• 动画平台

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    <button id="createDiv">创建容器</button>

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    <label>高度</label><input id="target_height">
    <label>宽度</label><input id="target_width"> <br>
    <label>左边距</label><input id="target_left"><br>
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    <input id="insertimgurl" type="text" placeholder="请输入图片链接">
    <button id="insertButton">确定插入图片</button>

    <button class="animal" name='bounce'>bounce</button>
    <button class="animal" name='flash'>flash</button>
    <button class="animal" name='pulse'>pulse</button>
    <button class="animal" name='rubberBand'>rubberBand</button>


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    var animal=['bounce','flash','pulse', 'rubberBand','shake','headShake','swing ']  


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuhao-web/p/11425993.html
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