• qingku

     1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     2 list1=[]
     3 list2=[]
     4 list3 = []
     5 list4 = []
     6 while True:
     7     inputs = raw_input("按 a 查询节点:    按 b 添加节点:    按c删除节点:")
     8     if inputs =="a":
     9         while True:
    10             inputs1 = raw_input("请输入要查询的节点名称:  按b返回上一级:  按q退出")
    11             if inputs1 =="b":
    12                 break
    13             elif inputs1 =="q":
    14                 exit()
    15             elif inputs1 =="www.oldboy.org":
    16                 f = open("haproxy")
    17                 ha_list = []
    18                 for i in f:
    19                     ha_list.append(i.strip())
    20                 b = int(ha_list.index("backend www.oldboy.org"))+1
    21                 while True:
    22                     title = "33[32;1m服务器节点列表33[0m"
    23                     print title.center(60, "*")
    24                     for i in ha_list[b:]:
    25                         print i
    26                     print  "33[32;1mend33[0m".center(50,"*")
    27                     choice = raw_input("按b返回上一级:  按q退出程序:")
    28                     if choice =="b":
    29                         break
    30                     elif choice =="q":
    31                         exit()
    32             else:
    33                 print "输入错误,没有该节点,请重新输入节点名称:"
    34     elif inputs =="b":
    35         data = raw_input("请输入要增加的节点:")
    36         c = eval(data)
    37         a = c["record"]
    38         print  a
    39         for key in a.item:
    40             print key , a.get(key)
    41             #list.append(key)
    42             #list2.append(a.get(key))
    43         print list ,list2
    44         # list.insert(2, list2[2])
    45         # list.insert(1, str(list2[1]))
    46         # list.insert(0, str(list2[0]))
    47         # list.reverse()
    48         # # print list
    49         # strs = ' '.join(list)
    50         # print strs
    51         # f = open("test.txt", "a+")
    52         # f.write(strs)
    53         # f.close()

    data = raw_input("input:")
    a = eval(data)
    # print a["backend"]
    # print a["record"]
    list = []
    list2= []
    a = {'maxconn': 30, 'weight': 20, 'server': ''}
    for key in a.iterkeys():
    #print key , a.get(key)
    #print list ,list2
    #print list
    strs = ' '.join(list)
    print strs
    f = open("test.txt","a+")

     1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     2 import paramiko,os,sys,time
     3 #-----------------------更新svn-------------------------------------------------
     4 msg = "正在更新本地svn"
     5 msg1 = "更新完成"
     6 print msg.center(50,"*")
     7 os.system("cd /data/yunweisvn/sh/clearscript  && svn update")
     8 print msg1.center(50,"*")
     9 #--------------------拷贝清库脚本到目标机器-------------------------------------
    11 host_name = sys.argv[1]
    12 password = "B^Dc%4LSBvhZZK3B"
    13 port = 22
    14 local_sunif = "/data/yunweisvn/sh/clearscript/sunif/cleartable.sql"
    15 remote_sunif = "/data/cleardb/sunif/initscrpit/cleartable.sql"
    17 def ssh_scp_put(ip,port,user,password,local_file,remote_file):
    18     ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    19     ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    20     ssh.connect(ip, 22, 'root', password)
    21     a = ssh.exec_command('date')
    22     stdin, stdout, stderr = a
    23     print stdout.read()
    24     sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh.get_transport())
    25     sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    26     sftp.put(local_file, remote_file)
    27 if host_name == "s3":
    28     ip = ""
    29     ssh_scp_put(ip,port,"root",password,local_sunif,remote_sunif)


      1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      2 import time,os
      5 shop_car2 =[]
      6 user_list = []
      7 count = 0
      8 user = "liruixin"
      9 password = "123456"
     10 raw_user = raw_input("username:")
     11 f=open("user.txt",'a+')
     12 lines=[]
     13 for lines in f.readlines():
     14     lines=lines.replace("
     15 f.close()
     16 for i in lines:
     17     if i == raw_user:
     18         print "this user is locked, please request to root"
     19         exit()
     20     else:
     21         pass
     22 while count <3:
     23     if raw_user == user:
     24         raw_password = raw_input("password:")
     25         count = count+1
     26         if count == 3:
     27             user_list.append(raw_user)
     28             user = open('user.txt','a')
     29             for raw_user in user_list:
     30                 user.write(raw_user + ',')
     31             user.close()
