• Windows调试——使用windbg查找内存泄露



    1. Windbg 加载程序依赖库所用pdb文件。
    2. 挂载进程或者加载已生成的pdb文件
    3. 输入命令查看内存。

    3.1 !heap –s 查看程序内存状况 
    0:000> !heap -s 
    NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for new heaps: 
    stack back traces 
    LFH Key : 0x73ccd2bf 
    Termination on corruption : DISABLED 
    Heap Flags Reserv Commit Virt Free List UCR Virt Lock Fast

    (k) (k) (k) (k) length blocks cont. heap

    004e0000 08000002 4096 3968 4096 45 86 3 0 0 LFH 
    006f0000 08001002 1088 804 1088 40 3 2 0 0 LFH 
    002d0000 08001002 1280 292 1280 9 16 2 0 0 LFH 
    Virtual block: 05f10000 - 05f10000 (size 00000000) 
    Virtual block: 45fd0000 - 45fd0000 (size 00000000) 
    Virtual block: 466d0000 - 466d0000 (size 00000000) 
    Virtual block: 47310000 - 47310000 (size 00000000) 
    00b70000 08001002 250748 250044 250748 3122 925 58 4 9 LFH 
    00480000 08001002 256 148 256 6 1 1 0 0 LFH 
    04f80000 08001002 256 4 256 2 1 1 0 0 
    00bb0000 08011002 256 80 256 74 3 1 0 0 
    04ed0000 08001002 64 16 64 13 1 1 0 0 
    059e0000 08001002 64 4 64 2 1 1 0 0 
    05bd0000 08001002 64 4 64 2 1 1 0 0 
    05dc0000 08001002 256 4 256 1 2 1 0 0 
    04e40000 08001002 1280 300 1280 49 12 2 0 0 LFH 
    Virtual block: 6b310000 - 6b310000 (size 00000000) 
    Virtual block: 6b520000 - 6b520000 (size 00000000) 
    180f0000 08001002 1088 676 1088 267 5 2 2 23 
    18740000 08001002 7232 6236 7232 3956 49 13 0 26 LFH 
    External fragmentation 63 % (49 free blocks) 
    18b60000 08001002 1088 220 1088 24 8 2 0 0 LFH 
    04e30000 08001002 1088 148 1088 2 4 2 0 0 LFH

    过一段时间再次通过!heap –s 查看程序内存状况。找出增长较快的内存块,如00b70000。

    3.2 !heap -stat –h 查看00b70000内存详细情况 
    0:000> !heap -stat -h 00b70000 
    heap @ 00b70000 
    group-by: TOTSIZE max-display: 20 
    size #blocks total ( %) (percent of total busy bytes) 
    ea60 f88 - e382300 (57.83) 
    9c61334 1 - 9c61334 (39.75) 
    1b7730 1 - 1b7730 (0.44) 
    147254 1 - 147254 (0.32) 
    124f74 1 - 124f74 (0.29) 
    c de5e - a6c68 (0.17) 
    2000 41 - 82000 (0.13) 
    214 3d1 - 7ee54 (0.13) 
    28 2a67 - 6a018 (0.11) 
    42b0 14 - 535c0 (0.08) 
    1c 2914 - 47e30 (0.07) 
    2b70 14 - 364c0 (0.05) 
    14 29b4 - 34210 (0.05) 
    32000 1 - 32000 (0.05) 
    18 1ac1 - 28218 (0.04) 
    4 7df4 - 1f7d0 (0.03) 
    1d4c4 1 - 1d4c4 (0.03) 
    1740 14 - 1d100 (0.03) 
    2408 c - 1b060 (0.03) 
    208 cc - 19e60 (0.03)

