• logstash-input-file 参数说明

    参数 close_older

    # This has different implications depending on if a file is being tailed or  read. 
    # If tailing, and there is a large time gap in incoming data the file can be closed (allowing other files to be opened)
    # but will be queued for reopening when new data is detected. 
    # If reading, the file will be closed after closed_older seconds from when the last bytes were read. 
    # The default is 1 hour 
    # 当有大量新文件需要监控的时候,该值需要设置得适当小一些。
    # 因为该 plugin 默认是最大打开4095 个文件,如果短时间内有超过这个数量的文档需要处理,将导致不会响应新的 event 。

    参数 ignore_older

    # 如果你有一些老文件的内容需要处理(该文件又不会新增内容,只是要处理已有内容),那么该值需要设置得较大才行,否则这些文件将会被 ignore 。
    # 比如你有一年前的数据,那么该值必须大于一年的秒数 31557600 ,,,

    参数 start_position

    # Choose where Logstash starts initially reading files: at the beginning or 
    # at the end. The default behavior treats files like live streams and thus 
    # starts at the end. If you have old data you want to import, set this to 'beginning' 
    #如果有老文件需要处理,需要设置为 beginning ,否则将不会处理。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/licongyu/p/5252505.html
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