     32         else:
     33             pass
     34         if raw_password == password:
     35             print "success"
     36             a = time.localtime()
     37             b = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", a)
     38             title = "welcome to shopping"
     39             print b.center(40, "*")
     40             print title.center(40, "*")
     41             shop_car = []
     42             goods_list = [
     43                 ["iphone 7", 5888],
     44                 ["coffe", 30],
     45                 ["computer", 3999],
     46                 ["mac pro", 12000]
     47             ]
     48             filename = r'salary.txt'
     49             if os.path.exists(filename):
     50                 temp = open("salary.txt", "r")
     51                 for i in temp:
     52                     salary = i
     53                     print "您的卡上余额为", salary
     54             else:
     55                 salary = raw_input("请输入充值金额:")
     57             if salary.isdigit():
     58                 salary = int(salary)
     59             while True:
     60                 print "******* good list **********"
     61                 for i in enumerate(goods_list):
     62                     print i[0] + 1, i[1][0], i[1][1]
     63                 choice = raw_input("choice goods __  quit to exit:")
     64                 if choice.isdigit():
     65                     choice = int(choice)
     66                 if choice <= 4 and choice >= 1:
     67                     if salary >= goods_list[choice - 1][1]:
     68                         salary = salary - goods_list[choice - 1][1]
     69                         price = (goods_list[choice - 1][1])
     70                         item = (goods_list[choice - 1][0])
     71                         print "你购买了  [33[32;1m%s33[0m]   花费了 [33[31;1m%d33[0m] , 你的余额为 [33[31;1m%d33[0m]" % (
     72                         item, price, salary)
     73                         shop_car.append(goods_list[choice - 1])
     74                     else:
     75                         print "你的余额不足,请选择其他商品"
     76                         continue
     77                 elif choice == "quit":
     78                     print "你购买的商品如下"
     79                     print shop_car
     80                     for i in shop_car:
     82                     print  a
     83                     # for i in a:
     84                     #     print i, shop_car.count(i)
     87                     print "你的余额为33[31;1m%d33[0m" % salary
     88                     salary_file = open("salary.txt", "w")
     89                     salary_file.write("%d" % salary)
     90                     salary_file.close()
     91                     exit()
     93                 else:
     94                     print "没有该商品,请重新输入"
     95                     continue
     96         else:
     97             print "this password error"
     98     else:
     99         print "no this user"
    100         exit()


     1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     2 import os,sys,paramiko,time
     3 #*******判断所有测试环境是否有某个文件***********
     4 s7 = ""
     5 s3 = ""
     6 host_dic = {"":"s1",
     7             "":"s2",
     8             "":"s3",
     9             "":"s4",
    10             "":"s5",
    11             "":"s6",
    12             "":"s7",
    13             "":"qa1",
    14             "":"qa2",
    15             "":"qa3",
    16             "":"qa4",
    17             "":"qa5"
    18             }
    19 not_exist ={}
    20 port =22
    21 user = "root"
    22 passwd = "B^Dc%4LSBvhZZK3B"
    23 print "33[32;1m****使用说明:该脚本可以判断文件,不能判断目录。****33[0m"
    24 while True:
    25     choice = raw_input("请输入要查询远端服务器上文件的绝对路径:")
    26     v = "ls"
    27     c = v + " " +choice
    28     print c
    29     for i in host_dic:
    30         ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    31         ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    32         ssh.connect(i,port,user,passwd)
    33         stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(c)
    34         result = stdout.read()
    35         #print result
    36         if result != "":
    37             print host_dic.get(i),"33[31;1m上存在该文件33[0m"
    39     #print host_dic.get(i),"33[33;1m上存在该文件33[0m"
    40     ssh.close()
    41     #print not_exist
    42     # choice1 = raw_input("按任意键继续查询,按t拷贝本地一个文件到不存在该文件的机器上,按q退出:")
    43     # if choice1 =="q":
    44     #     print "感谢使用,再见"
    45     #     print exit()
    46     # elif choice == "t":
    47     #     local_file = raw_input("请输入要同步的文件的绝对路径:")
    48     #     remote_file = raw_input("请输入要复制到远端机器的绝对路径:")
