• bootstrapfileinput上传控件



    // 初始化上传控件
            uploadUrl: ctx + 'general/mateSub/uploadFtp',
            maxTotalFileCount: 1,
            // maxFileSize: 2097152, // 单位kb
            maxFilePreviewSize: 2097152,
            showCaption: false, // 不显示文件选择框
            showClose: false, // 隐藏右上角删除
            showRemove: false,
            fileActionSettings: {
                // removeClass: 'hideBtn',
                downloadClass: 'hideBtn',
                uploadClass: 'hideBtn'
            allowedFileExtensions: ["bmp", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "doc", "docx", "xls", "xlsx", "ppt", "pptx",
                "txt", "rar", "zip", "gz", "bz2", "mp4", "avi", "rmvb", "wav", "wmv", "mpg",
                "pdf", "mp3"]
        }).on('fileuploaded', function (event, data, previewId, index) {
            if (data.response.code === web_status.SUCCESS) {
                // 将上传的url赋值到输入框
                $("input[name='" + event.currentTarget.id + "']").val(data.response.fileName);
            } else {
        }).on('filesuccessremove', function (event, id, index) {
            // 上传之后删除本地素材
            var path = $("input[name='" + event.currentTarget.id + "']").val()
                url: ctx + "general/mateSub/deleteFile",
                data: {
                    "fileName": path
                type: "post",
                success: function (result) {
                    if (result.code === web_status.SUCCESS) {
                        $("input[name='" + event.currentTarget.id + "']").val('');
                    } else {
                }, error: function (result) {
        }).on('filebrowse', function (event) {
            // 这里限制只能选择一个文件,每当点击选择文件时,清除预览图
            // 清除文件地址
            $("input[name='" + event.currentTarget.id + "']").val('')


            // 文件地址
            var fileName = [[${portalMaterial.materialUrl}]];
            var fileSize = [[${portalMaterial.materialSize}]];
            // 文件是否存在
            var exist = [[${exist}]];
            // 回显地址
            var initialPreview = [];
            // 回显参数(名称、大小、缩略图等)
            var initialPreviewConfig = [];
            var preView = generFilDel(fileName);
             * 封装回显数据类
             * @param fileName
             * @returns {Object}
            function generFilDel(fileName){
                var o = new Object();
                // 回显的显示的文件名
                o.caption = fileName;
                o.size = fileSize;
                // 删除地址
                o.url = ctx + 'common/delete';
                // 删除时额外传递的参数,默认带着key
                o.extra = function() {
                    return {fileName: fileName};
                // 如果没有地址,默认为图片类型
                if( fileName == null || fileName.indexOf(".") == -1 || !exist){
                    //return {"type":null,"fileType":null};
                    o.type = "txt";
                    o.filetype = "text/"+fileTyp;
                    o.caption = "文件已被删除,请重新上传";
                    return o;
                var index= fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
                var fileTyp = fileName.substr(index+1);
                if(["bmp", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"].join(",").indexOf(fileTyp) !== -1){
                    o.type = "image";
                    o.filetype = "image/"+fileTyp;
                    return o;
                else if (["mp3"].join(",").indexOf(fileTyp) !== -1) {
                    o.type = "audio";
                    o.filetype = "audio/"+fileTyp;
                    return o;
                } else if(["swf", "flv" , "mp4","wav", "wma", "wmv", "mid", "avi", "mpg",
                    "rm", "rmvb"].join(",").indexOf(fileTyp) !== -1) {
                    o.type = "video";
                    o.filetype = "video/"+fileTyp;
                    return o;
                } else if (["pdf"].join(",").indexOf(fileTyp) !== -1){
                    o.type = "pdf";
                    o.filetype = "pdf/"+fileTyp;
                } else if (["txt"].join(",").indexOf(fileTyp) !== -1) {
                    o.type = "text";
                    o.filetype = "text/"+fileTyp;
                } else {
                    o.type = "other";
                    o.filetype = "other/"+fileTyp;
                return o;
            // 初始化上传控件
                uploadUrl: ctx + 'common/upload',
                maxFileCount: 1, // 最多上传一个文件
                // maxFileSize: 2097152,   // 限制文件大小
                maxFilePreviewSize: 2097152,  // 预览文件的大小
                showRemove: false, // 隐藏删除按钮
                showUpload: false, // 隐藏上传按钮
                showBrowse: false, // 隐藏选择文件按钮
                showClose: false, // 隐藏右上角删除
                fileActionSettings: {
                    removeClass: 'hideBtn',
                    downloadClass: 'hideBtn',
                    uploadClass: 'hideBtn'
                showCaption: false, //是否显示标题
                initialPreviewAsData: true,
                initialPreviewShowDelete: true,
                initialPreview: initialPreview,
                initialPreviewConfig: initialPreviewConfig
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyu666/p/15744972.html
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