- 私有继承:
- 子类的构造函数:
ChildClassName(ParameterList):ParentClassName(ParameterList0) { // Initialize new data members in child class } 注意父类的参数列表的形参前面没有类型名
- 调用序列:父类-子类-子类-父类 类似先穿袜子后穿鞋,先脱鞋后脱袜子。
- Invoking Sequence
When a new instance of child class is created, the constructor of parent classis invoked first, then the constructors of subobjects are invoked, and then the constructor of child classis invoked
When an instance of child class is destroyed,
the destructor of child classis invoked first, then the destructors of subobjects are invoked, and then the destructor of parent classis invoked
- 内存分配策略:Minimum Static Space Allocation—Allocate the amount of space necessary for the base classonly. (C++)
- 多重继承声明:
class ChildName:[public|private] ParentName1,…, [public|private] ParentNameN{ … };
- 多重继承下子类的构造函数:
ChildName(ParameterList) :ParentName1(ParameterList1), … ,ParentNameN(ParameterListN){ … };
- Problem with Multiple Inheritance -Name Ambiguity
class X{ public: int f( ); };
class Y{ public: int f( ); int g( ); };
class Z:public X, public Y{ public: int g( ); int h( ); };
Z obj;
obj . f( ); //error 引起歧义 不知道调用哪个
obj . g( ); //
Z obj; obj . X::f( ); // selects f( ) in X
obj . Y::f( ); // selects f( ) in Y
obj . Y:: g( ); // selects g( ) in Y
obj . g( ); // selects g( ) in Z
另一种解决方法:虚基类 适用于三代以上继承存在的情况