• FVWM图标,声音,主题安装及.fvwm2rc个性化配置文件



    FVWM Icons and Sounds (http://www.fvwm.org/download/icons.php)

    The Official FVWM Themes Home Page (http://fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net/)



    tar  -jxvf  fvwm-themes-0.7.0.tar.bz2  -C  /usr/local/src
    cd  /usr/local/src/fvwm-themes-0.7.0


    make && make install



    fvwm-themes-config   --site   --install   fvwm-themes-extra-0.7.0.tar.bz2

    You should install fvwm-themes which contains the theme engine and utilities as well as 9 themes. fvwm-themes-extra is optional and contains 15 additional themes.

    以下是我个人的.fvwm2rc, 非常的原生态,未做太大变更,后期再慢慢研究
    EdgeResistance 250 10
    EdgeScroll 100 100
    ClickTime 750

    DeskTopSize 4x1
    MenuStyle * fvwm, Foreground white, Background cornflowerblue, Greyed grey40
    MenuStyle * Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

    ColormapFocus FollowsMouse

    # default Styles:
    # make sure these fonts exist on your system:
    Style *           Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    Style *           IconFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    Style *           HilightFore black, HilightBack cornflowerblue
    Style *           BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7
    Style *           Icon unknown1.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
    Style *           MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
    Style *           DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
    Style *           IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
    Style *           FocusFollowsMouse
    Style *           TileCascadePlacement

    # Styles for various Fvwm modules:
    Style Fvwm*       NoTitle,  Sticky, WindowListSkip
    Style Fvwm*       BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
    Style FvwmPager   StaysOnTop
    Style FvwmBanner  StaysOnTop
    Style FvwmButtons Icon toolbox.xpm, ClickToFocus

    # Styles for your common terminal emulator programs.
    # xterms and rxvts in a separate icon box:
    Style XTerm       Icon xterm.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
    Style rxvt        Icon term.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
    Style rxvt        MWMBorder, MWMButtons

    # Styles for various common programs:
    Style *lock       NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
    Style xbiff       NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
    Style xcalc       Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2,ClickToFocus
    Style xmh         Icon mail1.xpm, NoIconTitle,StickyIcon
    Style xmh         NoButton 2
    Style xman        Icon xman.xpm, ClickToFocus
    Style xmag        Icon mag_glass.xpm, ClickToFocus
    Style xgraph      Icon graphs.xpm, ClickToFocus
    Style xmosaic     Color Green/Yellow, ClickToFocus

    # some simple default key bindings:
    Key Next              SCM     Next [*] Focus
    Key Prior             SCM     Prev [*] Focus

    #Key F1 A A Popup MenuFvwmRoot
    Key F1 A A  Exec gnome-terminal
    Key F1 A M  Exec GotoPage 0 0
    Key F2 A M  Exec GotoPage 0 1
    Key F3 A M  Exec GotoPage 0 2
    Key F4 A M  Exec GotoPage 0 3
    Key F3 A A RaiseLower
    Key F4 A A Destroy
    Key F5 A A CirculateUp
    Key F6 A A CirculateDown
    Key F9 A A Iconify
    Key F10 A A Maximize
    Key F11 A A Exec import -window root ~/Desktop/$(date +"%F_%H:%M:%S").png
    Key F12 A A Exec import ~/Desktop/$(date +"%F_%H:%M:%S").png

    # some simple default mouse bindings:
      for the root window:
    Mouse 1 R            Menu MenuFvwmRoot Nop
    Mouse 2 R            Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps Nop
    Mouse 3 R            WindowList

      for the title bar buttons:
    Mouse 0 1            Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2 Close
    Mouse 0 2            FuncFvwmMaximize
    Mouse 0 4            Iconify

      for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
    Mouse 1 F            FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
    Mouse 1 TS           FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
    Mouse 1 I            FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
    Mouse 2 I            Iconify
    Mouse 2 FST          Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2 Nop
    Mouse 3 TSIF         RaiseLower

    ######################## Initialization Functions ############################
    AddToFunc StartFunction
    + I Module FvwmAnimate
    + I Module FvwmBanner
    + I Module FvwmButtons

    AddToFunc InitFunction
    + I exec fbsetbg ~/picture/bt4.png
    + I exec ibus-daemon &
    + I exec conky
    #+ I exec xsetroot -mod 2 2 -fg rgb:55/40/55 -bg rgb:70/50/70

    # For some SM-s (like gnome-session) there is an internal background setter.
    AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
    + I Nop

