• Build system 英文说明 Andrlid.mk说明

    本文的位置 在源码的 build/core/build-system.html ,以下 部分 文档 是 本人 觉得  比较 重要的 地方,尽量看 加粗 和 上颜色的 部分,他们是 重点!


    This variable is used to construct othervariable names used to locate the modules. See base_rules.make andenvsetup.make.

    //apk文件用APPS 并且 会检查 是否是apk文件,动态库so文件用SHARED_LIBRARIES ,bin文件用 EXECUTABLES,其他文件 用ETC


    The suffix that will be appended to LOCAL_MODULE to formLOCAL_MODULE_NAME. For example,.so, .a, .dylib.

    //给 被安装文件 添加 后缀,后缀 任意 指定;


    Set LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES to any number of whitespace-separatedmodule names, like "libblah" or "Email". If this module is installed, allof the modules that it requires will be installed as well. This can beused to, e.g., ensure that necessary shared libraries or providers are installed when a given app is installed.

    //指定依赖,如:当安装一个 apk时,而这个apk依赖 其他的文件,可以用这个 变量 指定 依赖文件也被 安装;


    When a module is built, the module is created in an intermediatedirectory then copied to its final location. LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE is the full path to the intermediate file. See LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULEfor the path to the final installed location of the module.


    The fully qualified path name of the final location of the module.See LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE for the location of the intermediate file thatthe make rules should actually be constructing.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liulaolaiu/p/11744741.html
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