#!/usr/bin/python # coding: UTF-8 import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText receivers_list=["chengang@example.com",] #mail_host="dns.com" mail_host="" sender_email="send@bat.com" #mail_pwd="*************" //有的需要,有的不需要 def send_email(subject, content, receivers_list): print 'Setting MIMEText' msg = MIMEText(content.encode('utf8'), _subtype = 'html', _charset = 'utf8') msg['From'] = sender_email msg['Subject'] = u'%s' % subject msg['To'] = ",".join(receivers_list) try: # s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mail_host, 465) //有的需要,有的不需要 s = smtplib.SMTP(mail_host, 25) # s.connect(mail_host) //和上面的连接任选一种 #s.set_debuglevel(1) #s.ehlo() //有的需要,有的不需要 #s.starttls() //有的需要,有的不需要 #s.ehlo() #s.login(mail_user, mail_pwd) //有的需要,有的不需要 s.sendmail(sender_email, receivers_list, msg.as_string()) print 'close the connection between the mail server' s.close() except Exception as e: print 'Exception: ', e if __name__ == '__main__': send_email("subject title", 'email content', receivers_list)