function [best,fmin,N_iter]=bat_algorithm() n=20; % Population size, typically 10 to 40 蝙蝠个体数 N_gen=1000; % Number of generations 迭代次数 % This frequency range determines the scalings. You should change these values if necessary Qmin=0; % Frequency minimum Qmax=2; % Frequency maximum % Iteration parameters 迭代参数 N_iter=0; % Total number of function evaluations 功能评价总数 % Dimension of the search variables 搜索维数 d=10; % Number of dimensions A=1+rand(n,1); % Loudness (constant or decreasing)响度,按照p8要求产生[1,2]的随机数 r=rand(n,1); % Pulse rate (constant or decreasing)脉冲率,设置为[0,1]的随机数 al = 0.85; rr = 0.9; r0 = r; % Lower limit/bounds/ a vector Lb=-2*ones(1,d); % Upper limit/bounds/ a vector Ub=2*ones(1,d); % Initializing arrays 初始化数组 Q=zeros(n,1); % Frequency 频率 v=zeros(n,d); % Velocities 速度 % Initialize the population/solutions for i=1:n Sol(i,:)=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d); %rand(m*n)会生成 m*n的矩阵,矩阵元素是[0,10]随机数 Fitness(i)=Fun(Sol(i,:)); end % Find the initial best solution [fmin,I]=min(Fitness); %I 记录取得fmin的Fitness的位置,而这位置正是Sol中解的位置;fmin是Fitness中最小的值 best=Sol(I,:); %记录最好的解 % Start the iterations -- Bat Algorithm (essential part) % for t=1:N_gen % Loop over all bats/solutions for i=1:n Q(i)=Qmin+(Qmin-Qmax)*rand; v(i,:)=v(i,:)+(Sol(i,:)-best)*Q(i); S(i,:)=Sol(i,:)+v(i,:); % Apply simple bounds/limits Sol(i,:)=simplebounds(Sol(i,:),Lb,Ub); %越界检查 % Pulse rate if rand>r(i,1) % The factor 0.001 limits the step sizes of random walks S(i,:)=best+0.001*randn(1,d);%这里的新的蝙蝠个体是由当前全局最好的个体产生的 %论文中是以“上一代的蝙蝠体”+“响度的随机的倍数”,这里不再实现 end % Evaluate new solutions Fnew=Fun(S(i,:)); % Update if the solution improves, or not too loud if ((Fnew<=Fitness(i)) && (rand<A(i,1))) Sol(i,:)=S(i,:); Fitness(i)=Fnew; A(i,1) = al*A(i,1); %对响度进行更新 r(i,1) = r0(i,1)*(1-exp(-1*rr*t )); %对脉冲率进行更新 end % Update the current best solution if Fnew<=fmin best=S(i,:); fmin=Fnew; end end N_iter=N_iter+n; end % Output/display disp(['Number of evaluations: ',num2str(N_iter)]); disp(['Best =',num2str(best),' fmin=',num2str(fmin)]); % Application of simple limits/bounds 越界检查 function s=simplebounds(s,Lb,Ub) % Apply the lower bound vector ns_tmp=s; I=ns_tmp<Lb; ns_tmp(I)=Lb(I); % Apply the upper bound vector J=ns_tmp>Ub; ns_tmp(J)=Ub(J); % Update this new move s=ns_tmp; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Objective function: your own objective function can be written here % Note: When you use your own function, please remember to % change limits/bounds Lb and Ub (see lines 52 to 55) % and the number of dimension d (see line 51). % 在这里设置你自己函数,并且更新搜索区间上限和下限,以及自变量x的维度 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function y=Fun(x) % Griewan函数 % 输入x,给出相应的y值,在x = ( 0 , 0 ,…, 0 )处有全局极小点0. [row,col] = size(x); if row > 1 error( ' 输入的参数错误 ' ); end y1 = 1 / 4000 * sum(x.^2 ); y2 = 1 ; for h = 1 :col y2 = y2 * cos(x(h) / sqrt(h)); end y = y1 - y2 + 1 ; %%%%% ============ end ====================================
参考文献:蝙蝠算法的改进与应用 何子旷 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 2016.5