type example interface{ Method1(参数列表) 返回值列表 Method2(参数列表) 返回值列表 … } /* 例子: */ type Student interface{ call() say() string }
type example interface{ Method1(参数列表) 返回值列表 Method2(参数列表) 返回值列表 … } var a example a.Method1() /* 没有实现method方法会panic */
1. Golang中的接口,不需要显示的实现。只要一个变量,含有接口类型中的所有方法,那么这个变量就实现这个接口。因此,golang中没有implement类似的关键字
2. 如果一个变量含有了多个interface类型的方法,那么这个变量就实现了多个接口。
3. 如果一个变量只含有了1个interface的方部分方法,那么这个变量没有实现这个接口。
package main //定义了一个车的接口,满足run,getname,didi就实现了该方法. import "fmt" type Carter interface { Run() GetName() string Didi() } type BMW struct { name string } func (p *BMW) Run(){ fmt.Println("this bmw is running") } func(p *BMW) GetName() string{ return p.name } func (p *BMW) Didi() { fmt.Println("this bmw is didi") } func main() { var car Carter isBmw := new(BMW) isBmw.name = "liangliang" car = isBmw //将结构体赋值给接口,之后都通过接口调用 car.Run() res := car.GetName() fmt.Println(res) }
package main import "fmt" type Writer interface { Write() } type Reader interface { Read() } type WrintReader interface { //此接口类似于继承,只有都实现write和read方法才行 Writer Reader } type file struct { } func (p *file) Read(){ fmt.Println("is read") } func(p *file) Write(){ fmt.Println("is write") } func Test(rw WrintReader){ rw.Read() rw.Write() } func main() { var f file //声明了一个结构体 Test(&f) } /* is read is write */
//第一种 var t int var x interface{} x = t y = x.(int) //转成int //第二种 var t int var x interface{} x = t y, ok = x.(int) //转成int,带检查
package main import "fmt" type Student struct { name string age int } func Test(a interface{}){ v,ok := a.(Student) ; if ok{ //接口断言判断 //v += 3 fmt.Println(v) }else{ fmt.Println("convert error") } //b := a.(int) //接口断言 //b += 3 //fmt.Println(b) } func main() { var b Student Test(b) } /* { 0} */
package main import "fmt" type Student struct { name string age int } func just(a ...interface{}){ //一个interface接口的切片 for index,v := range a{ switch v.(type) { case int,int32,int64: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this value is %v,this type is int ",index,v) case string: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this type is %v,this type is string ",index,v) case float32,float64: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this type is %v,this type is float ",index,v) case bool: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this type is %v,this type is bool ",index,v) case Student: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this type is %v,this type is student ",index,v) case *Student: fmt.Printf("this index is %d,this type is %v,this type is *student ",index,v) } } } func main() { var stu = Student{name:"ake",age:18} just("hello",9.9,200,true,stu,&stu) } /* this index is 0,this type is hello,this type is string this index is 1,this type is 9.9,this type is float this index is 2,this value is 200,this type is int this index is 3,this type is true,this type is bool this index is 4,this type is {ake 18},this type is student this index is 5,this type is &{ake 18},this type is *student */
类型断言 采用type-switch
switch t := areaIntf.(type) //areaIntf是结构体 {case *Square: fmt.Printf(“Type Square %T with value %v ”, t, t) case *Circle: fmt.Printf(“Type Circle %T with value %v ”, t, t) case float32: fmt.Printf(“Type float32 with value %v ”, t) case nil: fmt.Println(“nil value: nothing to check?”) default: fmt.Printf(“Unexpected type %T”, t) }
空接口 interface{}
package main import "fmt" func main() { var a int var b interface{} b = a fmt.Println(b) }
package main import "fmt" type Stringer interface { String() string } func main() { var m interface{} if v,ok := m.(Stringer); ok { fmt.Printf("v implements String(): %s ", v.String()); } }
变量slice和接口slice之前的赋值操作. 不能够直接赋值,需要通过for_range赋值
var a []int var b []interface{} b = a //错误示例
import reflect
const ( Invalid Kind = iota Bool Int Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Uint Uint8 Uint16 Uint32 Uint64 Uintptr Float32 Float64 Complex64 Complex128 Array Chan Func Interface Map Ptr //内存地址 Slice String Struct UnsafePointer )
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { var x float64 = 2.3 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(x)) v := reflect.ValueOf(x) fmt.Println(v) fmt.Println(v.Kind()) fmt.Println(v.Type()) fmt.Println(v.Float()) //取值 //通过反射value,可以转换为接口,可以转换成值类 fmt.Println(v.Interface()) y := v.Interface().(float64)//通过接口断言 fmt.Println(y) }