    49     #     for j in not_exist:
    50     #         scp = paramiko.SSHClient()
    51     #         scp.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    52     #         scp.connect(j,port,user,passwd)
    53     #         sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(scp.get_transport())
    54     #         sftp = scp.open_sftp()
    55     #         sftp.put(local_file,remote_file)
    56     #         print "已复制到",j
    57     #
    58     #
    59     #     # def ssh_scp_get(ip, port, user, password, remote_file, local_file):
    60     #     #     ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    61     #     #     ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    62     #     #     ssh.connect(ip, 22, 'root', password)
    63     #     #     a = ssh.exec_command('date')
    64     #     #     stdin, stdout, stderr = a
    65     #     #     print stdout.read()
    66     #     #     sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh.get_transport())
    67     #     #     sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    68     #     #     sftp.get(remote_file, local_file)
    69     #
    70     #
    71     #
    72     #
    73     #


     1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     2 import paramiko,os,sys,time,json
     4 def ssh_scp_put(ip,port,user,password,local_file,remote_file):
     5     ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
     6     ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
     7     ssh.connect(ip, 22, 'root', password)
     8     a = ssh.exec_command('date')
     9     stdin, stdout, stderr = a
    10     print stdout.read()
    11     sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh.get_transport())
    12     sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    13     sftp.put(local_file, remote_file)
    15 def ssh_scp_get(ip, port, user, password, remote_file, local_file):
    16     ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    17     ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    18     ssh.connect(ip, 22, 'root', password)
    19     a = ssh.exec_command('date')
    20     stdin, stdout, stderr = a
    21     print stdout.read()
    22     sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh.get_transport())
    23     sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    24     sftp.get(remote_file, local_file)
    26 def ssh_cmd(ip,port,cmd,user,passwd):
    27     result = ""
    28     try:
    29         ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    30         ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    31         ssh.connect(ip,port,user,passwd)
    32         stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd)
    33         result = stdout.read()
    34         print result
    35         ssh.close()
    36     except:
    37         print "ssh_cmd err."
    38     return result
    41 host_dic = {
    42             # "":"s2",
    43             # "":"s3",
    44             # "":"s4",
    45             # "":"s5",
    46             # "":"s6",
    47             "s7":"",
    48             # "":"qa1",
    49             # "":"qa2",
    50             # "":"qa3",
    51             # "":"qa4",
    52             # "":"qa5"
    53             }
    55 db_info = {
    56     "sunif":'''sunif/"sun123jfdbc$"''',
    57     "sunfcbp":'''sunfcbp/"fcbp2016$a"''',
    58     "ltts":'''cbmain_user/"cbmuser123~"''',
    59     "sump":'''sump/"smp123~ab"'''
    61 }
    64 port = 22
    65 user = "root"
    66 user1 = "oracle"
    67 pwd = "B^Dc%4LSBvhZZK3B"
    68 pwd1= "Qaoracle"
    69 #cmd = "sh /mnt/clear.sh %s"
    70 choice_host = raw_input("请输入要执行sql的机器名称:")
    71 local_file = raw_input("请输入要执行sql文件的绝对路径:")
    72 remote_file = "/mnt/tmp.sql"
    73 remote_file2 = "/mnt/sql-log.txt"
    74 local_file2 = "C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/learn/work/tmp-log.txt"
    75 #复制本地的sql文件到指定机器
    76 ssh_scp_put(host_dic[choice_host],port,user,pwd,local_file,remote_file)
    77 print "33[32;1m已复制到 %s33[0m"%host_dic.get(choice_host)
    78 choice_user = raw_input("请输入要登录的用户:")
    79 if choice_user in db_info:
    80     a = db_info.get(choice_user)
    81 cmd = "sh /mnt/clear.sh %s"%a
    82 # #执行这个sql文件
    83 ssh_cmd(host_dic[choice_host],port,cmd,user1,pwd1)
    84 # #把日志传回
    85 ssh_scp_get(host_dic[choice_host],port,user,pwd,remote_file2,local_file2)


     1 import  os
     2 def open_file(filename):
     3     with open(filename,"r",encoding="utf-8") as  r_file:
     4         tag = False
     5         for r_line in r_file:
     6             tmp = r_line.strip()
     7             tmp2 = tmp.split
     8             print (tmp2)
