• Mac下的UI自动化测试 (二)



    我在实际应用中,region选的是屏幕中间的工作区域,也就是除了最上方的global menu 和 system tray区域,和下方的dock区域,并且在被测程序启动后,将其最大化,以占满中间的工作区,防止其他应用的UI干扰测试运行。


    from sikuli import *
    import helper
    # Get width and heigth of screen by applescripts
    width_of_screen = helper.get_bounds_of_screen()[0]
    height_of_screen = helper.get_bounds_of_screen()[1]
    # Height of top menu bar
    height_of_top_menu_bar = 24
    # Get height of dock by applescripts
    height_of_dock = helper.get_height_of_dock()
    # Region of screen, without top menu bar and dock
    region = Region(0, height_of_top_menu_bar, width_of_screen,
                    height_of_screen - height_of_top_menu_bar - height_of_dock)
    print "region size is ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(region.x, region.y, region.w, region.h)


    tell app "Finder" to get bounds of window of desktop


    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"
        set dock_dimensions to size in list 1
        set dock_height to item 2 of dock_dimensions
    end tell


    region = Region(0, height_of_top_menu_bar, width_of_screen,
                    height_of_screen - height_of_top_menu_bar - height_of_dock)

    当然测试system tray的功能也是必不可少的,那么就需要再准备一个对应最上方global menu区域的region:

    # Height of top menu bar
    height_of_top_menu_bar = 24
    # Region for top menu bar region
    top_menu_bar_region = Region(
        0, 0, helper.get_bounds_of_screen()[0], height_of_top_menu_bar)




    另外,sikuli的图像识别是有一个相似度的,如果不满意,可以在sikuli IDE上点击图片进行修改:


    由于sikuli的IDE的功能简单,稳定性差,我在实际工作中是不会使用它来coding的,当你需要一个sikuli文件时,打开sikuli的IDE并new一个空文件并保存,这个文件就可以通过右键的“show package contents”打开它,看到它就是一个包含py文件和html文件的一个文件夹:

    其中html文件的内容才是sikuli IDE中显示的内容,但是实际运行时与这个html没关系,使用的是py文件编译后的java字节码文件。


    下面的截图是我用sublime text打开的一个项目,可以看到sikuli文件就是一个文件夹:


    1. 最大化(非全屏)一个app,需要用到dock的高度:

    tell application "Finder"
        set screenResolution to bounds of window of desktop
    end tell
    set screenWidth to item 3 of screenResolution
    set screenHeight to item 4 of screenResolution
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"
        set dock_dimensions to size in list 1
        set dock_height to item 2 of dock_dimensions
    end tell
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "RealTimes"
        set position of window 1 to {0, 24}
        set size of window 1 to {screenWidth, screenHeight - dock_height - 24}
    end tell

    2. 通过AppleScript将Finder定位到一个路径上去,并且将Finder窗口放到屏幕工作区域的右半边:

    #! /usr/bin/osascript
    on run(arguments)
        set myDocumentFolder to POSIX path of (first item of arguments)
        tell application "Finder"
            close every window
            make new Finder window
            set toolbar visible of the front Finder window to false
            set statusbar visible of the front Finder window to false
            set the current view of front Finder window to icon view
            set the target of the front Finder window to (POSIX file myDocumentFolder)
            set screenResolution to bounds of window of desktop
        end tell
        set screenWidth to item 3 of screenResolution
        set screenHeight to item 4 of screenResolution
        tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"
            set dock_dimensions to size in list 1
            set dock_height to item 2 of dock_dimensions
        end tell
        tell application "Finder"
            set frontmost to true
            set bounds of the front Finder window to {screenWidth / 2, 24, screenWidth, screenHeight - dock_height}
        end tell 
    end run


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liupengblog/p/4649901.html
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