    ######################## Menus ###################
    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot  "$[gt.Root Menu]"             Title
                          "&T. XTerm"             Exec exec xterm
                          "&G. Gnome-terminal"    Exec exec gnome-terminal
                          "&F. Firefox"    Exec exec firefox
    #+                       ""              Nop
    #+                       "&R. $[gt.Remote Logins]"     Popup MenuFvwmLogins
                          ""              Nop
                          "&U. $[gt.Utilities]"         Popup MenuFvwmUtilities
                          "&O. $[gt.Offices]"         Popup MenuFvwmOffices
                          "&V. $[gt.Multimedia]"         Popup MenuFvwmMultimedia
                          ""              Nop
                          "&M. $[gt.Fvwm Modules]"      Popup MenuFvwmModules
    #+                       "&W. $[gt.Fvwm Window Ops]"   Popup MenuFvwmWindowOps
                          "&S. $[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]"   Popup MenuFvwmConfig
                          ""              Nop
                          "&H. $[gt.Refresh Screen]"   Refresh
    #+                       "&C. $[gt.Recapture Screen]" Recapture
                          ""              Nop
                          "&X. $[gt.Exit Fvwm]" Popup MenuFvwmQuitVerify

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmUtilities
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmUtilities     "$[gt.Utilities]" Title
                          "&C. Gcalc"     Exec exec gnome-calculator
                          "&L. Nautilus"  Exec exec nautilus
                          ""              Nop
                          "&T. Top"       Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
                          "&I. ioTop"     Exec exec xterm -T ioTop -n ioTop -e iotop
                          "&N. Netstat"   Exec exec xterm -T "watch -n 1 netstat -tunlp"  -n netstat -e watch -n 1 netstat -tunlp
                          "&S. Sar"       Exec exec xterm -T "sar 1" -n sar -e sar 1
                          "&V. Vmstat"    Exec exec xterm -T "vmstat 1" -n vmstat -e vmstat 1

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmOffices
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmOffices     "$[gt.Offices]" Title
                          "&G. Gedit"     Exec exec gedit
                          "&E. Evince"     Exec exec evince
                          "&T. Thunderbird"   Exec exec thunderbird
                          ""              Nop
                          "&O. Open Office"   Exec exec ooffice
                          "&W. OO Writer"     Exec exec oowriter
                          "&C. OO Calc"       Exec exec oocalc
                          "&I. OO Impress"    Exec exec ooimpress
                          "&D. OO Draw"       Exec exec oodraw
                          "&M. OO Math"       Exec exec oomath

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmMultimedia
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmMultimedia     "$[gt.Multimedia]" Title
                          "&P. Pidgin"     Exec exec pidgin
                          "&G. Gimp"       Exec exec gimp
                          "&M. gMplayer"   Exec exec gmplayer
                          "&R. Rhythmbox"  Exec exec rhythmbox
                          "&A. Alsamixer"  Exec exec gnome-terminal -e alsamixer

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmConfig
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmConfig "$[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]" Title
    + "&S. $[gt.Sloppy Focus]"        FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange SloppyFocus
    + "&C. $[gt.Click To Focus]"      FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange ClickToFocus
    + "&F. $[gt.Focus Follows Mouse]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange FocusFollowsMouse
    + "" Nop
    + "&1. $[gt.Colormap Follows Mouse]" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
    + "&2. $[gt.Colormap Follows Focus]" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
    + "" Nop
    + "&3. $[gt.Full Paging ON]"           EdgeScroll 100 100
    + "&4. $[gt.All Paging OFF]"           EdgeScroll 0 0
    + "&5. $[gt.Horizontal Paging Only]"   EdgeScroll 100 0
    + "&6. $[gt.Vertical Paging Only]"     EdgeScroll 0 100
    + "&7. $[gt.Partial Paging]"           EdgeScroll 50 50
    + "&8. $[gt.Full Paging && Edge Wrap]" EdgeScroll 100000 100000

    # The window Ops menus exhibit a different HotKey style.
    # There are 2 versions of the WindowOps Menu, meant to be bound to different
    # things.  Here is the "common" part:
    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Move]"              Move
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Resize]"            Resize
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.R&aise]"             Raise
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Lower]"             Lower
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(De)&Iconify]"       Iconify
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)&Stick]"         Stick
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)Ma&ximize]"      Maximize
    + I AddToMenu $0 ""                 Nop
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Delete]"            Delete
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Close]"             Close
    + I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.Destroy]"            Destroy
    + I AddToMenu $0 ""                 Nop

    # First windowops menu, bound to:
    # mouse 2 on root
    # Root menu
    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps     "$[gt.Window Ops]"    Title
    FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps
    + "$[gt.Re&fresh Window]" RefreshWindow

    # Second windowops menu, bound to:
    # any mouse on titlebar button 1
    # mouse 2 on frame, side or titlebar
    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
    FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps2
    + Scroll&Bar       Module FvwmScroll 2 2
    + "&$[gt.Print]"           FuncFvwmPrint
    + "$[gt.Print Re&verse]" FuncFvwmPrintReverse

