• Django REST framework -- Authentication & Permissions

    Authentication & Permissions


    对于view需要限制用户的访问权限, 例如认证 和 许可。

    Currently our API doesn't have any restrictions on who can edit or delete code snippets. We'd like to have some more advanced behavior in order to make sure that:

    • Code snippets are always associated with a creator.
    • Only authenticated users may create snippets.
    • Only the creator of a snippet may update or delete it.
    • Unauthenticated requests should have full read-only access.

    Adding information to our model


    在snippet模型中,添加 owner 和 highlighted field。

    owner = models.ForeignKey('auth.User', related_name='snippets', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    highlighted = models.TextField()

    引入 高亮代码 工具

    from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
    from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
    from pygments import highlight

    在创建snippet 序列化类中, 添加save函数, 保存高亮后的结果。

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use the `pygments` library to create a highlighted HTML
        representation of the code snippet.
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.language)
        linenos = 'table' if self.linenos else False
        options = {'title': self.title} if self.title else {}
        formatter = HtmlFormatter(style=self.style, linenos=linenos,
                                  full=True, **options)
        self.highlighted = highlight(self.code, lexer, formatter)
        super(Snippet, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    Adding endpoints for our User models


    在用户的序列化类中, 添加此用户对应的所有 snippets的主键field。

    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
        snippets = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=True, queryset=Snippet.objects.all())
        class Meta:
            model = User
            fields = ['id', 'username', 'snippets']


    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    class UserList(generics.ListAPIView):
        queryset = User.objects.all()
        serializer_class = UserSerializer
    class UserDetail(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
        queryset = User.objects.all()
        serializer_class = UserSerializer

    Associating Snippets with Users


    SnippetList视图中, 在创建函数中, 将当前用户保存为 owner字段。

    def perform_create(self, serializer):

    Updating our serializer



    Now that snippets are associated with the user that created them, let's update our SnippetSerializer to reflect that. Add the following field to the serializer definition in serializers.py:

    owner = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source='owner.username')

    Adding required permissions to views


    在视图中 ,添加许可声明。

    Now that code snippets are associated with users, we want to make sure that only authenticated users are able to create, update and delete code snippets.

    REST framework includes a number of permission classes that we can use to restrict who can access a given view. In this case the one we're looking for is IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, which will ensure that authenticated requests get read-write access, and unauthenticated requests get read-only access.

    First add the following import in the views module

    from rest_framework import permissions

    Then, add the following property to both the SnippetList and SnippetDetail view classes.

    permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly]




    The AllowAny permission class will allow unrestricted access, regardless of if the request was authenticated or unauthenticated.

    This permission is not strictly required, since you can achieve the same result by using an empty list or tuple for the permissions setting, but you may find it useful to specify this class because it makes the intention explicit.


    The IsAuthenticated permission class will deny permission to any unauthenticated user, and allow permission otherwise.

    This permission is suitable if you want your API to only be accessible to registered users.


    The IsAdminUser permission class will deny permission to any user, unless user.is_staff is True in which case permission will be allowed.

    This permission is suitable if you want your API to only be accessible to a subset of trusted administrators.


    The IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly will allow authenticated users to perform any request. Requests for unauthorised users will only be permitted if the request method is one of the "safe" methods; GET, HEAD or OPTIONS.

    This permission is suitable if you want to your API to allow read permissions to anonymous users, and only allow write permissions to authenticated users.

    The Browsable API



    API may stand for Application Programming Interface, but humans have to be able to read the APIs, too; someone has to do the programming. Django REST Framework supports generating human-friendly HTML output for each resource when the HTML format is requested. These pages allow for easy browsing of resources, as well as forms for submitting data to the resources using POST, PUT, and DELETE.

    出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/lightsong/ 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lightsong/p/15400098.html
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