1、 Objective-c语言中的MRC(MannulReference Counting)
(1)retain,该方法的作用是将内存数据的所有权附给另一指针变量,引用数加1,即retainCount+= 1;
(2)release,该方法是释放指针变量对内存数据的所有权,引用数减1,即retainCount-= 1;
2.、Objective-c语言中的ARC(AutomaticReference Counting)
@property(nonatomic/atomic,assign/retain/strong/weak/unsafe_unretained/copy,readonly/readwrite) Number* num;//默认为unsafe_unretained。
***对于Core Foundation与objective-cObject进行交换时,需要用到的ARC管理机制有:
(1) (__bridge_transfer<NSType>) op oralternatively CFBridgingRelease(op) isused to consume a retain-count of a CFTypeRef whiletransferring it over to ARC. This could also be represented by id someObj =(__bridge <NSType>) op; CFRelease(op);
(2) (__bridge_retained<CFType>) op oralternatively CFBridgingRetain(op) isused to hand an NSObject overto CF-land while giving it a +1 retain count. You should handle a CFTypeRefyoucreate this way the same as you would handle a result of CFStringCreateCopy().This could also be represented by CFRetain((__bridge CFType)op); CFTypeRef someTypeRef =(__bridge CFType)op;
(3) __bridge justcasts between pointer-land and Objective-C object-land. If you have noinclination to use the conversions above, use this one.