• vimtutor总结


    = W e l c o m e t o t h e V I M T u t o r - Version 1.7 =

    Vim is a very powerful editor that has many commands, too many to
    explain in a tutor such as this. This tutor is designed to describe
    enough of the commands that you will be able to easily use Vim as
    an all-purpose editor.

    The approximate time required to complete the tutor is 25-30 minutes,
    depending upon how much time is spent with experimentation.

    The commands in the lessons will modify the text. Make a copy of this
    file to practise on (if you started "vimtutor" this is already a copy).

    It is important to remember that this tutor is set up to teach by
    use. That means that you need to execute the commands to learn them
    properly. If you only read the text, you will forget the commands!

    Now, make sure that your Shift-Lock key is NOT depressed and press
    the j key enough times to move the cursor so that Lesson 1.1
    completely fills the screen.


    Lesson 1 SUMMARY

    1. The cursor is moved using either the arrow keys or the hjkl keys.
    h (left) j (down) k (up) l (right)

    2. To start Vim from the shell prompt type: vim FILENAME <ENTER>

    3. To exit Vim type: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> to trash all changes.
    OR type: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> to save the changes.

    4. To delete the character at the cursor type: x

    5. To insert or append text type:
    i type inserted text <ESC> insert before the cursor
    A type appended text <ESC> append after the line

    NOTE: Pressing <ESC> will place you in Normal mode or will cancel
    an unwanted and partially completed command.

    Lesson 2 SUMMARY

    1. To delete from the cursor up to the next word type: dw
    2. To delete from the cursor to the end of a line type: d$
    3. To delete a whole line type: dd

    4. To repeat a motion prepend it with a number: 2w
    5. The format for a change command is:
    operator [number] motion
    operator - is what to do, such as d for delete
    [number] - is an optional count to repeat the motion
    motion - moves over the text to operate on, such as w (word),
    $ (to the end of line), etc.

    6. To move to the start of the line use a zero: 0

    7. To undo previous actions, type: u (lowercase u)
    To undo all the changes on a line, type: U (capital U)
    To undo the undo's, type: CTRL-R


    Lesson 3 SUMMARY

    1. To put back text that has just been deleted, type p . This puts the
    deleted text AFTER the cursor (if a line was deleted it will go on the
    line below the cursor).

    2. To replace the character under the cursor, type r and then the
    character you want to have there.

    3. The change operator allows you to change from the cursor to where the
    motion takes you. eg. Type ce to change from the cursor to the end of
    the word, c$ to change to the end of a line.

    4. The format for change is:

    c [number] motion

    Now go on to the next lesson.


    Lesson 4 SUMMARY

    1. CTRL-G displays your location in the file and the file status.
    G moves to the end of the file.
    number G moves to that line number.
    gg moves to the first line.

    2. Typing / followed by a phrase searches FORWARD for the phrase.
    Typing ? followed by a phrase searches BACKWARD for the phrase.
    After a search type n to find the next occurrence in the same direction
    or N to search in the opposite direction.
    CTRL-O takes you back to older positions, CTRL-I to newer positions.

    3. Typing % while the cursor is on a (,),[,],{, or } goes to its match.

    4. To substitute new for the first old in a line type :s/old/new     // 替换
    To substitute new for all 'old's on a line type :s/old/new/g
    To substitute phrases between two line #'s type :#,#s/old/new/g
    To substitute all occurrences in the file type :%s/old/new/g
    To ask for confirmation each time add 'c' :%s/old/new/gc


    Lesson 5 SUMMARY

    1. :!command executes an external command.

    Some useful examples are:
    (MS-DOS) (Unix)
    :!dir :!ls - shows a directory listing.
    :!del FILENAME :!rm FILENAME - removes file FILENAME.

    2. :w FILENAME writes the current Vim file to disk with name FILENAME.

    3. v motion :w FILENAME saves the Visually selected lines in file

    4. :r FILENAME retrieves disk file FILENAME and puts it below the
    cursor position.

    5. :r !dir reads the output of the dir command and puts it below the
    cursor position.


    Lesson 6 SUMMARY

    1. Type o to open a line BELOW the cursor and start Insert mode.
    Type O to open a line ABOVE the cursor.

    2. Type a to insert text AFTER the cursor.
    Type A to insert text after the end of the line.

    3. The e command moves to the end of a word.

    4. The y operator yanks (copies) text, p puts (pastes) it.

    5. Typing a capital R enters Replace mode until <ESC> is pressed.

    6. Typing ":set xxx" sets the option "xxx". Some options are:
    'ic' 'ignorecase' ignore upper/lower case when searching
    'is' 'incsearch' show partial matches for a search phrase
    'hls' 'hlsearch' highlight all matching phrases
    You can either use the long or the short option name.

    7. Prepend "no" to switch an option off: :set noic


    Lesson 7 SUMMARY

    1. Type :help or press <F1> or <Help> to open a help window.

    2. Type :help cmd to find help on cmd .

    3. Type CTRL-W CTRL-W to jump to another window

    4. Type :q to close the help window

    5. Create a vimrc startup script to keep your preferred settings.

    6. When typing a : command, press CTRL-D to see possible completions.
    Press <TAB> to use one completion.


    This concludes the Vim Tutor. It was intended to give a brief overview of
    the Vim editor, just enough to allow you to use the editor fairly easily.
    It is far from complete as Vim has many many more commands. Read the user
    manual next: ":help user-manual".

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linweilin/p/9245581.html
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