    3.3 !heap -flt s 查进程中size=ea60的所有内存 
    0:000> !heap -flt s ea60 
    _HEAP @ 4e0000 
    _HEAP @ 6f0000 
    _HEAP @ 2d0000 
    _HEAP @ b70000 
    HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state 
    5272cc18 1d4f 0000 [00] 5272cc30 0ea60 - (busy) 
    537bc578 1d4f 1d4f [00] 537bc590 0ea60 - (busy) 
    537cbf98 1d4f 1d4f [00] 537cbfb0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53862f20 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53862f38 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53871998 1d4f 1d4f [00] 538719b0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53890608 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53890620 0ea60 - (busy) 
    538ace68 1d4f 1d4f [00] 538ace80 0ea60 - (busy) 
    538bb8e0 1d4f 1d4f [00] 538bb8f8 0ea60 - (busy) 
    538dcec8 1d4f 1d4f [00] 538dcee0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53901af8 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53901b10 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53910570 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53910588 0ea60 - (busy) 
    5391efe8 1d4f 1d4f [00] 5391f000 0ea60 - (busy) 
    539b71a0 1d4f 1d4f [00] 539b71b8 0ea60 - (busy) 
    539c5c18 1d4f 1d4f [00] 539c5c30 0ea60 - (busy) 
    539d4690 1d4f 1d4f [00] 539d46a8 0ea60 - (busy) 
    539e3108 1d4f 1d4f [00] 539e3120 0ea60 - (busy) 
    539f1b80 1d4f 1d4f [00] 539f1b98 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a005f8 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a00610 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a0f070 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a0f088 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a20f98 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a20fb0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a2fa10 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a2fa28 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a4e6b8 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a4e6d0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a66fa0 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a66fb8 0ea60 - (busy) 
    53a75a18 1d4f 1d4f [00] 53a75a30 0ea60 - (busy) 
    71614e20 1d4f 1d4f [00] 71614e38 0ea60 - (busy) 
    71623898 1d4f 1d4f [00] 716238b0 0ea60 - (busy) 
    71632310 1d4f 1d4f [00] 71632328 0ea60 - (busy) 
    3.4 !heap -p –a 查看内存堆栈,定位泄露根源。 
    0:000> !heap -p -a 71614e38 
    address 71614e38 found in 
    _HEAP @ b70000 
    HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state 
    71614e20 1d4f 0000 [00] 71614e38 0ea60 - (busy) 
    Trace: 5be4158 
    76f5dfa2 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x00000274 
    72873db8 MSVCR90!malloc+0x00000079 
    70e7b9dd BInterface!osip_malloc+0x0000000d 
    70e83f93 BInterface!sdp_message_to_str+0x00000073 
    70e3751f BInterface!CSdpParse::sdp_to_str+0x0000001f 
    70e14b06 BInterface!CUserAgent::DoStartStream+0x00000316 
    70e26e3b BInterface!BI_StartRealStream+0x000000fb

    0:000> !heap -p -a 721acf68 
    address 721acf68 found in 
    _HEAP @ b70000 
    HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state 
    721acf50 1d4f 0000 [00] 721acf68 0ea60 - (busy) 
    Trace: 5be4158 
    76f5dfa2 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x00000274 
    72873db8 MSVCR90!malloc+0x00000079 
    70e7b9dd BInterface!osip_malloc+0x0000000d 
    70e83f93 BInterface!sdp_message_to_str+0x00000073 
    70e3751f BInterface!CSdpParse::sdp_to_str+0x0000001f 
    70e14b06 BInterface!CUserAgent::DoStartStream+0x00000316 
    70e26e3b BInterface!BI_StartRealStream+0x000000fb

      1. 通过以上分析可以定位到BInterface相关接口导致内存泄露。
  • 相关阅读:
    LeetCode 606. Construct String from Binary Tree (建立一个二叉树的string)
    LeetCode 617. Merge Two Binary Tree (合并两个二叉树)
    LeetCode 476. Number Complement (数的补数)
    LeetCode 575. Distribute Candies (发糖果)
    LeetCode 461. Hamming Distance (汉明距离)
    LeetCode 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal (把一个数转化为16进制)
    LeetCode 594. Longest Harmonious Subsequence (最长的协调子序列)
    LeetCode 371. Sum of Two Integers (两数之和)
    LeetCode 342. Power of Four (4的次方)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lidabo/p/14363168.html
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