• Epilogue ——《The Practice of Programming》 yongmou

            If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But
            passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience
            gives is a lantern on the stem, which shines only on the waves
            behind us!
                   Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Recollections

      The world of computing changes all the time, and the pace seems to accelerate.
    Programmers must cope with new languages, new tools, new systems, and of course
    incompatible changes to old ones. Programs are bigger, interfaces are more compli-
    cated, deadlines are shorter.
      But there are some constants, some points of stability, where lessons and insight
    from the past can help with the future. The underlying themes in this book are based
    on these lasting concepts.

      Simplicity and clarity are first and most important, since almost everything else
    follows from them. Do the simplest thing that works. Choose the simplest algorithm
    that is likely to be fast enough, and the simplest data structure that will do the job;
    combine them with clean, clear code. Don't complicate them unless performance
    measurements show that more engineering is necessary. Interfaces should be lean and
    spare, at least until there is compelling evidence that the benefits outweigh the added

      Generality often goes hand in hand with simplicity, for it may make possible solv-
    ing a problem once and for all rather than over and over again for individual cases. It
    is often the right approach to portability as well: find the single general solution that
    works on each system instead of magnifying the differences between systems.

      Evolution comes next. It is not possible to create a perfect program the first time.
    The insight necessary to find the right solution comes only with a combination of
    thought and experience; pure introspection will not produce a good system, nor will
    pure hacking. Reactions from users count heavily here; a cycle of prototyping, exper-
    iment. user feedback, and further refinement is most effective. Programs we build for

    ourselves often do not evolve enough; big programs that we buy from others change
    too fast without necessarily improving.

      Interfaces are a large part of the battle in programming. and interface issues
    appear in many places. Libraries present the most obvious cases. but there are also
    interfaces between programs and between users and programs. The desire for sim-
    plicity and generality applies especially strongly to the design of interfaces. Make
    interfaces consistent and easy to learn and use; adhere to them scrupulously. Abstrac-
    tion is an effective technique: imagine a perfect component or library or program;
    make the interface match that ideal as closely as possible; hide implementation details
    behind the boundary, out of harm's way.

      Automation is under-appreciated. It is much more effective to have a computer
    do your work than to do it by hand. We saw examples in testing, in debugging, in
    performance analysis, and notably in writing code, where for the right problem
    domain, programs can create programs that would be hard for people to write.

      Notation is also under-appreciated, and not only as the way that programmers tell
    computers what to do. It provides an organizing framework for implementing a wide
    range of tools and also guides the structure of the programs that write programs. We
    are all comfortable in the large general-purpose languages that serve for the bulk of
    our programming. But as tasks become so focused and well understood that program-
    ming them feels almost mechanical, it may be time to create a notation that naturally
    expresses the tasks and a language that implements it. Regular expressions are one of
    our favorite examples, but there are countless opportunities to create little languages
    for specialized applications. They do not have to be sophisticated to reap benefits.

      As individual programmers, it's easy to feel like small cogs in a big machine,
    using languages and systems and tools imposed upon us, doing tasks that should be
    done for us. But in the long run, what counts is how well we work with what we
    have. By applying some of the ideas in this book, you should find that your code is
    easier to work with, your debugging sessions are less painful, and your programming
    is more confident. We hope that this book has given you something that will make
    your computing more productive and more rewarding.

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    static 语句块
    java中Long 和long的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liyongmou/p/2070184.html
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