     9     return open_file
    11 def fetch():
    12     pass
    14 def add():
    15     pass
    17 def remove():
    18     pass
    20 def update():
    21     pass
    24 if __name__ == '__main__':
    25     msg='''33[32;1m
    26     1:查询
    27     2:添加
    28     3:删除
    29     4:修改
    30     5:退出
    31     33[0m'''
    32     menu_dic={
    33         '1':"fetch",
    34         '2':"add",
    35         '3':"remove",
    36         '4':"update",
    37         '5':exit,
    38     }
    39     print("33[32;1m***********************欢迎来到员工管理系统**************************33[0m")
    40     while True:
    41         print(msg)
    42         choice = input("操作>>:").strip()
    43         if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in menu_dic:
    44             continue
    45         elif choice =="5":exit()
    46         elif choice =="1":
    47             data = input("请输入查询语句>>:")
    48             if "where age" in  data:
    49                 f = fetch()
    50                 print (f[1])
     1 import  paramiko
     2 import os
     4 user = "root"
     5 ips = ""
     6 password = "B^Dc%4LSBvhZZK3B"
     7 port = 22
    10 class Tools(object):
    11     '''远程执行命令,文件上传,文件下载'''
    12     def __init__(self,user,password,port,ips):
    13         self.user = user
    14         self.password = password
    15         self.port = port
    16         self.ip = ips
    18     def connect(self):
    19         ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()  
    20         ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())  
    21         ssh.connect(self.ip, self.port, self.user, self.password)
    23     def cmd(self):
    24         cmd = input("请输入要执行的命令:>>")
    25         ssh.exec_command(cmd)
    26         #result = stdout.read()
    28         #return result
    30     def put(self):
    31         '''上传'''
    32         local_file_abs = input("本地文件的绝对路径:>>")
    33         remote_file_abs = input("远程文件的绝对路径:>>")
    34         transport = paramiko.Transport(self.ip,self.port)
    35         transport.connect(self.user,self.password)
    36         sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
    37         sftp.put(local_file_abs,remote_file_abs)
    38         transport.close()
    39     def get(self):
    40         '''下载'''
    41         remote_file_abs = input("远程文件的绝对路径:>>")
    42         local_file_abs = input("本地文件的绝对路径:>>")
    43         transport = paramiko.Transport(self.ip,self.port)
    44         transport.connect(self.user, self.password)
    45         sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
    46         sftp.get(remote_file_abs,local_file_abs)
    47         transport.close()
    48 obj = Tools(user,password,port,ips)
    50 if __name__ == "__main__":
    51     msg = '''
    52     执行命令 >>输入cmd
    53     上传文件 >>输入put
    54     下载文件 >>输入get
    55     退出     >>输入q
    56     '''
    57     while True:
    58         print(msg)
    59         inp = input("请输入:>>")
    60         if len(inp) == 0:continue
    61         elif inp == "q":exit()
    62         if hasattr(obj,inp):
    63             getattr(obj,inp)()
    64         else:
    65             print("输入有误,请重新输入")
    66             continue


      1 import optparse
      2 import socket
      3 import json
      5 STATUS_CODE  = {
      6     250 : "Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}",
      7     251 : "Invalid cmd ",
      8     252 : "Invalid auth data",
      9     253 : "Wrong username or password",
     10     254 : "Passed authentication",
     11 }
     12 class FTPClient(object):
     13     def __init__(self):
     14         parser = optparse.OptionParser()
     15         parser.add_option("-s","--server",dest="server",help="ftp server ip address")
     16         parser.add_option("-P","--port",dest = "port" ,help="port")
     17         parser.add_option("-u","--username", dest="username",help = "username")
     18         parser.add_option("-p","--password",dest="password",help="password")
     19         self.option,self.args = parser.parse_args()
     20         self.verify_args(self.option,self.args)
     21         self.make_connection()
     22     def make_connection(self):
     23         self.sock = socket.socket()
     24         self.sock.connect((self.option.server,int(self.option.port)))
     26     def verify_args(self,options,args):
     27         if options.username is not None and options.password is not None:
     28             pass
     29         elif options.username is None and options.password is None:
     30             pass
     31         else:
     32             exit("Err: username and password must be provided together..")
