A million ways to customize everything
The world is a colorful place because we are all different and unique. We at Vivaldi believe in making software that lets you do things your way. We adapt to you! With Vivaldi you can customize the browser the way you want. Do you prefer the browser tabs placed at the bottom or on the side of the window? Or, a different location for the address bar? Whether it's your keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, appearance or a modification to address color blindness, Vivaldi gives you the tools.
最牛的特点就是定制, 号称一百万种定制方法, 可以定制任何内容。 只有你想不到, 没有你定制不到的。
One of the things that makes Vivaldi unique is that it is built on modern web technologies. We use JavaScript and React to create the user interface with the help of Node.js and a long list of NPM modules. Vivaldi is the web built with the web.
所以其具有很强大的定制能力, 界面与数据绑定, 数据被做成配置, 界面定制,只相当于配置改变。