Find all possible combinations of k numbers that add up to a number n, given that only numbers from 1 to 9 can be used and each combination should be a unique set of numbers.
Example 1:
Input: k = 3, n = 7
Example 2:
Input: k = 3, n = 9
[[1,2,6], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]]
Special thanks to @mithmatt for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> combinationSum3(int k, int n) { List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); List<Integer> curr = new ArrayList<Integer>(); helper(result, curr, k, 1, n); return result; } public void helper(List<List<Integer>> result, List<Integer> curr, int k, int start, int sum){ if(sum<0){ return; } if(sum==0 && curr.size()==k){ result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(curr)); return; } for(int i=start; i<=9; i++){ curr.add(i); helper(result, curr, k, i+1, sum-i); curr.remove(curr.size()-1); } } }
class Solution: # @param {integer} k # @param {integer} n # @return {integer[][]} def combinationSum3(self, k, n): result = [] self.combinationSumRecu(result, [], 1, k, n) return result def combinationSumRecu(self, result, intermediate, start, k, target): if k == 0 and target == 0: result.append(list(intermediate)) elif k < 0: return while start < 10 and start * k + k * (k - 1) / 2 <= target: intermediate.append(start) self.combinationSumRecu(result, intermediate, start + 1, k - 1, target - start) intermediate.pop() start += 1
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int> > combinationSum3(int k, int n) { vector<vector<int> > res; vector<int> out; combinationSum3DFS(k, n, 1, out, res); return res; } void combinationSum3DFS(int k, int n, int level, vector<int> &out, vector<vector<int> > &res) { if (n < 0) return; if (n == 0 && out.size() == k) res.push_back(out); for (int i = level; i <= 9; ++i) { out.push_back(i); combinationSum3DFS(k, n - i, i + 1, out, res); out.pop_back(); } } };
[LeetCode] 77. Combinations 全组合
[LeetCode] 39. Combination Sum 组合之和
[LeetCode] 40. Combination Sum II
[LeetCode] 216. Combination Sum III
[LeetCode] 377. Combination Sum IV