     34         if int(options.port) > 0 and int(options.port) < 65535:
     35             return  True
     36         else:
     37             exit("Err:host port must in 0-65535")
     39     def authenticate(self):
     40         if self.option.username:
     41             print(self.option.username,self.option.password)
     42             return self.get_auth_result(self.option.username,self.option.password)
     43         else:
     44             retry_count = 0
     45             while retry_count <3:
     46                 username = input("username:").strip()
     47                 password = input("password:").strip()
     48                 return self.get_auth_result(username,password)
     50     def get_auth_result(self,username,password):
     51         data = {"action":"auth",
     52                 "username":username,
     53                 "password":password}
     54         self.sock.send((json.dumps(data)).encode())
     55         print("信息已发送,等待返回")
     56         response = self.get_response()
     57         print("recv:",response)
     58         if response.get("status_code") == 254:
     59             print("Passed authentication!")
     60             self.user = username
     61             return  True
     62         else:
     63             print(response.get("status_msg"))
     68     def get_response(self):
     69         data = self.sock.recv(1024)
     70         print("server res",data)
     71         data = json.loads(data.decode())
     72         return data
     73     def _get(self):
     74         pass
     76     def _put(self,cmd_list):
     77         file_name = cmd_list[1]
     83     def interactive(self):
     84         if self.authenticate():
     85             print("---start interactive with %s---" % self.user)
     86             while True:
     87                 choice = input("[%s]:"%self.user).strip()
     88                 if len(choice) == 0:continue
     89                 cmd_list = choice.split()
     90                 if hasattr(self,"_%s"%cmd_list[0]):
     91                     func = getattr(self,"_%s"%cmd_list[0])
     92                     func(cmd_list)
     93                 else:
     94                     print("Invalid cmd")
     99 if __name__ =="__main__":
    100     ftp = FTPClient()
    101     ftp.interactive()


     1 import socketserver
     2 import configparser
     3 from conf import settings
     4 import os
     5 import hashlib
     7 STATUS_CODE  = {
     8     250 : "Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}",
     9     251 : "Invalid cmd ",
    10     252 : "Invalid auth data",
    11     253 : "Wrong username or password",
    12     254 : "Passed authentication",
    13     255 : "Filename doesn't provided",
    14     256 : "File doesn't exist on server",
    15     257 : "ready to send file",
    16     258 : "md5 verification",
    17     259:"Authentication failure"
    18 }
    20 import json
    21 class FTPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
    23     def handle(self):
    24         while True:
    25             self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
    26             print("recv:",self.data)
    27             print("client addr:-->",self.client_address[0])
    28             print(self.data)
    29             if not self.data:
    30                 print("client closed......")
    31                 break
    32             data  = json.loads(self.data.decode())
    33             if data.get('action') is not None:
    34                 print("---->",hasattr(self,"_auth"))
    35                 if hasattr(self,"_%s"%data.get("action")):
    36                     func = getattr(self,"_%s"%data.get("action"))
    37                     func(data)
    38                 else:
    39                     print("Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}")
    40                     self.send_response(250)
    41             else:
    42                 print("Invalid cmd")
    43                 self.send_response(251)
    45     def send_response(self,status_code,data = None):
    46         response = {"status_code":status_code,"status_msg":STATUS_CODE[status_code]}
    47         if data:
    48             response.update(data)
    49         self.request.send(json.dumps(response).encode())
    51     def _auth(self,*args,**kwargs):
    52         data = args[0]
    53         user = self.authenticate(data.get("username"),data.get("password"))
    54         if user is None:
    55             print("Authentication failure")
    56             self.send_response(259)
    57         else:
    58             print("%s Passed authentication"%user["User"])
    59             self.user = user
    60             self.send_response(254)
    62     def authenticate(self,username,password):
    63         config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    64         config.read(settings.ACCOUNT_FILE)
    65         if username in config.sections():
    66             if password == config[username]["Password"]:
    67                 config[username]["User"] = username
    68                 return config[username]
    70     def _get(self):
    71         pass
    73     def _put(self):
    74         pass
    76     def _ls(self):
    77         pass


      1 import optparse
      2 import socket
      3 import json
      4 import hashlib
      6 STATUS_CODE  = {
      7     250 : "Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}",
      8     251 : "Invalid cmd ",
      9     252 : "Invalid auth data",
     10     253 : "Wrong username or password",
     11     254 : "Passed authentication",
     12 }
     13 class FTPClient(object):
     14     def __init__(self):
     15         parser = optparse.OptionParser()
     16         parser.add_option("-s","--server",dest="server",help="ftp server ip address")
     17         parser.add_option("-P","--port",dest = "port" ,help="port")
     18         parser.add_option("-u","--username", dest="username",help = "username")
     19         parser.add_option("-p","--password",dest="password",help="password")
     20         self.option,self.args = parser.parse_args()
     21         print(self.option,self.args)
     22         self.verify_args(self.option,self.args)
     23         self.make_connection()
     24     def make_connection(self):
     25         self.sock = socket.socket()
     26         self.sock.connect((self.option.server,int(self.option.port)))
     28     def verify_args(self,options,args):
     29         if options.username is not None and options.password is not None:
     30             pass
     31         elif options.username is None and options.password is None:
     32             pass
     33         else:
     34             exit("Err: username and password must be provided together..")
