• Delphi webbrowser 的一些方法


    function GetAllHeaders(URL: string): string; var hSession: HInternet; hURL: HInternet; hReq: HInternet; bRet: Boolean; sBuff: String; lBuffLen:DWord; dwParam: DWord; aResult: String; aServer: string; aFilePath: string; I: Integer; begin Result := 'Unknown error'; aFilePath := URL; if pos('http://', aFilePath) = 1 then Delete(aFilePath, 1, 7); aServer := SplitAtToken(aFilePath, '/'); dwParam := 0; hSession := InternetOpen( 'http generic', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, {use IE's setup to conect to the web} nil, nil, 0); try if hSession = nil then Exit; hURL := InternetConnect(hSession, PChar(aServer), {the server we wants to conect to} INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, nil, nil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 1); try if hURL = nil then Exit; hReq := HttpOpenRequest(hURL, nil, {nil defaults to the 'GET' verb} PChar(aFilePath), {actual file on the server} HTTP_VERSION, nil, nil, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); try if hReq = nil then Exit; if not HttpSendRequest(hReq, nil, 0, 0, 0) then Exit; SetLength(sBuff, 1024); //set plenty of room in buffer lBuffLen := Length(sBuff); bRet := HttpQueryInfo(hReq, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, {get all headers in one move} @sBuff[1], lBuffLen, dwParam); if bRet then Result := sBuff else Result := 'QueryInfo error = '+IntToStr(GetLastError); finally InternetCloseHandle(hReq); end; finally InternetCloseHandle(hURL); end; finally InternetCloseHandle(hSession); end; end;


    //获取 WebBrowser 控件当前显示页面的Html
    function GetCompleteHTMLSource(wb: TWebBrowser) : string; var iDoc: IHTMLDocument2; iall : IHTMLElement; begin Result := ''; if Assigned(wb.Document) then begin iDoc := wb.Document as IHTMLDocument2; iall := iDoc.body; while iall.parentElement <> nil do begin iall := iall.parentElement; end; Result := iall.outerHTML; end; end;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/limingliyu/p/5907457.html
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