• lintCode二分查找

    1、x 的平方根

    class Solution:
        @param x: An integer
        @return: The sqrt of x
        def sqrt(self, x):
            # write your code here
            left, right = 0, 100000
            while left < right:
                mid = (left + right) // 2
                if mid * mid == x:
                    return mid
                elif mid * mid < x:
                    left = mid + 1
                    right = mid - 1
            if left * left > x:
                return left-1
            return left


    class Solution:
        @param A: an integer sorted array
        @param target: an integer to be inserted
        @return: An integer
        def searchInsert(self, A, target):
            # write your code here
            if not A: return 0
            left, right = 0, len(A) - 1
            while left != right:
                mid = (left + right) // 2
                if A[mid] == target:
                    return mid
                elif A[mid] < target:
                    left = mid +1 
                    right = mid
            if A[left] < target:
                return left + 1
                return left


    class Solution:
        @param matrix: matrix, a list of lists of integers
        @param target: An integer
        @return: a boolean, indicate whether matrix contains target
        def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):
            # write your code here
            if not matrix:return False
            m = len(matrix)
            n = len(matrix[0])
            left, right = 0, m * n - 1
            while left <= right:
                mid = (left + right) // 2
                if matrix[mid // n][mid % n] == target:
                    return True
                elif matrix[mid // n][mid % n] < target:
                    left = mid + 1
                    right -= 1
            return False


    class Solution:
        @param nums: The integer array.
        @param target: Target to find.
        @return: The first position of target. Position starts from 0.
        def binarySearch(self, nums, target):
            # write your code here
            left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
            while left <= right:
                mid = (left + right) // 2
                if nums[mid] == target:
                    if mid == 0 or nums[mid - 1] != target:
                        return mid
                        right = mid
                elif nums[mid] < target:
                    left = mid + 1
                    right = mid - 1
            return -1


    class Solution:
        @param nums: a rotated sorted array
        @return: the minimum number in the array
        def findMin(self, nums):
            # write your code here
            if len(nums) == 1: return nums[0]
            left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
            while right - left > 1:
                if nums[left] < nums[right]: return nums[left]
                mid = (left + right) // 2
                if nums[mid] > nums[left]:
                    left = mid
                    right = mid
            return min(nums[left], nums[right])


    class Solution:
        @param L: Given n pieces of wood with length L[i]
        @param k: An integer
        @return: The maximum length of the small pieces
        def woodCut(self, l, k):
            # write your code here
            if not l:return 0
            max_len = sum(l) // k
            while max_len>0:
                now_k = 0
                for i in l:
                    now_k += i // max_len
                if now_k >= k:
                    return max_len
                max_len -= 1
            return 0
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linshuhui/p/9869647.html
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