     36         if int(options.port) > 0 and int(options.port) < 65535:
     37             return  True
     38         else:
     39             exit("Err:host port must in 0-65535")
     41     def authenticate(self):
     42         if self.option.username:
     43             print(self.option.username,self.option.password)
     44             return self.get_auth_result(self.option.username,self.option.password)
     45         else:
     46             retry_count = 0
     47             while retry_count <3:
     48                 username = input("username:").strip()
     49                 password = input("password:").strip()
     50                 return self.get_auth_result(username,password)
     52     def get_auth_result(self,username,password):
     53         data = {"action":"auth",
     54                 "username":username,
     55                 "password":password}
     56         self.sock.send((json.dumps(data)).encode())
     57         print("信息已发送,等待返回")
     58         response = self.get_response()
     59         print("recv:",response)
     60         if response.get("status_code") == 254:
     61             print("Passed authentication!")
     62             self.user = username
     63             return  True
     64         else:
     65             print(response.get("status_msg"))
     70     def get_response(self):
     71         data = self.sock.recv(1024)
     72         print("server res",data)
     73         data = json.loads(data.decode())
     74         return data
     75     def _get(self,cmd_list):
     76         print("get-->",cmd_list)
     77         if len(cmd_list) == 1:
     78             print("没有输入要下载的文件名")
     79             return
     80         data_header = {"action":"get","filename":cmd_list[1]}
     81         self.sock.send(json.dumps(data_header).encode())
     82         response = self.get_response()
     83         if response.get("status_code") == 257:
     84             self.sock.send(b"a")
     85             remote_file_size = response.get("file_size")
     86             received_size = 0
     87             base_file_name = cmd_list[1].split()[-1]
     88             f = open(base_file_name,"wb")
     89             m = hashlib.md5()
     90             while received_size < remote_file_size:
     91                 data = self.sock.recv(1024)
     92                 received_size += len(data)
     93                 f.write(data)
     94                 m.update(data)
     96             else:
     97                 print("file is received done!")
     98                 local_md5 = m.hexdigest()
     99                 remote_md5 = self.sock.recv(1024).decode()
    100                 print(local_md5,remote_md5)
    101                 if local_md5 == remote_md5:print("文件一致性校验成功!")
    102                 else:print("文件一致性校验失败,数据可能不完整!")
