• iOS GCD不同场景的使用比較


     *  async -- 并发队列

     * 会创建线程。一般同一时候开多条

     * 并发运行任务


    <span style="font-size:14px;">- (void)asyncGlobalQueue
        // 获得全局的并发队列
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
        // 将 任务 加入 全局队列 中去 异步 运行
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片4---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片5---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    <span style="font-size:14px;">-----下载图片4---<NSThread: 0x7fbd52c9b390>{number = 5, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片3---<NSThread: 0x7fbd52f00230>{number = 4, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片2---<NSThread: 0x7fbd52e3eed0>{number = 3, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片5---<NSThread: 0x7fbd52e2eb40>{number = 6, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片1---<NSThread: 0x7fbd52c06010>{number = 2, name = (null)}</span>


     *  async -- 串行队列

     * 会创建线程, 一般仅仅开1条线程

     * 串行运行任务(一个任务运行完成后再运行下一个任务)


    - (void)asyncSerialQueue
        // 1.创建一个串行队列
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("cn.heima.queue", NULL);
        // 2.将任务加入到串行队列中 异步 运行
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片4---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片5---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    -----下载图片1---<NSThread: 0x7fd4c5b00b50>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片2---<NSThread: 0x7fd4c5b00b50>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片3---<NSThread: 0x7fd4c5b00b50>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片4---<NSThread: 0x7fd4c5b00b50>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    -----下载图片5---<NSThread: 0x7fd4c5b00b50>{number = 2, name = (null)}


     *  async -- 主队列


    - (void)asyncMainQueue
        // 1.主队列(加入到主队列中的任务。都会自己主动放到主线程中去运行)
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
        // 2.加入 任务 到主队列中 异步 运行
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片4---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片5---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    -----下载图片1---<NSThread: 0x7faaca905000>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片2---<NSThread: 0x7faaca905000>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片3---<NSThread: 0x7faaca905000>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片4---<NSThread: 0x7faaca905000>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片5---<NSThread: 0x7faaca905000>{number = 1, name = main}


     *  sync -- 主队列(会卡死)


    - (void)syncMainQueue
        // 1.主队列(加入到主队列中的任务,都会自己主动放到主线程中去运行)
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
        // 2.加入 任务 到主队列中 异步 运行
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);


     *  sync -- 并发队列

     * 不会创建线程

     * 串行运行任务(一个任务运行完成后再运行下一个任务)

     * 并发队列失去了并发的功能


    - (void)syncGlobalQueue
        // 获得全局的并发队列
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
        // 将 任务 加入到 全局并发队列 中 同步 运行
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片4---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片5---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    -----下载图片1---<NSThread: 0x7fe5b2904c30>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片2---<NSThread: 0x7fe5b2904c30>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片3---<NSThread: 0x7fe5b2904c30>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片4---<NSThread: 0x7fe5b2904c30>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片5---<NSThread: 0x7fe5b2904c30>{number = 1, name = main}


     *  sync -- 串行队列

     * 不会创建线程

     * 串行运行任务(一个任务运行完成后再运行下一个任务)


    - (void)syncSerialQueue
        // 创建一个串行队列
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("cn.heima.queue", NULL);
        // 将 任务 加入到 串行队列 中 同步 运行
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片1---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片2---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片3---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片4---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
            NSLog(@"-----下载图片5---%@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    -----下载图片1---<NSThread: 0x7fdb40f05020>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片2---<NSThread: 0x7fdb40f05020>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片3---<NSThread: 0x7fdb40f05020>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片4---<NSThread: 0x7fdb40f05020>{number = 1, name = main}
    -----下载图片5---<NSThread: 0x7fdb40f05020>{number = 1, name = main}

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/llguanli/p/8655652.html
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