Spring Cloud Ribbon是基于Netflix Ribbon实现的一套客户端负载均衡的工具。简单的说,Ribbon是Netflix发布的开源项目,主要功能是提供客户端的软件负载均衡算法,将Netflix的中间层服务连接在一起。Ribbon客户端组件提供一系列完善的配置项如连接超时,重试等。简单的说,就是在配置文件中列出Load Balancer(简称LB)后面所有的机器,Ribbon会自动的帮助你基于某种规则(如简单轮询,随机连接等)去连接这些机器。我们也很容易使用Ribbon实现自定义的负载均衡算法。
要使用ribbon,只需要一个注解: @LoadBalanced
@Bean @LoadBalanced public RestTemplate restTemplate(){ RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); return restTemplate; }
我们这里现在启动了eureka集群(3个eureka) 和Power集群(2个power) 和一个服务调用者(User)
server: port: 5000 eureka: client: registerWithEureka: false serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:3000/eureka/,http://eureka3001.com:3001/eureka,http://eureka3002.com:3002/eureka
我们能看见 微服务名:SERVER-POWER 下面有2个微服务(power-1,power2),现在我们来通过微服务名调用这个服务
private static final String URL="http://SERVER-POWER"; @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @RequestMapping("/power.do") public Object power(){ return restTemplate.getForObject(URL+"/power.do",Object.class); }
它是Ribbon对于负载均衡策略实现的接口, 怎么理解这句话? 说白了就是你实现这个接口,就能自定义负载均衡策略.
@Bean public IRule iRule(){ return new RoundRobinRule(); }
在Spring 的配置类里面把对应的实现作为一个Bean返回出去就行了
/* * * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.netflix.loadbalancer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig; /** * A loadbalacing strategy that randomly distributes traffic amongst existing * servers. * * @author stonse * */ public class RandomRule extends AbstractLoadBalancerRule { Random rand; public RandomRule() { rand = new Random(); } /** * Randomly choose from all living servers */ @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE") public Server choose(ILoadBalancer lb, Object key) { if (lb == null) { return null; } Server server = null; while (server == null) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return null; } List<Server> upList = lb.getReachableServers(); List<Server> allList = lb.getAllServers(); int serverCount = allList.size(); if (serverCount == 0) { /* * No servers. End regardless of pass, because subsequent passes * only get more restrictive. */ return null; } int index = rand.nextInt(serverCount); server = upList.get(index); if (server == null) { /* * The only time this should happen is if the server list were * somehow trimmed. This is a transient condition. Retry after * yielding. */ Thread.yield(); continue; } if (server.isAlive()) { return (server); } // Shouldn't actually happen.. but must be transient or a bug. server = null; Thread.yield(); } return server; } @Override public Server choose(Object key) { return choose(getLoadBalancer(), key); } @Override public void initWithNiwsConfig(IClientConfig clientConfig) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
public abstract class AbstractLoadBalancerRule implements IRule, IClientConfigAware { private ILoadBalancer lb; @Override public void setLoadBalancer(ILoadBalancer lb){ this.lb = lb; } @Override public ILoadBalancer getLoadBalancer(){ return lb; } }
package com.lmc.rule; import com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig; import com.netflix.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancerRule; import com.netflix.loadbalancer.ILoadBalancer; import com.netflix.loadbalancer.Server; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class LMRule extends AbstractLoadBalancerRule { //原来是纯随机策略 我们现在改为。 如果一个下标已经被随机到了2次了,第三次还是同样的下标的话,那就再随机一次 Random rand; private int lastIndex = -1; private int nowIndex = -1; private int skipIndex = -1; public LMRule() { rand = new Random(); } /** * Randomly choose from all living servers */ public Server choose(ILoadBalancer lb, Object key) { if (lb == null) { return null; } Server server = null; while (server == null) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return null; } List<Server> upList = lb.getReachableServers(); List<Server> allList = lb.getAllServers(); int serverCount = allList.size(); if (serverCount == 0) { /* * No servers. End regardless of pass, because subsequent passes * only get more restrictive. */ return null; } int index = rand.nextInt(serverCount); System.out.println("当前下标为:"+index); if (skipIndex>=0&&index == skipIndex) { System.out.println("跳过"); index = rand.nextInt(serverCount); System.out.println("跳过后的下标:"+index); } skipIndex=-1; nowIndex = index; if (nowIndex == lastIndex) { System.out.println("下一次需要跳过的下标"+nowIndex); skipIndex = nowIndex; } lastIndex = nowIndex; server = upList.get(index); if (server == null) { /* * The only time this should happen is if the server list were * somehow trimmed. This is a transient condition. Retry after * yielding. */ Thread.yield(); continue; } if (server.isAlive()) { return (server); } // Shouldn't actually happen.. but must be transient or a bug. server = null; Thread.yield(); } return server; } @Override public Server choose(Object key) { return choose(getLoadBalancer(), key); } @Override public void initWithNiwsConfig(IClientConfig clientConfig) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
这里我们就把自己写的Rule给new出来交给spring 就好了
@Bean public IRule iRule(){ return new LMRule(); }
feign是什么 ?
Feign是一个声明式WebService客户端。使用Feign能让编写Web Service客户端更加简单, 它的使用方法是定义一个接口,然后在上面添加注解,同时也支持JAX-RS标准的注解。Feign也支持可拔插式的编码器和解码器。Spring Cloud对Feign进行了封装,使其支持了Spring MVC标准注解和HttpMessageConverters。Feign可以与Eureka和Ribbon组合使用以支持负载均衡。
Feign旨在使编写Java Http客户端变得更容易。 前面在使用Ribbon+RestTemplate时,利用RestTemplate对http请求的封装处理,形成了一套模版化的调用方法。但是在实际开发中,由于对服务依赖的调用可能不止一处,往往一个接口会被多处调用,所以通常都会针对每个微服务自行封装一些客户端类来包装这些依赖服务的调用。所以,Feign在此基础上做了进一步封装,由他来帮助我们定义和实现依赖服务接口的定义。在Feign的实现下,我们只需创建一个接口并使用注解的方式来配置它(以前是Dao接口上面标注Mapper注解,现在是一个微服务接口上面标注一个Feign注解即可),即可完成对服务提供方的接口绑定,简化了使用Spring cloud Ribbon时,自动封装服务调用客户端的开发量。
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-openfeign</artifactId> </dependency>
然后编写一个service类加上@FeignClient()注解 参数就是你的微服务名字
@FeignClient("SERVER-POWER") public interface PowerServiceClient { @RequestMapping("/power.do") public Object power(); }
package com.lmc.controller; import com.lmc.service.OrderServiceClient; import com.lmc.service.PowerServiceClient; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; @RestController public class UserController { private static final String URL="http://SERVER-POWER"; @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @Autowired PowerServiceClient powerServiceClient; @RequestMapping("/power.do") public Object power(){ return restTemplate.getForObject(URL+"/power.do",Object.class); } @RequestMapping("/feignPower.do") public Object feignPower(){ return powerServiceClient.power(); } }