Given a k-ary tree, find the length of the longest consecutive sequence path.
The path could be start and end at any node in the tree
An example of test data: k-ary tree 5<6<7<>,5<>,8<>>,4<3<>,5<>,3<>>>, denote the following structure:
6 4
/| /|
7 5 8 3 5 3
Return 5, // 3-4-5-6-7
解法:和Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II一样的做法。II只要check一下left和right。这题因为有多个子节点,所以要用一个循环来check所有。
class ResultType { int globalMax; int maxUp; int maxDown; public ResultType(int globalMax, int maxUp, int maxDown) { this.globalMax = globalMax; this.maxUp = maxUp; this.maxDown = maxDown; } } public int longestConsecutive3(MultiTreeNode root) { return helper(root).globalMax; } public ResultType helper(MultiTreeNode root) { if (root == null) { return new ResultType(0, 0, 0); } int maxUp = 0; int maxDown = 0; int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (MultiTreeNode child : root.children) { if (child == null) { continue; } ResultType childResult = helper(child); if (child.val + 1 == root.val) { maxDown = Math.max(maxDown, childResult.maxDown + 1); } if (child.val - 1 == root.val) { maxUp = Math.max(maxUp, childResult.maxUp + 1); } max = Math.max(Math.max(max, childResult.globalMax), maxUp + maxDown + 1); } return new ResultType(max, maxUp, maxDown); }
[LeetCode] 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence 二叉树最长连续序列
[LeetCode] 549. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II 二叉树最长连续序列之 II