    103         else:
    104             print(response.get("status_msg"))
    113     def _put(self,cmd_list):
    114         pass
    116     def _ls(self,cmd_list):
    117         data = cmd_list
    118         msg={"action":data[0],"dir":data[1]}
    119         self.sock.send(json.dumps(msg).encode())
    120         data = self.get_response()
    121         file_list = data.get("file_list")
    122         print( file_list)
    123         return file_list
    127     def interactive(self):
    128         if self.authenticate():
    129             print("---start interactive with %s---" % self.user)
    130             while True:
    131                 choice = input("[%s]:"%self.user).strip()
    132                 if len(choice) == 0:continue
    133                 cmd_list = choice.split()
    134                 if hasattr(self,"_%s"%cmd_list[0]):
    135                     func = getattr(self,"_%s"%cmd_list[0])
    136                     func(cmd_list)
    137                 else:
    138                     print("Invalid cmd")
    143 if __name__ =="__main__":
    144     ftp = FTPClient()
    145     ftp.interactive()


      1 import socketserver
      2 import configparser
      3 from conf import settings
      4 import os
      5 import hashlib
      7 STATUS_CODE  = {
      8     250 : "Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}",
      9     251 : "Invalid cmd ",
     10     252 : "Invalid auth data",
     11     253 : "Wrong username or password",
     12     254 : "Passed authentication",
     13     255 : "Filename doesn't provided",
     14     256 : "File doesn't exist on server",
     15     257 : "ready to send file",
     16     258 : "md5 verification",
     17     259:"Authentication failure",
     18     200:"OK"
     19 }
     21 import json
     22 class FTPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
     24     def handle(self):
     25         while True:
     26             self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
     27             print("recv:",self.data)
     28             print("client addr:-->",self.client_address[0])
     29             print(self.data)
     30             if not self.data:
     31                 print("client closed......")
     32                 break
     33             data  = json.loads(self.data.decode())
     34             if data.get('action') is not None:
     35                 print("---->",hasattr(self,"_auth"))
     36                 if hasattr(self,"_%s"%data.get("action")):
     37                     func = getattr(self,"_%s"%data.get("action"))
     38                     func(data)
     39                 else:
     40                     print("Invalid cmd format, e.g: {'action':'get','filename':'test.py','size':344}")
     41                     self.send_response(250)
     42             else:
     43                 print("Invalid cmd")
     44                 self.send_response(251)
     46     def send_response(self,status_code,data = None):
     47         response = {"status_code":status_code,"status_msg":STATUS_CODE[status_code]}
     48         if data:
     49             response.update(data)
     50         self.request.send(json.dumps(response).encode())
     52     def _auth(self,*args,**kwargs):
     53         data = args[0]
     54         user = self.authenticate(data.get("username"),data.get("password"))
     55         if user is None:
     56             print("Authentication failure")
     57             self.send_response(259)
     58         else:
     59             print("%s Passed authentication"%user["User"])
     60             self.user = user
     61             self.send_response(254)
     63     def authenticate(self,username,password):
     64         config = configparser.ConfigParser()
     65         config.read(settings.ACCOUNT_FILE)
     66         if username in config.sections():
     67             if password == config[username]["Password"]:
     68                 config[username]["User"] = username
     69                 return config[username]
     71     def _get(self,*args,**kwargs):
     72         print("-->get")
     73         data = args[0]
     74         file_name = data.get("filename")
     75         print("获取的文件名:",file_name)
     76         self.user_home_dir = "%s/%s"%(settings.USER_HOME,self.user["User"])
     77         self.file_abs_dir = "%s/%s"%(self.user_home_dir,file_name)
     78         print("file abs  path:",self.file_abs_dir)
     79         if os.path.isfile(self.file_abs_dir):
     80             file_size = os.path.getsize(self.file_abs_dir)
     81             datas = {"file_size":file_size}
     82             self.send_response(257,datas)
     83             print("ready to send file")
     84             self.request.recv(1024)
     85             file_obj = open(self.file_abs_dir,"rb")
     86             m = hashlib.md5()
     87             for line in file_obj:
     88                 self.request.send(line)
     89                 m.update(line)
     90             else:
     91                 file_obj.close()
     92                 md5 = m.hexdigest()
     93                 print("file send finish")
     94                 print("MD5值:",md5)
     95                 self.request.send(md5.encode())
     97         else:
     98             print("remote file not found")
     99             self.send_response(256)
    102     def _put(self):
    103         pass
    105     def _ls(self,*args):
    106         data = args[0]
    107         cmd = data.get("action")
    108         dir = data.get("dir")
    109         if dir == "." or dir =="":
    110             pass
    111         elif dir == "/":
    112             user_home_files = "%s/%s" % (settings.USER_HOME, self.user["User"])
    113             file_list = os.listdir(user_home_files)
    114             self.send_response(200,data ={"file_list":file_list})
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liruixin/p/5974554.html
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