5.通过反射来改变 变量的值
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { var x float64 = 2.2 //fv := reflect.ValueOf(x) 传入的a为值类型,修改不生效,panic: reflect: reflect.Value.SetFloat using unaddressable value fv := reflect.ValueOf(&x) //传入为内存地址,修改的时候需要Elem() fv.Elem().SetFloat(3.3) fmt.Printf("%v ",x) }
package main import ( "reflect" "fmt" ) type Student struct{ Name string Age int Sex int } func(s *Student) Set(name string,age,sex int){ s.Name = name s.Age = age s.Sex = sex } func(s *Student) Getname(name string){ s.Name = name } func TestStruct_value(){ var s *Student = &Student{} v := reflect.ValueOf(s) //reflect.Value类型 setinfo := v.MethodByName("Set") //通过reflect反射结构体Set方法 var par []reflect.Value name := "dragon" age := 18 sex := 1 par = append(par,reflect.ValueOf(name)) par = append(par,reflect.ValueOf(age)) par = append(par,reflect.ValueOf(sex)) setinfo.Call(par) fmt.Printf("%v ",s) } func main() { TestStruct_value() } /* &{dragon 18 1} */
a. reflect.Value.NumField()获取结构体中字段的个数
b. reflect.Value.Method(n).Call来调用结构体中的方法
c. reflect.Value.MethodByName(方法名字) 获取结构体方法 可以直接.Call执行该方法
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type NotknownType struct { s1 string s2 string s3 string } func (n NotknownType) String() string { return n.s1 + "-" + n.s2 + "-" + n.s3 } var secret interface{} = NotknownType{"Ada", "Go", "Oberon"} //接口可以接收任意类型 func main() { value := reflect.ValueOf(secret) // <main.NotknownType Value> typ := reflect.TypeOf(secret) // main.NotknownType fmt.Println(typ) knd := value.Kind() // struct fmt.Println(knd) for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ { fmt.Printf("Field %d: %v ", i, value.Field(i)) //value.Field(i).SetString("C#") } results := value.Method(0).Call(nil) fmt.Println(results) // [Ada - Go - Oberon] } /* Ada-Go-Oberon main.NotknownType struct Field 0: Ada Field 1: Go Field 2: Oberon [Ada-Go-Oberon] */
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type T struct { A int B string } func main() { t := T{23, "skidoo"} s := reflect.ValueOf(&t).Elem() typeOfT := s.Type() for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ { f := s.Field(i) fmt.Printf("%d: %s %s = %v ", i, typeOfT.Field(i).Name, f.Type(), f.Interface()) } s.Field(0).SetInt(77) s.Field(1).SetString("Sunset Strip") fmt.Println("t is now", t) } /* 0: A int = 23 1: B string = skidoo t is now {77 Sunset Strip} */
package main import "fmt" type LinkNode struct { data interface{} next *LinkNode //定义一个链表节点的结构体 } type Link struct { //定义一个链表结构体 head *LinkNode tail *LinkNode } func (p *Link) InsertChain(data interface{}){ node := &LinkNode{ data : data, next:nil, } if p.tail == nil && p.head == nil{ p.tail = node p.head = node return } node.next = p.head //最好画图理解容易 p.head = node } func (p *Link) TailChain(data interface{}){ node := &LinkNode{ data : data, next:nil, } if p.tail == nil && p.head == nil{ p.tail = node p.head = node return } p.tail.next = node p.tail = node } func (p *Link) Trans(){ //从头到尾遍历 q := p.head for q != nil{ fmt.Println(q.data) q = q.next } } func main() { var link Link for i:=0 ; i < 10 ; i++ { //link.InsertChain(i) link.TailChain(i) } link.Trans() }
package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "sort" ) type Student struct { name string age int id int } //想使用sort必须实现三种方法,Len,Less,Swap type StudentArry []Student func (p StudentArry) Len() int{ return len(p) } func (p StudentArry) Less(i , j int ) bool{ return p[i].name < p[j].name } func(p StudentArry) Swap(i,j int){ p[i], p[j] = p[j] , p[i] } func main() { var stus StudentArry for i :=0 ; i < 10 ; i++ { stu := Student{ name:fmt.Sprintf("stu%d",rand.Intn(100)), age : rand.Intn(100), id : rand.Intn(100), } stus = append(stus,stu) } for _,v := range stus{ fmt.Println(v.name,v.age,v.id) } sort.Sort(stus) fmt.Println("--------------") for _,v := range stus{ fmt.Println(v.name,v.age,v.id) } } /* stu81 87 47 stu59 81 18 stu25 40 56 stu0 94 11 stu62 89 28 stu74 11 45 stu37 6 95 stu66 28 58 stu47 47 87 stu88 90 15 -------------- stu0 94 11 stu25 40 56 stu37 6 95 stu47 47 87 stu59 81 18 stu62 89 28 stu66 28 58 stu74 11 45 stu81 87 47 stu88 90 15 */