1 题目:
Implement strStr().
Returns the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack.
Update (2014-11-02):
The signature of the function had been updated to return the index instead of the pointer. If you still see your function signature returns a char *
or String
, please click the reload button to reset your code definition.
2 思路:
我是 谷歌 “KMP 通俗”,前面有三个帖子,看完后,差不多才懂得。
3 代码:
/* KMP method */ // public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) { // pre handle if( needle.length()==0){ return 0; } if(haystack.length()==0){ return -1; } char[] target = haystack.toCharArray(); char[] point = needle.toCharArray(); // build the point array, the last feature[len-1] not satify the sub-prifix & sub-suffix rule, but not matter,the feature[len-1] will not be use Integer[] feature = new Integer[needle.length()]; feature[0] = 0; for(int i=1; i<needle.length()-1; i++){ if(point[i]!=point[feature[i-1]]){ feature[i] = 0; }else{ feature[i] = feature[i-1]+1; } } // search int j = 0; for(int i=0; i<haystack.length();){ if(target[i]==point[j]){ j++; if(j == needle.length()){ // match, return index return i-j+1; } i++; }else{ if(j == 0){ /* j=0 not match,i++ */ i++; }else{ /* not match, continue to compare target[i] */ j = feature[j-1]; } } } return -1; }