1. Install sinatra gem
gem install sinatra --no-ri --no-rdoc
2. Basic App
#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'sinatra' get '/' do "Just Do It" end
ruby低于1.9,需要在文件开头加require 'rubygems'
ruby basic.rb
Open up your browser and go to http://localhost:4567.
3. Inline Template
Slim is a fantastic template engine that makes this a much easier task.
Install slime: $ gem install slime
#!/usr/bin/ruby require "sinatra" require 'slim' get '/' do slim:index end #Inline templates always come after the __END__ declaration, and each template begins with @@. __END__ @@layout doctype html html head meta charset="utf-8" title Just Do it link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection" href="/style.css" /[if lt IE 9] script scr="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js" body h1 Just Doi it == yield @@index h2 My tasks ul.tasks li Get Milk
"@@layout" template: This will automatically be rendered with every view and provides a basic HTML5 scaffolding. The key line in the layout template is right at the end (==yield
). The yield
statement renders the content from the whichever template was requested by the handler (in this case, ‘index’).
4. Extend Views (把视图分离出来)
5. Dynamic Content
get "/:task" do @task=params[:task].split('-').join(' ').capitalize slim :task end
让‘@task’ equal to the value of params[:task]
h2 My Tasks = @task
form action="/" method="POST" input type="text" name="task" input.button type="submit" value="New Task >>"
post '/' do @task = params[:task] slim :task end