字节可用。” 是db_recovery_file_dest_size也叫归档日志空间不足导致的,既然找到问题的根源,那解决起来也就容易了。
- sqlplus / as sysdba
- shutdown abort ----关闭进程
- startup mount ---- 装载数据库
- select * from v$recovery_file_dest; ---查询归档日志
- db_recovery_file_dest_size=10737418240; --设置归档日志空间为10G
- Exit ---到这里空间大小已经设置完成
sqlplus / as sysdba shutdown abort ----关闭进程 startup mount ---- 装载数据库 select * from v$recovery_file_dest; ---查询归档日志 db_recovery_file_dest_size=10737418240; --设置归档日志空间为10G Exit ---到这里空间大小已经设置完成
- rmantarget / -----进入rman工具窗口
- RMAN>crosscheckarchivelog all; --运行这个命令可以把无效的expired的archivelog标出来。
- RMAN>deletenoprompt archivelog until time "sysdate -3"; -- -即删除3天前的归档日志
rmantarget / -----进入rman工具窗口 RMAN>crosscheckarchivelog all; --运行这个命令可以把无效的expired的archivelog标出来。 RMAN>deletenoprompt archivelog until time "sysdate -3"; -- -即删除3天前的归档日志
在删除归档文件中有一点要注意,通过命令窗口显示显示归档文件都在E:appkangflash_recovery_areaoracleARCHIVELOG 下,但是我们不能手工在操作系统中直接把这些文件删除掉,这是因为在controlfile中记录着每一个archivelog的相关信息,当我们在OS中删除这些文件后,我们的controlfile中仍然记录着这些archivelog的信息,因此在Oracle的OEM管理器中还会存在这些日志。因为当我们手工清除archive目录下的文件后,这些记录并没有被我们从controlfile中清除掉,也就是oracle并不知道这些文件已经不存在了。所以还是要通过命令窗口去执行删除这些文件的命令。