program bzoj1015; {$inline on} const maxn=400001; type node=record togo,next:longint; end; var tot,n,m,d,cnt:longint; father,head,q,ans:array [0..maxn] of longint; used,des:array [0..maxn] of boolean; e:array [0..maxn] of node; function find(x:longint):longint; inline; begin if father[x]=x then exit(x); if father[father[x]]=x then exit(father[x]); find:=find(father[x]); father[x]:=find; end; procedure ins(u,v:longint); inline; begin inc(cnt); e[cnt].togo:=v; e[cnt].next:=head[u]; head[u]:=cnt; inc(cnt); e[cnt].togo:=u; e[cnt].next:=head[v]; head[v]:=cnt; end; procedure add(x:longint); inline; var i,p,q:longint; begin i:=head[x]; p:=find(x); while i<>0 do begin if used[e[i].togo] then begin q:=find(e[i].togo); if p<>q then begin father[q]:=p; dec(tot); end; end; i:=e[i].next; end; end; procedure main; var i,x,y:longint; begin read(n,m); cnt:=1; for i:=0 to n-1 do father[i]:=i; for i:=1 to m do begin read(x,y); ins(x,y); end; read(d); for i:=1 to d do begin read(q[i]); des[q[i]]:=true; end; for i:=0 to n-1 do if not(des[i]) then begin inc(tot); add(i); used[i]:=true; end; ans[d+1]:=tot; for i:=d downto 1 do begin inc(tot); add(q[i]); used[q[i]]:=true; ans[i]:=tot; end; for i:=1 to d+1 do writeln(ans[i]); end; begin main; end.