    # 3 different ways to log on, take your pick:
    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginXterm
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginXterm
      I Exec xterm -name $0 -title "$USER @ $0" -e rlogin $0
    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginRxvt
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginRxvt
      I Exec rxvt -name $0 -n $0 -title $USER@$0 -e rlogin $0
    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginSshRxvt
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginSshRxvt
      I Exec Exec ssh $0 rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY

    # be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names:
    #DestroyMenu MenuFvwmLogins
    #AddToMenu MenuFvwmLogins
    #+ &dopey  FuncFvwmRloginXterm dopey
    #+ &snoopy FuncFvwmRloginXterm snoopy
    #+ s&ignal Exec rxterm signal

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmModules
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmModules "$[gt.Fvwm Modules]"        Title
    + "&1. $[gt.Control Animation]" Popup  MenuFvwmAnimate
    + "&B. Button-Bar"        Module FvwmButtons
    + "&O. IconBox"           FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
    + "&F. Forms"             Popup  MenuFvwmForms
    + "&I. Identify"          Module FvwmIdent
    + "&M. IconMan"           Module FvwmIconMan
    + "&N. Banner"            Module FvwmBanner
    + "&C. Console"           Module FvwmConsole
    + "&P. Pager"             Module FvwmPager 0 0
    + "&2. Pager (2 $[gt.desks])"   Module FvwmPager 0 1
    + "&R. Backer"            Module FvwmBacker
    + "&S. ScrollBar"         Module FvwmScroll 50 50
    + "&T. FvwmTaskBar"       Module FvwmTaskBar
    + "&U. AutoRaise"         Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
    + "&W. WinList"           Module FvwmWinList
    + "&X. $[gt.Stop Module Menu]"  Popup  MenuFvwmStopModule

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmStopModule
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmStopModule "$[gt.Stop Fvwm Modules]" Title
    + "&B. $[gt.Stop] Button-Bar"  KillModule FvwmButtons
    + "&O. $[gt.Stop] IconBox"     KillModule FvwmIconBox
    + "&M. $[gt.Stop] IconMan"     KillModule FvwmIconMan
    + "&P. $[gt.Stop] Pager"       KillModule FvwmPager
    + "&R. $[gt.Stop] Backer"      KillModule FvwmBacker
    + "&S. $[gt.Stop] ScrollBar"   KillModule FvwmScroll
    + "&T. $[gt.Stop] FvwmTaskBar" KillModule FvwmTaskBar
    + "&U. $[gt.Stop] AutoRaise"   KillModule FvwmAuto
    + "&W. $[gt.Stop] WinList"     KillModule FvwmWinList

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmForms
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmForms
    + "&C. Capture"       Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Capture
    + "&D. Form Defaults" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Form
    + "&R. Rlogin"        Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Rlogin
    + "&P. RootCursor"    Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-RootCursor
    + "&S. Setup"         Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Setup
    + "&T. Talk Form"     Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk
    + "&Q. QuitVerify"    Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-QuitVerify

    # Configure and start using an iconbox on the fly
    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
    + I Module FvwmIconBox
    + I Style     NoIcon

    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify "$[gt.Really Quit Fvwm?]" Title
    + "&N. $[gt.No, Don't Quit]"   Nop
    + ""                     Nop
    + "&R. $[gt.Restart]"          Restart
    + "&D. $[gt.Reset X defaults]" Exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
    + ""                     Nop
    + "&F. $[gt.Start] fluxbox"        Restart fluxbox
    + "&C. $[gt.Start] fvwm-crystal"        Restart fvwm-crystal
    + "&G. $[gt.Start] gnome-session"        Restart gnome-session
    #+ "&X. $[gt.Just an Xterm]"    Restart xterm -n '"X Console"' -T '"X Console"'
    + ""                     Nop
    + "&Y. $[gt.Yes, Really Quit]" Quit

    ######################## Sample Functions ##########################

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMailXmh
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmMailXmh
    + I Next [$0] Iconify false
    + I Next [$0] Focus
    + I None [$0] Exec $0 $1

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
    + I Raise
    + M Move
    + D Lower

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMaximize
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmMaximize
    + M Maximize   0 100
    + H Maximize   0 100
    + C Maximize   80
    + D Maximize 100 100

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
    + I Raise
    + M Move
    + D Iconify

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
    + I Raise
    + M Resize
    + D Lower

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmPrint
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmPrint
    + I Raise
    + I Exec xdpr -id $w

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmPrintReverse
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmPrintReverse
    + I Raise
    + I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w

    DestroyFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
    AddToFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
    + I Style * $0
    + I Recapture

    # Read config files for modules:
    read ConfigFvwmBacker
    read ConfigFvwmButtons
    read ConfigFvwmIconBox
    read ConfigFvwmIconMan
    read ConfigFvwmIdent
    read ConfigFvwmPager
    read ConfigFvwmScroll
    read ConfigFvwmTaskBar
    read ConfigFvwmWinList
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lixuebin/p/10814512.html
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