开写这篇的时候,恰逢Eclpse Mars(4.5)正式公布,最终由日蚀变登火星了,也离我開始基于Eclipse开发产品已经过去10年,这10年间,经历了Eclipse由私有核心框架到拥抱OSGi, 由单一Java IDE成长为巨无霸式的技术平台。由纯桌面到Web,嵌入式全面开花,个人也经历了从普通开发人员成长为committer,又离开社区的过程,唯一不变的是:Eclipse依旧是我开发Java唯一的选择。
1. 既然是Java源码,那就Java上啊,不就读出文件来。插入或替换吗?,定位吗,嗯,文件头的easy,成员变量型的,得想想...
2. 杀鸡焉用牛刀?,组合下Unix里面的小命令,分分钟搞定。
这件事情简单吗?说实话不难,但 Oracle依旧把Java源码里的license声明整成以下这个模样,就为了把曾经Sun的license声明改成自己的。
于是我開始动手实现这么一个能高速修复Java源码中license声明的小工具,基本思路是基于Eclipse JDT里的AST实现。在Java语法这个粒度来改动,并做成一个Eclipse Plug-in,这下大家安装后。简单到点个button,就能完毕工作。
1. 生成一个Eclipse Plug-in项目,选个模版,最简单的那种,能点toolbar上面的button,弹出个"hello, world"对话框就能够。
不知道怎么开发一个Eclipse Plug-in啊。没关系,看完这篇blog。你就会了。(别忘了好评!)
2. 在Action的回调方法里面,代码例如以下。
public void run(IAction action) { license = getLicenseContent(LICENSE_FILE_NAME); license_inline = getLicenseContent(LICENSE_INLINE_FILE_NAME); if (license_inline.endsWith(" ")) { license_inline = license_inline.substring(0, license_inline.length() - 1); } sum = 0; IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot root = workspace.getRoot(); IProject[] projects = root.getProjects(); for (IProject project : projects) { try { if (project.isOpen()) { processProject(project); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageDialog.openInformation(window.getShell(), "Fix License", "Exception happened, please check the console log."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } } MessageDialog.openInformation(window.getShell(), "Fix License", "All java source files have been processed. Total = " + sum); }
3. 处理项目。
private void processProject(IProject project) throws Exception { if (project.isNatureEnabled("org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature")) { IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); IPackageFragment[] packages = javaProject.getPackageFragments(); for (IPackageFragment mypackage : packages) { if (mypackage.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { for (ICompilationUnit unit : mypackage.getCompilationUnits()) { sum = sum + 1; processJavaSource(unit); } } } } }
4. 处理Java源文件。
private void processJavaSource(ICompilationUnit unit) throws Exception { ITextFileBufferManager bufferManager = FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager(); IPath path = unit.getPath(); try { bufferManager.connect(path, null); ITextFileBuffer textFileBuffer = bufferManager.getTextFileBuffer(path); IDocument doc = textFileBuffer.getDocument(); if ((license !=null) && (license.length() > 0)) { processHeadLicense(doc); } if ((license_inline != null) && (license_inline.length() > 0)) { processInlineLicense(doc); } textFileBuffer.commit(null, false); } finally { bufferManager.disconnect(path, null); } }
这里用到了一些Eclipse Jface text包里面的东西,和Java里面常见的文件读写API有些不一样,但基本思想是一致的。
5. 处理Java文件头license声明。
private void processHeadLicense(IDocument doc) throws Exception { CompilationUnit cu = getAST(doc); Comment comment = null; if (cu.getCommentList().size() == 0) { doc.replace(0, 0, license); } else { comment = (Comment)cu.getCommentList().get(0); String firstComment = doc.get().substring(comment.getStartPosition(), comment.getStartPosition() + comment.getLength()); if (validateHeadLicense(firstComment)) { doc.replace(comment.getStartPosition(), comment.getLength(), license); } else { doc.replace(0, 0, license); } } } private CompilationUnit getAST(IDocument doc) { ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS4); parser.setKind(ASTParser.K_COMPILATION_UNIT); parser.setSource(doc.get().toCharArray()); parser.setResolveBindings(true); CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null); return cu; }
6. 成员变量型license声明。
public class Demo { public static final String COPYRIGHT = "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014, 2015."; public Demo() { } public void hello() { } }
private void processInlineLicense(IDocument doc) throws Exception { CompilationUnit cu = getAST(doc); cu.recordModifications(); AST ast = cu.getAST(); if (cu.types().get(0) instanceof TypeDeclaration) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration)cu.types().get(0); FieldDeclaration[] fd = td.getFields(); if (fd.length == 0) { td.bodyDeclarations().add(0, createLiceseInLineField(ast)); } else { FieldDeclaration firstFd = fd[0]; VariableDeclarationFragment vdf = (VariableDeclarationFragment)firstFd.fragments().get(0); if (vdf.getName().getIdentifier().equals("COPYRIGHT")) { td.bodyDeclarations().remove(0); td.bodyDeclarations().add(0, createLiceseInLineField(ast)); } else { td.bodyDeclarations().add(0, createLiceseInLineField(ast)); } } } //record changes TextEdit edits = cu.rewrite(doc, null); edits.apply(doc); } private FieldDeclaration createLiceseInLineField(AST ast) { VariableDeclarationFragment vdf = ast.newVariableDeclarationFragment(); vdf.setName(ast.newSimpleName("COPYRIGHT")); StringLiteral sl = ast.newStringLiteral(); sl.setLiteralValue(license_inline); vdf.setInitializer(sl); FieldDeclaration fd = ast.newFieldDeclaration(vdf); fd.modifiers().addAll(ast.newModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL)); fd.setType(ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("String"))); return fd; }
7. 測试。
启动一个新的调试Eclipse Plug-in的Eclipse Runtime,导入随意几个Java项目,从菜单或工具栏上面选择“Fix License” action。完毕之后检查随意的Java源文件,看看license是否已经修复。
package com.demo; public class Demo { public Demo() { } public void hello() { } }
/* IBM Confidential * OCO Source Materials * * (C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014, 2015. * * The source code for this program is not published or otherwise * divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been * deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ package com.demo; public class Demo { public static final String COPYRIGHT = "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014, 2015."; public Demo() { } public void hello() { } }
8. 打包分发。
这个工具Plug-in能够按Eclipse的标准插件打包并安装,或者生成一个Update Site以供用户在线安装。