• VIM命令集

    Command Action Notes
    vim file +54 open file and go to line 54 any : command can be run using + on command line
    vim -O file1 file2 open file1 and file2 side by side  
    Insert enter insert mode so you can start typing. Alternatively one can use i ora.
    Esc leave insert mode so you can issue commands. Note in VIM the cursor keys & {Home, End, Page{up,down}} and Delete and Backspace work as expected in any mode, so you don't need to go back to command mode nearly as much as the origonal vi. Note even Ctrl+{left,right} jumps words like most other editors. Note also Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+c are equivalent to Esc and may be easier to type. Also Ctrl+o in insert mode will switch to normal mode for one command only and automatically switch back.
    :command runs named command  
    :help word shows help on word Typing Ctrl+d after word shows all entries containing word
    :echo &word shows value of word  
    :e set buffer for current window you can optionally specify a new file or existing buffer number (#3 for e.g.). Note if you specify a directory a file browser is started. E.g. :e . will start the browser in the current directory (which can be changed with the :cd command).
    :sp new window above ditto
    :vs new window to left ditto
    :q close current window  
    :qa close all windows add trailing ! to force
    Ctrl+w {left,right,up,down} move to window  
    Ctrl+w Ctrl+w toggle window focus  
    Ctrl+w = autosize windows to new terminal size for e.g.
    :ba new window for all buffers ":vert ba" tiles windows vertically
    :ls list buffers  
    gf open file under cursor  
    :bd delete buffer and any associated windows
    :w save file Note :up[date] only writes file if changes made, but it's more awkward to type
    :sav filename save file as filename Note :w filename doesn't switch to new file. Subsequent edits/saves happen to existing file
    u undo  
    Ctrl+r redo  
    . repeat  
    gg Goto start of file  
    G Goto end of file  
    :54 Goto line 54  
    80| Goto column 80  
    Ctrl+g Show file info including your position in the file
    ga Show character info g8 shows UTF8 encoding
    Ctrl+e scroll up Ctrl+x needed first for insert mode
    Ctrl+y scroll down Ctrl+x needed first for insert mode
    zt scroll current line to top of window  
    w Goto next word Note Ctrl+{right} in newer vims (which work also in insert mode)
    b Goto previous word Note Ctrl+{left} in newer vims
    [{ Goto previous { of current scope  
    % Goto matching #if #else,{},(),[],/* */ must be one on line
    zi toggle folds on/off  
    m {a-z} mark position as {a-z} E.g. m a
    ' {a-z} move to position {a-z} E.g. ' a
    ' ' move to previous position  
    '0 open previous file handy after starting vim
    v select visually use cursor keys, home, end etc.
    Shift+v line select CTRL+v = column select
    Delete cut selection  
    "_x delete selection without updating the clipboard or yank buffer. I remap x to this in my .vimrc
    y copy selection  
    p paste (after cursor) P is paste before cursor
    "Ay append selected lines to register a use lowercase a to initialise register
    "ap paste contents of a  
    gq reformat selection justifies text and is useful with :set textwidth=70 (80 is default)
    = reindent selection very useful to fix indentation for c code
    > indent section useful with Shift+v%
    < unindent section remember . to repeat and u to undo
    :set list! toggle visible whitespace See also listchars in my .vimrc
    clipboard shortcuts
    dd cut current line  
    yy copy current line  
    D cut to end of line  
    y$ copy to end of line  
    /regexp searches forwards for regexp ? reverses direction
    n repeat previous search N reverses direction
    * searches forward for word under cursor # reverses direction
    :%s/1/2/gc search for regexp 1 and replace with 2 in file c = confirm change
    :s/1/2/g search for regexp 1 and replace with 2 in (visual) selection  
    K lookup word under cursor in man pages 2K means lookup in section 2
    :make run make in current directory  
    Ctrl+] jump to tag Ctrl+t to jump back levels. I map these to Alt+⇦⇨ in my .vimrc
    vim -t name Start editing where name is defined  
    Ctrl+{n,p} scroll forward,back through autocompletions for word before cursor uses words in current file (and included files) by default. You can change to a dictionary for e.g: set complete=k/usr/share/dicts/words Note only works in insert mode
    Ctrl+x Ctrl+o scroll through language specific completions for text before cursor "Intellisense" for vim (7 & later). :help compl-omni for more info. Useful for python, css, javascript, ctags, ... Note only works in insert mode
    external filters
    :%!filter put whole file through filter  
    :!filter put (visual) selection through filter  
    :,!command replace current line with command output  
    map <f9> :w<CR>:!python %<CR> run current file with external program  


  • 相关阅读:
    Linux 命令之 2>&1 &
    stack unstack pivot 数据的透视
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuzhi/p/3916927.html
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