• 计算机网络中好的期刊和会议


    1 Proceedingsof the IEEE

    2 IEEE/ACMTransactions on Networking

    3 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

    4 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

    5 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    6 IEEE Network

    7 IEEE CommunicationsMagazine

    8 IEEE WirelessCommunications

    9 IEEE Transactions on Communications

    10 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

    11 IEEE Transactionson Parallel and Distributed Systems

    12 Elsevier Computer Networks

    13 Elsevier Ad hoc Networks

    14 Elsevier Computer Communications

    15 Springer Wireless Networks

    16 EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking



    1 ACM MOBICOM --ACM International Conference on Mobile Computingand Networking

    2ACM SIGCOMM--ACM International Conference on the applications,technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication

    3 IEEE INFOCOM--Conference on Computer Communications

    4 IEEE ICNP--International Conference on Network Protocols

    5 ACM/IEEE MobiHoc--InternationalSymposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

    6 IEEE IWQoS--International Workshop on Quality ofService

    7 IEEE Globecom--IEEE Global Communications Conference

    8 IEEE ICC--IEEE International Conference on Communications

    9 IEEE ICCCN-- IEEE International Conference on Computer Communicationsand Networks

    10 IEEE WCNC-- IEEE Wireless Communications &Networking Conference

    11IEEE VTC–IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (Spring &Fall)



    DBLP-- http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/




    1 ACM Digital Library


    3 IEEE/IET Electronic Library(IEL)

    4 Web of Knowledge(WOK平台)

    5 SpringerLink

    6 Elsevier Science Direct On Site (SDOL)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuwu265/p/4032141.html
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